Class FastHadamardTransformer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class FastHadamardTransformer
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements RealTransformer
    Implements the Fast Hadamard Transform (FHT). Transformation of an input vector x to the output vector y.

    In addition to transformation of real vectors, the Hadamard transform can transform integer vectors into integer vectors. However, this integer transform cannot be inverted directly. Due to a scaling factor it may lead to rational results. As an example, the inverse transform of integer vector (0, 1, 0, 1) is rational vector (1/2, -1/2, 0, 0).

    $Revision: 1070725 $ $Date: 2011-02-15 02:31:12 +0100 (mar. 15 févr. 2011) $
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected double[] fht​(double[] x)
      The FHT (Fast Hadamard Transformation) which uses only subtraction and addition.
      protected int[] fht​(int[] x)
      The FHT (Fast Hadamard Transformation) which uses only subtraction and addition.
      double[] inversetransform​(double[] f)
      Inversely transform the given real data set.
      double[] inversetransform​(UnivariateRealFunction f, double min, double max, int n)
      Inversely transform the given real function, sampled on the given interval.
      double[] transform​(double[] f)
      Transform the given real data set.
      int[] transform​(int[] f)
      Transform the given real data set.
      double[] transform​(UnivariateRealFunction f, double min, double max, int n)
      Transform the given real function, sampled on the given interval.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • FastHadamardTransformer

        public FastHadamardTransformer()
    • Method Detail

      • transform

        public double[] transform​(double[] f)
                           throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Transform the given real data set.
        Specified by:
        transform in interface RealTransformer
        f - the real data array to be transformed (signal)
        the real transformed array (spectrum)
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any parameters are invalid
      • transform

        public double[] transform​(UnivariateRealFunction f,
                                  double min,
                                  double max,
                                  int n)
                           throws FunctionEvaluationException,
        Transform the given real function, sampled on the given interval.
        Specified by:
        transform in interface RealTransformer
        f - the function to be sampled and transformed
        min - the lower bound for the interval
        max - the upper bound for the interval
        n - the number of sample points
        the real transformed array
        FunctionEvaluationException - if function cannot be evaluated at some point
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any parameters are invalid
      • inversetransform

        public double[] inversetransform​(double[] f)
                                  throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Inversely transform the given real data set.
        Specified by:
        inversetransform in interface RealTransformer
        f - the real data array to be inversely transformed (spectrum)
        the real inversely transformed array (signal)
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any parameters are invalid
      • inversetransform

        public double[] inversetransform​(UnivariateRealFunction f,
                                         double min,
                                         double max,
                                         int n)
                                  throws FunctionEvaluationException,
        Inversely transform the given real function, sampled on the given interval.
        Specified by:
        inversetransform in interface RealTransformer
        f - the function to be sampled and inversely transformed
        min - the lower bound for the interval
        max - the upper bound for the interval
        n - the number of sample points
        the real inversely transformed array
        FunctionEvaluationException - if function cannot be evaluated at some point
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any parameters are invalid
      • transform

        public int[] transform​(int[] f)
                        throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Transform the given real data set.

        The integer transform cannot be inverted directly, due to a scaling factor it may lead to double results.

        f - the integer data array to be transformed (signal)
        the integer transformed array (spectrum)
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any parameters are invalid
      • fht

        protected double[] fht​(double[] x)
                        throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        The FHT (Fast Hadamard Transformation) which uses only subtraction and addition.
        Requires Nlog2N = n2n additions.

        Short Table of manual calculation for N=8:
        1. x is the input vector we want to transform
        2. y is the output vector which is our desired result
        3. a and b are just helper rows
         | x  |    a     |    b    |    y     |
         | x0 | a0=x0+x1 | b0=a0+a1 | y0=b0+b1 |
         | x1 | a1=x2+x3 | b0=a2+a3 | y0=b2+b3 |
         | x2 | a2=x4+x5 | b0=a4+a5 | y0=b4+b5 |
         | x3 | a3=x6+x7 | b0=a6+a7 | y0=b6+b7 |
         | x4 | a0=x0-x1 | b0=a0-a1 | y0=b0-b1 |
         | x5 | a1=x2-x3 | b0=a2-a3 | y0=b2-b3 |
         | x6 | a2=x4-x5 | b0=a4-a5 | y0=b4-b5 |
         | x7 | a3=x6-x7 | b0=a6-a7 | y0=b6-b7 |
        How it works
        1. Construct a matrix with N rows and n+1 columns
          (If I use [x][y] it always means [row-offset][column-offset] of a Matrix with n rows and m columns. Its entries go from M[0][0] to M[n][m])
        2. Place the input vector x[N] in the first column of the matrix hadm
        3. The entries of the submatrix Dtop are calculated as follows.
          Dtop goes from entry [0][1] to [N/2-1][n+1].
          The columns of Dtop are the pairwise mutually exclusive sums of the previous column
        4. The entries of the submatrix Dbottom are calculated as follows.
          Dbottom goes from entry [N/2][1] to [N][n+1].
          The columns of Dbottom are the pairwise differences of the previous column
        5. How Dtop and Dbottom you can understand best with the example for N=8 above.
        6. The output vector y is now in the last column of hadm
        7. Algorithm from:

                |   0    | 1 | 2 | 3 | ... |n+1|
         |0     | x0     |       /\            |
         |1     | x1     |       ||            |
         |2     | x2     |   <= Dtop  =>       |
         |...   | ...    |       ||            |
         |N/2-1 | xN/2-1  |       \/            |
         |N/2   | xN/2   |       /\            |
         |N/2+1 | xN/2+1  |       ||            |
         |N/2+2 | xN/2+2  |  <= Dbottom  =>      | which is in the last column of the matrix
         |...   | ...    |       ||            |
         |N     | xN/2   |        \/           |
        x - input vector
        y output vector
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if input array is not a power of 2
      • fht

        protected int[] fht​(int[] x)
                     throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        The FHT (Fast Hadamard Transformation) which uses only subtraction and addition.
        x - input vector
        y output vector
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if input array is not a power of 2