Class Felix

    • Constructor Detail

      • Felix

        public Felix​(java.util.Map configMap)

        This constructor creates a framework instance with a specified Map of configuration properties. Configuration properties are used internally by the framework to alter its default behavior. The configuration properties should have a String key and an Object value. The passed in Map is copied by the framework and all keys are converted to Strings.

        Configuration properties are generally the sole means to configure the framework's default behavior; the framework does not typically refer to any system properties for configuration information. If a Map is supplied to this method for configuration properties, then the framework will consult the Map instance for any and all configuration properties. It is possible to specify a null for the configuration property map, in which case the framework will use its default behavior in all cases.

        The following configuration properties can be specified (properties starting with "felix" are specific to Felix, while those starting with "org.osgi" are standard OSGi properties):

        • - Sets the directory to use as the bundle cache; by default bundle cache directory is felix-cache in the current working directory. The value should be a valid directory name. The directory name can be either absolute or relative. Relative directory names are relative to the current working directory. The specified directory will be created if it does not exist.
        • - Determines whether the bundle cache is flushed. The value can either be "none" or "onFirstInit", where "none" does not flush the bundle cache and "onFirstInit" flushes the bundle cache when the framework instance is first initialized. The default value is "none".
        • felix.cache.rootdir - Sets the root directory to use to calculate the bundle cache directory for relative directory names. If is set to a relative name, by default it is relative to the current working directory. If this property is set, then it will be calculated as being relative to the specified root directory.
        • felix.cache.filelimit - The integer value of this string sets an upper limit on how many files the cache will open. The default value is zero, which means there is no limit.
        • felix.cache.locking - Enables or disables bundle cache locking, which is used to prevent concurrent access to the bundle cache. This is enabled by default, but on older/smaller JVMs file channel locking is not available; set this property to false to disable it.
        • felix.cache.bufsize - Sets the buffer size to be used by the cache; the default value is 4096. The integer value of this string provides control over the size of the internal buffer of the disk cache for performance reasons.
        • org.osgi.framework.system.packages - Specifies a comma-delimited list of packages that should be exported via the System Bundle from the parent class loader. The framework will set this to a reasonable default. If the value is specified, it replaces any default value.
        • org.osgi.framework.system.packages.extra - Specifies a comma-delimited list of packages that should be exported via the System Bundle from the parent class loader in addition to the packages in org.osgi.framework.system.packages. The default value is empty. If a value is specified, it is appended to the list of default or specified packages in org.osgi.framework.system.packages.
        • org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation - Specifies a comma-delimited list of packages that should be made implicitly available to all bundles from the parent class loader. It is recommended not to use this property since it breaks modularity. The default value is empty.
        • felix.systembundle.activators - A List of BundleActivator instances that are started/stopped when the System Bundle is started/stopped. The specified instances will receive the System Bundle's BundleContext when invoked.
        • felix.log.logger - An instance of Logger that the framework uses as its default logger.
        • felix.log.level - An integer value indicating the degree of logging reported by the framework; the higher the value the more logging is reported. If zero ('0') is specified, then logging is turned off completely. The log levels match those specified in the OSGi Log Service (i.e., 1 = error, 2 = warning, 3 = information, and 4 = debug). The default value is 1.
        • org.osgi.framework.startlevel.beginning - The initial start level of the framework once it starts execution; the default value is 1.
        • felix.startlevel.bundle - The default start level for newly installed bundles; the default value is 1.
        • felix.service.urlhandlers - Flag to indicate whether to activate the URL Handlers service for the framework instance; the default value is "true". Activating the URL Handlers service will result in the URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory() and URLConnection.setContentHandlerFactory() being called.
        • felix.fragment.validation - Determines if installing unsupported fragment bundles throws an exception or logs a warning. Possible values are "exception" or "warning". The default value is "exception".
        • - Flag to indicate whether to consult the default java securtiy policy if no security extension is present. The default value is "false".

        The Main class implements some functionality for default property file handling, which makes it possible to specify configuration properties and framework properties in files that are automatically loaded when starting the framework. If you plan to create your own framework instance, you may be able to take advantage of the features it provides; refer to its class documentation for more information.

        The framework is not actually started until the start() method is called.

        configMap - A map for obtaining configuration properties, may be null.
    • Method Detail

      • adapt

        public <A> A adapt​(java.lang.Class<A> type)
        Description copied from interface: Bundle
        Adapt this bundle to the specified type.

        Adapting this bundle to the specified type may require certain checks, including security checks, to succeed. If a check does not succeed, then this bundle cannot be adapted and null is returned.

        Specified by:
        adapt in interface Bundle
        Specified by:
        adapt in interface Framework
        Type Parameters:
        A - The type to which this bundle is to be adapted.
        type - Class object for the type to which this bundle is to be adapted.
        The object, of the specified type, to which this bundle has been adapted or null if this bundle cannot be adapted to the specified type.
      • getBundleId

        public long getBundleId()
        Description copied from interface: Bundle
        Returns this bundle's unique identifier. This bundle is assigned a unique identifier by the Framework when it was installed in the OSGi environment.

        A bundle's unique identifier has the following attributes:

        • Is unique and persistent.
        • Is a long.
        • Its value is not reused for another bundle, even after a bundle is uninstalled.
        • Does not change while a bundle remains installed.
        • Does not change when a bundle is updated.

        This method must continue to return this bundle's unique identifier while this bundle is in the UNINSTALLED state.

        Specified by:
        getBundleId in interface Bundle
        Specified by:
        getBundleId in interface Framework
        The unique identifier of this bundle.
        See Also:
      • getLastModified

        public long getLastModified()
        Description copied from interface: Bundle
        Returns the time when this bundle was last modified. A bundle is considered to be modified when it is installed, updated or uninstalled.

        The time value is the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.

        Specified by:
        getLastModified in interface Bundle
        Specified by:
        getLastModified in interface Framework
        The time when this bundle was last modified.
      • getPersistentState

        public int getPersistentState()
      • setPersistentStateInactive

        public void setPersistentStateInactive()
      • setPersistentStateActive

        public void setPersistentStateActive()
      • setPersistentStateUninstalled

        public void setPersistentStateUninstalled()
      • hasPermission

        public boolean hasPermission​(java.lang.Object obj)
        Description copied from interface: Bundle
        Determines if this bundle has the specified permissions.

        If the Java Runtime Environment does not support permissions, this method always returns true.

        permission is of type Object to avoid referencing the class directly. This is to allow the Framework to be implemented in Java environments which do not support permissions.

        If the Java Runtime Environment does support permissions, this bundle and all its resources including embedded JAR files, belong to the same; that is, they must share the same set of permissions.

        Specified by:
        hasPermission in interface Bundle
        obj - The permission to verify.
        true if this bundle has the specified permission or the permissions possessed by this bundle imply the specified permission; false if this bundle does not have the specified permission or permission is not an instanceof
      • init

        public void init​(FrameworkListener... listeners)
                  throws BundleException
        Description copied from interface: Framework
        Initialize this Framework. After calling this method, this Framework must:
        • Have generated a new framework UUID.
        • Be in the Bundle.STARTING state.
        • Have a valid Bundle Context.
        • Be at start level 0.
        • Have event handling enabled.
        • Have reified Bundle objects for all installed bundles.
        • Have registered any framework services. For example, ConditionalPermissionAdmin.
        • Be adaptable to the OSGi defined types to which a system bundle can be adapted.
        • Have called the start method of the extension bundle activator for all resolved extension bundles.

        This Framework will not actually be started until start is called.

        This method does nothing if called when this Framework is in the Bundle.STARTING, Bundle.ACTIVE or Bundle.STOPPING states.

        All framework events fired by this method method are also delivered to the specified FrameworkListeners in the order they are specified before returning from this method. After returning from this method the specified listeners are no longer notified of framework events.

        Specified by:
        init in interface Framework
        listeners - Zero or more listeners to be notified when framework events occur while initializing the framework. The specified listeners do not need to be otherwise registered with the framework. If a specified listener is registered with the framework, it will be notified twice for each framework event.
        BundleException - If this Framework could not be initialized.
        See Also:
      • start

        public void start()
                   throws BundleException
        This method starts the framework instance, which will transition the framework from start level 0 to its active start level as specified in its configuration properties (1 by default). If the init() was not explicitly invoked before calling this method, then it will be implicitly invoked before starting the framework.
        Specified by:
        start in interface Bundle
        Specified by:
        start in interface Framework
        BundleException - if any error occurs.
        See Also:
      • start

        public void start​(int options)
                   throws BundleException
        Description copied from interface: Bundle
        Starts this bundle.

        If this bundle's state is UNINSTALLED then an IllegalStateException is thrown.

        If the current start level is less than this bundle's start level:

        • If the Bundle.START_TRANSIENT option is set, then a BundleException is thrown indicating this bundle cannot be started due to the Framework's current start level.
        • Otherwise, the Framework must set this bundle's persistent autostart setting to Started with declared activation if the Bundle.START_ACTIVATION_POLICY option is set or Started with eager activation if not set.

        When the Framework's current start level becomes equal to or more than this bundle's start level, this bundle will be started.

        Otherwise, the following steps are required to start this bundle:

        1. If this bundle is in the process of being activated or deactivated then this method must wait for activation or deactivation to complete before continuing. If this does not occur in a reasonable time, a BundleException is thrown to indicate this bundle was unable to be started.
        2. If the Bundle.START_TRANSIENT option is not set then set this bundle's autostart setting to Started with declared activation if the Bundle.START_ACTIVATION_POLICY option is set or Started with eager activation if not set. When the Framework is restarted and this bundle's autostart setting is not Stopped, this bundle must be automatically started.
        3. If this bundle's state is ACTIVE then this method returns immediately.
        4. If this bundle's state is not RESOLVED, an attempt is made to resolve this bundle. If the Framework cannot resolve this bundle, a BundleException is thrown.
        5. If the Bundle.START_ACTIVATION_POLICY option is set and this bundle's declared activation policy is lazy then:
          • If this bundle's state is STARTING then this method returns immediately.
          • This bundle's state is set to STARTING.
          • A bundle event of type BundleEvent.LAZY_ACTIVATION is fired.
          • This method returns immediately and the remaining steps will be followed when this bundle's activation is later triggered.
        6. This bundle's state is set to STARTING.
        7. A bundle event of type BundleEvent.STARTING is fired.
        8. The BundleActivator.start(BundleContext) method of this bundle's BundleActivator, if one is specified, is called. If the BundleActivator is invalid or throws an exception then:
          • This bundle's state is set to STOPPING.
          • A bundle event of type BundleEvent.STOPPING is fired.
          • Any services registered by this bundle must be unregistered.
          • Any services used by this bundle must be released.
          • Any listeners registered by this bundle must be removed.
          • This bundle's state is set to RESOLVED.
          • A bundle event of type BundleEvent.STOPPED is fired.
          • A BundleException is then thrown.
        9. This bundle's state is set to ACTIVE.
        10. A bundle event of type BundleEvent.STARTED is fired.
        • getState() in { INSTALLED, RESOLVED } or { INSTALLED, RESOLVED, STARTING } if this bundle has a lazy activation policy.
        Postconditions, no exceptions thrown
        • Bundle autostart setting is modified unless the Bundle.START_TRANSIENT option was set.
        • getState() in { ACTIVE } unless the lazy activation policy was used.
        • BundleActivator.start() has been called and did not throw an exception unless the lazy activation policy was used.
        Postconditions, when an exception is thrown
        • Depending on when the exception occurred, bundle autostart setting is modified unless the Bundle.START_TRANSIENT option was set.
        • getState() not in { STARTING, ACTIVE }.
        Specified by:
        start in interface Bundle
        Specified by:
        start in interface Framework
        options - The options for starting this bundle. See Bundle.START_TRANSIENT and Bundle.START_ACTIVATION_POLICY. The Framework must ignore unrecognized options.
        BundleException - If this bundle could not be started. BundleException types thrown by this method include: BundleException.START_TRANSIENT_ERROR, BundleException.NATIVECODE_ERROR, BundleException.RESOLVE_ERROR, BundleException.STATECHANGE_ERROR, and BundleException.ACTIVATOR_ERROR.
        See Also:
      • stop

        public void stop​(int options)
                  throws BundleException
        Description copied from interface: Bundle
        Stops this bundle.

        The following steps are required to stop a bundle:

        1. If this bundle's state is UNINSTALLED then an IllegalStateException is thrown.
        2. If this bundle is in the process of being activated or deactivated then this method must wait for activation or deactivation to complete before continuing. If this does not occur in a reasonable time, a BundleException is thrown to indicate this bundle was unable to be stopped.
        3. If the Bundle.STOP_TRANSIENT option is not set then then set this bundle's persistent autostart setting to to Stopped. When the Framework is restarted and this bundle's autostart setting is Stopped, this bundle must not be automatically started.
        4. If this bundle's state is not STARTING or ACTIVE then this method returns immediately.
        5. This bundle's state is set to STOPPING.
        6. A bundle event of type BundleEvent.STOPPING is fired.
        7. If this bundle's state was ACTIVE prior to setting the state to STOPPING, the BundleActivator.stop(BundleContext) method of this bundle's BundleActivator, if one is specified, is called. If that method throws an exception, this method must continue to stop this bundle and a BundleException must be thrown after completion of the remaining steps.
        8. Any services registered by this bundle must be unregistered.
        9. Any services used by this bundle must be released.
        10. Any listeners registered by this bundle must be removed.
        11. If this bundle's state is UNINSTALLED, because this bundle was uninstalled while the BundleActivator.stop method was running, a BundleException must be thrown.
        12. This bundle's state is set to RESOLVED.
        13. A bundle event of type BundleEvent.STOPPED is fired.
        • getState() in { ACTIVE }.
        Postconditions, no exceptions thrown
        • Bundle autostart setting is modified unless the Bundle.STOP_TRANSIENT option was set.
        • getState() not in { ACTIVE, STOPPING }.
        • BundleActivator.stop has been called and did not throw an exception.
        Postconditions, when an exception is thrown
        Specified by:
        stop in interface Bundle
        Specified by:
        stop in interface Framework
        options - The options for stopping this bundle. See Bundle.STOP_TRANSIENT. The Framework must ignore unrecognized options.
        BundleException - BundleException types thrown by this method include: BundleException.STATECHANGE_ERROR and BundleException.ACTIVATOR_ERROR.
        See Also:
      • waitForStop

        public FrameworkEvent waitForStop​(long timeout)
                                   throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        This method will cause the calling thread to block until the framework shuts down.
        Specified by:
        waitForStop in interface Framework
        timeout - A timeout value.
        A Framework Event indicating the reason this method returned. The following FrameworkEvent types may be returned by this method.
        • STOPPED - This Framework has been stopped.
        • STOPPED_UPDATE - This Framework has been updated which has shutdown and will now restart.
        • STOPPED_BOOTCLASSPATH_MODIFIED - This Framework has been stopped and a bootclasspath extension bundle has been installed or updated. The VM must be restarted in order for the changed boot class path to take effect.
        • ERROR - The Framework encountered an error while shutting down or an error has occurred which forced the framework to shutdown.
        • WAIT_TIMEDOUT - This method has timed out and returned before this Framework has stopped.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - If the thread was interrupted.
      • uninstall

        public void uninstall()
                       throws BundleException
        Description copied from interface: Bundle
        Uninstalls this bundle.

        This method causes the Framework to notify other bundles that this bundle is being uninstalled, and then puts this bundle into the UNINSTALLED state. The Framework must remove any resources related to this bundle that it is able to remove.

        If this bundle has exported any packages, the Framework must continue to make these packages available to their importing bundles until the FrameworkWiring.refreshBundles method has been called or the Framework is relaunched.

        The following steps are required to uninstall a bundle:

        1. If this bundle's state is UNINSTALLED then an IllegalStateException is thrown.
        2. If this bundle's state is ACTIVE, STARTING or STOPPING, this bundle is stopped as described in the Bundle.stop method. If Bundle.stop throws an exception, a Framework event of type FrameworkEvent.ERROR is fired containing the exception.
        3. This bundle's state is set to UNINSTALLED.
        4. A bundle event of type BundleEvent.UNINSTALLED is fired.
        5. This bundle and any persistent storage area provided for this bundle by the Framework are removed.
        • getState() not in { UNINSTALLED }.
        Postconditions, no exceptions thrown
        • getState() in { UNINSTALLED }.
        • This bundle has been uninstalled.
        Postconditions, when an exception is thrown
        • getState() not in { UNINSTALLED }.
        • This Bundle has not been uninstalled.
        Specified by:
        uninstall in interface Bundle
        Specified by:
        uninstall in interface Framework
        BundleException - If the uninstall failed. This can occur if another thread is attempting to change this bundle's state and does not complete in a timely manner. BundleException types thrown by this method include: BundleException.STATECHANGE_ERROR
        See Also:
      • update

        public void update​( is)
                    throws BundleException
        Description copied from interface: Bundle
        Updates this bundle from an InputStream.

        If the specified InputStream is null, the Framework must create the InputStream from which to read the updated bundle by interpreting, in an implementation dependent manner, this bundle's Bundle-UpdateLocation Manifest header, if present, or this bundle's original location.

        If this bundle's state is ACTIVE, it must be stopped before the update and started after the update successfully completes.

        If this bundle has exported any packages that are imported by another bundle, these packages must remain exported until the FrameworkWiring.refreshBundles method has been has been called or the Framework is relaunched.

        The following steps are required to update a bundle:

        1. If this bundle's state is UNINSTALLED then an IllegalStateException is thrown.
        2. If this bundle's state is ACTIVE, STARTING or STOPPING, this bundle is stopped as described in the Bundle.stop method. If Bundle.stop throws an exception, the exception is rethrown terminating the update.
        3. The updated version of this bundle is read from the input stream and installed. If the Framework is unable to install the updated version of this bundle, the original version of this bundle must be restored and a BundleException must be thrown after completion of the remaining steps.
        4. This bundle's state is set to INSTALLED.
        5. If the updated version of this bundle was successfully installed, a bundle event of type BundleEvent.UPDATED is fired.
        6. If this bundle's state was originally ACTIVE, the updated bundle is started as described in the Bundle.start method. If Bundle.start throws an exception, a Framework event of type FrameworkEvent.ERROR is fired containing the exception.
        • getState() not in { UNINSTALLED }.
        Postconditions, no exceptions thrown
        • getState() in { INSTALLED, RESOLVED, ACTIVE }.
        • This bundle has been updated.
        Postconditions, when an exception is thrown
        • getState() in { INSTALLED, RESOLVED, ACTIVE }.
        • Original bundle is still used; no update occurred.
        Specified by:
        update in interface Bundle
        Specified by:
        update in interface Framework
        is - The InputStream from which to read the new bundle or null to indicate the Framework must create the input stream from this bundle's Bundle-UpdateLocation Manifest header, if present, or this bundle's original location. The input stream must always be closed when this method completes, even if an exception is thrown.
        BundleException - If this bundle could not be updated. BundleException types thrown by this method include: BundleException.READ_ERROR, BundleException.DUPLICATE_BUNDLE_ERROR, BundleException.MANIFEST_ERROR, BundleException.NATIVECODE_ERROR, BundleException.RESOLVE_ERROR, BundleException.STATECHANGE_ERROR, and BundleException.ACTIVATOR_ERROR.
        See Also:
        Bundle.stop(), Bundle.start()
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
      • getHooks

        public <S> java.util.Set<ServiceReference<S>> getHooks​(java.lang.Class<S> hookClass)
      • getBundleContext

        public BundleContext getBundleContext()
        Description copied from interface: Bundle
        Returns this bundle's BundleContext. The returned BundleContext can be used by the caller to act on behalf of this bundle.

        If this bundle is not in the Bundle.STARTING, Bundle.ACTIVE, or Bundle.STOPPING states or this bundle is a fragment bundle, then this bundle has no valid BundleContext. This method will return null if this bundle has no valid BundleContext.

        Specified by:
        getBundleContext in interface Bundle
        A BundleContext for this bundle or null if this bundle has no valid BundleContext.
      • getEntry

        public getEntry​(java.lang.String name)
        Description copied from interface: Bundle
        Returns a URL to the entry at the specified path in this bundle. This bundle's class loader is not used to search for the entry. Only the contents of this bundle are searched for the entry.

        The specified path is always relative to the root of this bundle and may begin with "/". A path value of "/" indicates the root of this bundle.

        Note: Jar and zip files are not required to include directory entries. URLs to directory entries will not be returned if the bundle contents do not contain directory entries.

        Specified by:
        getEntry in interface Bundle
        name - The path name of the entry.
        A URL to the entry, or null if no entry could be found or if the caller does not have the appropriate AdminPermission[this,RESOURCE] and the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions.
      • getEntryPaths

        public java.util.Enumeration getEntryPaths​(java.lang.String path)
        Description copied from interface: Bundle
        Returns an Enumeration of all the paths (String objects) to entries within this bundle whose longest sub-path matches the specified path. This bundle's class loader is not used to search for entries. Only the contents of this bundle are searched.

        The specified path is always relative to the root of this bundle and may begin with a "/". A path value of "/" indicates the root of this bundle.

        Returned paths indicating subdirectory paths end with a "/". The returned paths are all relative to the root of this bundle and must not begin with "/".

        Note: Jar and zip files are not required to include directory entries. Paths to directory entries will not be returned if the bundle contents do not contain directory entries.

        Specified by:
        getEntryPaths in interface Bundle
        path - The path name for which to return entry paths.
        An Enumeration of the entry paths (String objects) or null if no entry could be found or if the caller does not have the appropriate AdminPermission[this,RESOURCE] and the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions.
      • findEntries

        public java.util.Enumeration findEntries​(java.lang.String path,
                                                 java.lang.String filePattern,
                                                 boolean recurse)
        Description copied from interface: Bundle
        Returns entries in this bundle and its attached fragments. This bundle's class loader is not used to search for entries. Only the contents of this bundle and its attached fragments are searched for the specified entries. If this bundle's state is INSTALLED, this method must attempt to resolve this bundle before attempting to find entries.

        This method is intended to be used to obtain configuration, setup, localization and other information from this bundle. This method takes into account that the "contents" of this bundle can be extended with fragments. This "bundle space" is not a namespace with unique members; the same entry name can be present multiple times. This method therefore returns an enumeration of URL objects. These URLs can come from different JARs but have the same path name. This method can either return only entries in the specified path or recurse into subdirectories returning entries in the directory tree beginning at the specified path. Fragments can be attached after this bundle is resolved, possibly changing the set of URLs returned by this method. If this bundle is not resolved, only the entries in the JAR file of this bundle are returned.


         // List all XML files in the OSGI-INF directory and below
         Enumeration e = b.findEntries("OSGI-INF", "*.xml", true);
         // Find a specific localization file
         Enumeration e = b.findEntries("OSGI-INF/l10n",
             "", false);
         if (e.hasMoreElements())
             return (URL) e.nextElement();

        URLs for directory entries must have their path end with "/".

        Note: Jar and zip files are not required to include directory entries. URLs to directory entries will not be returned if the bundle contents do not contain directory entries.

        Specified by:
        findEntries in interface Bundle
        path - The path name in which to look. The path is always relative to the root of this bundle and may begin with "/". A path value of "/" indicates the root of this bundle.
        filePattern - The file name pattern for selecting entries in the specified path. The pattern is only matched against the last element of the entry path. If the entry is a directory then the trailing "/" is not used for pattern matching. Substring matching is supported, as specified in the Filter specification, using the wildcard character ("*"). If null is specified, this is equivalent to "*" and matches all files.
        recurse - If true, recurse into subdirectories. Otherwise only return entries from the specified path.
        An enumeration of URL objects for each matching entry, or null if no matching entry could be found or if the caller does not have the appropriate AdminPermission[this,RESOURCE], and the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions. The URLs are sorted such that entries from this bundle are returned first followed by the entries from attached fragments in attachment order. If this bundle is a fragment, then only matching entries in this fragment are returned.
      • getHeaders

        public java.util.Dictionary getHeaders()
        Description copied from interface: Bundle
        Returns this bundle's Manifest headers and values. This method returns all the Manifest headers and values from the main section of this bundle's Manifest file; that is, all lines prior to the first blank line.

        Manifest header names are case-insensitive. The methods of the returned Dictionary object must operate on header names in a case-insensitive manner. If a Manifest header value starts with "%", it must be localized according to the default locale. If no localization is found for a header value, the header value without the leading "%" is returned.

        For example, the following Manifest headers and values are included if they are present in the Manifest file:


        This method must continue to return Manifest header information while this bundle is in the UNINSTALLED state.

        Specified by:
        getHeaders in interface Bundle
        An unmodifiable Dictionary object containing this bundle's Manifest headers and values.
        See Also:
      • getHeaders

        public java.util.Dictionary getHeaders​(java.lang.String locale)
        Description copied from interface: Bundle
        Returns this bundle's Manifest headers and values localized to the specified locale.

        This method performs the same function as Bundle.getHeaders() except the manifest header values are localized to the specified locale.

        If a Manifest header value starts with "%", it must be localized according to the specified locale. If a locale is specified and cannot be found, then the header values must be returned using the default locale. Localizations are searched for in the following order:

           bn + "_" + Ls + "_" + Cs + "_" + Vs
           bn + "_" + Ls + "_" + Cs
           bn + "_" + Ls
           bn + "_" + Ld + "_" + Cd + "_" + Vd
           bn + "_" + Ld + "_" + Cd
           bn + "_" + Ld
        Where bn is this bundle's localization basename, Ls, Cs and Vs are the specified locale (language, country, variant) and Ld, Cd and Vd are the default locale (language, country, variant). If null is specified as the locale string, the header values must be localized using the default locale. If the empty string ("") is specified as the locale string, the header values must not be localized and the raw (unlocalized) header values, including any leading "%", must be returned. If no localization is found for a header value, the header value without the leading "%" is returned.

        This method must continue to return Manifest header information while this bundle is in the UNINSTALLED state, however the header values must only be available in the raw and default locale values.

        Specified by:
        getHeaders in interface Bundle
        locale - The locale name into which the header values are to be localized. If the specified locale is null then the locale returned by java.util.Locale.getDefault is used. If the specified locale is the empty string, this method will return the raw (unlocalized) manifest headers including any leading "%".
        An unmodifiable Dictionary object containing this bundle's Manifest headers and values.
        See Also:
        Bundle.getHeaders(), Constants.BUNDLE_LOCALIZATION
      • getLocation

        public java.lang.String getLocation()
        Description copied from interface: Bundle
        Returns this bundle's location identifier.

        The location identifier is the location passed to BundleContext.installBundle when a bundle is installed. The location identifier does not change while this bundle remains installed, even if this bundle is updated.

        This method must continue to return this bundle's location identifier while this bundle is in the UNINSTALLED state.

        Specified by:
        getLocation in interface Bundle
        The string representation of this bundle's location identifier.
      • getResource

        public getResource​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns a URL to a named resource in the bundle.
        Specified by:
        getResource in interface Bundle
        name - The name of the resource. See ClassLoader.getResource for a description of the format of a resource name.
        a URL to named resource, or null if not found.
        See Also:
        Bundle.getEntry(String), Bundle.findEntries(String, String, boolean)
      • getResources

        public java.util.Enumeration getResources​(java.lang.String name)
        Description copied from interface: Bundle
        Find the specified resources from this bundle's class loader. This bundle's class loader is called to search for the specified resources. If this bundle's state is INSTALLED, this method must attempt to resolve this bundle before attempting to get the specified resources. If this bundle cannot be resolved, then only this bundle must be searched for the specified resources. Imported packages cannot be searched when a bundle has not been resolved. If this bundle is a fragment bundle then null is returned.

        Note: Jar and zip files are not required to include directory entries. URLs to directory entries will not be returned if the bundle contents do not contain directory entries.

        Specified by:
        getResources in interface Bundle
        name - The name of the resource. See ClassLoader.getResources for a description of the format of a resource name.
        An enumeration of URLs to the named resources, or null if the resource could not be found or if this bundle is a fragment bundle or if the caller does not have the appropriate AdminPermission[this,RESOURCE], and the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions.
        Throws: - If there is an I/O error.
      • getServicesInUse

        public ServiceReference[] getServicesInUse()
        Description copied from interface: Bundle
        Returns this bundle's ServiceReference list for all services it is using or returns null if this bundle is not using any services. A bundle is considered to be using a service if it has any unreleased service objects.

        If the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions, a ServiceReference object to a service is included in the returned list only if the caller has the ServicePermission to get the service using at least one of the named classes the service was registered under.

        The list is valid at the time of the call to this method, however, as the Framework is a very dynamic environment, services can be modified or unregistered at anytime.

        Specified by:
        getServicesInUse in interface Bundle
        An array of ServiceReference objects or null.
        See Also:
        ServiceReference, ServicePermission
      • getState

        public int getState()
        Description copied from interface: Bundle
        Returns this bundle's current state.

        A bundle can be in only one state at any time.

        Specified by:
        getState in interface Bundle
      • getSymbolicName

        public java.lang.String getSymbolicName()
        Description copied from interface: Bundle
        Returns the symbolic name of this bundle as specified by its Bundle-SymbolicName manifest header. The bundle symbolic name should be based on the reverse domain name naming convention like that used for java packages.

        This method must continue to return this bundle's symbolic name while this bundle is in the UNINSTALLED state.

        Specified by:
        getSymbolicName in interface Bundle
        The symbolic name of this bundle or null if this bundle does not have a symbolic name.
      • getVersion

        public Version getVersion()
        Description copied from interface: Bundle
        Returns the version of this bundle as specified by its Bundle-Version manifest header. If this bundle does not have a specified version then Version.emptyVersion is returned.

        This method must continue to return this bundle's version while this bundle is in the UNINSTALLED state.

        Specified by:
        getVersion in interface Bundle
        The version of this bundle.
      • getSignerCertificates

        public java.util.Map getSignerCertificates​(int signersType)
        Description copied from interface: Bundle
        Return the certificates for the signers of this bundle and the certificate chains for those signers.
        Specified by:
        getSignerCertificates in interface Bundle
        signersType - If Bundle.SIGNERS_ALL is specified, then information on all signers of this bundle is returned. If Bundle.SIGNERS_TRUSTED is specified, then only information on the signers of this bundle trusted by the framework is returned.
        The X509Certificates for the signers of this bundle and the X509Certificate chains for those signers. The keys of the Map are the X509Certificates of the signers of this bundle. The value for a key is a List containing the X509Certificate chain for the signer. The first item in the List is the signer's X509Certificate which is then followed by the rest of the X509Certificate chain. The returned Map will be empty if there are no signers. The returned Map is the property of the caller who is free to modify it.
      • loadClass

        public java.lang.Class loadClass​(java.lang.String name)
                                  throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
        Description copied from interface: Bundle
        Loads the specified class using this bundle's class loader.

        If this bundle is a fragment bundle then this method must throw a ClassNotFoundException.

        If this bundle's state is INSTALLED, this method must attempt to resolve this bundle before attempting to load the class.

        If this bundle cannot be resolved, a Framework event of type FrameworkEvent.ERROR is fired containing a BundleException with details of the reason this bundle could not be resolved. This method must then throw a ClassNotFoundException.

        If this bundle's state is UNINSTALLED, then an IllegalStateException is thrown.

        Specified by:
        loadClass in interface Bundle
        name - The name of the class to load.
        The Class object for the requested class.
        java.lang.ClassNotFoundException - If no such class can be found or if this bundle is a fragment bundle or if the caller does not have the appropriate AdminPermission[this,CLASS], and the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions.
      • getDataFile

        public getDataFile​(java.lang.String filename)
        Description copied from interface: Bundle
        Creates a File object for a file in the persistent storage area provided for this bundle by the Framework. This method will return null if the platform does not have file system support or this bundle is a fragment bundle.

        A File object for the base directory of the persistent storage area provided for this bundle by the Framework can be obtained by calling this method with an empty string as filename.

        If the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions, the Framework will ensure that this bundle has the with actions read,write,delete for all files (recursively) in the persistent storage area provided for this bundle.

        Specified by:
        getDataFile in interface Bundle
        filename - A relative name to the file to be accessed.
        A File object that represents the requested file or null if the platform does not have file system support or this bundle is a fragment bundle.
      • compareTo

        public int compareTo​(Bundle t)
        Specified by:
        compareTo in interface java.lang.Comparable<Bundle>
      • getBundle

        public Bundle getBundle()
        Description copied from interface: BundleReference
        Returns the Bundle object associated with this BundleReference.
        Specified by:
        getBundle in interface BundleReference
        The Bundle object associated with this BundleReference.
      • getRevisions

        public java.util.List<BundleRevision> getRevisions()
        Description copied from interface: BundleRevisions
        Return the bundle revisions for the referenced bundle.

        The result is a list containing the current bundle revision, if there is one, and all in use bundle revisions. The list may also contain intermediate bundle revisions which are not in use.

        The list is ordered in reverse chronological order such that the first item is the most recent bundle revision and last item is the oldest bundle revision.

        Generally the list will have at least one bundle revision for the bundle: the current bundle revision. However, for an uninstalled bundle with no in use bundle revisions, the list may be empty.

        Specified by:
        getRevisions in interface BundleRevisions
        A list containing a snapshot of the BundleRevisions for the referenced bundle.