Module type Eliom_notif.ARG

module type ARG = sig .. end

ARG is for making Make

type identity 

see S.identity

type key 

see S.key

type server_notif 

see S.server_notif

type client_notif 

see S.client_notif

val prepare : identity ->
server_notif -> client_notif option Lwt.t

prepare f transforms server notifications into client notifications. It provides the identity as a parameter which identifies the client. You can suppress notifications for a specific client (for instance because of missing authorisation) by having f return None.

val equal_key : key -> key -> bool

equal_key is a function testing the equality between two values of type key.

val equal_identity : identity -> identity -> bool

equal_identity is the same as equal_key but for values of type identity.

val get_identity : unit -> identity Lwt.t

get_identity is a function returning a value of type identity corresponding to a client.

val max_resource : int

max_resource is the initial size for the hash table storing the data of clients listening on resources, for best results it should be on the order of the expected number of different resources one may want to be able to listen to.

val max_identity_per_resource : int

max_identity_per_resource is the initial size for the tables storing the data of clients listening on one given resource, fo best results it should be on the order of the expected number of clients that may listen on a given resource.