A collection of OGRPoint. More...
#include <ogr_geometry.h>
Public Types | |
typedef OGRPoint | ChildType |
Type of child elements. More... | |
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typedef OGRGeometry | ChildType |
Type of child elements. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
OGRMultiPoint () | |
Create an empty multi point collection. | |
OGRMultiPoint (const OGRMultiPoint &other) | |
Copy constructor. More... | |
OGRMultiPoint & | operator= (const OGRMultiPoint &other) |
Assignment operator. More... | |
ChildType ** | begin () |
Return begin of iterator. More... | |
ChildType ** | end () |
Return end of iterator. | |
const ChildType *const * | begin () const |
Return begin of iterator. More... | |
const ChildType *const * | end () const |
Return end of iterator. | |
virtual const char * | getGeometryName () const override |
Fetch WKT name for geometry type. More... | |
virtual OGRwkbGeometryType | getGeometryType () const override |
Fetch geometry type. More... | |
OGRErr | importFromWkt (const char **) override |
deprecated | |
virtual OGRErr | exportToWkt (char **, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc) const override |
Convert a geometry into well known text format. More... | |
virtual int | getDimension () const override |
Get the dimension of this object. More... | |
OGRGeometryCollection * | toUpperClass () |
Return pointer of this in upper class. | |
const OGRGeometryCollection * | toUpperClass () const |
Return pointer of this in upper class. | |
virtual void | accept (IOGRGeometryVisitor *visitor) override |
Accept a visitor. More... | |
virtual void | accept (IOGRConstGeometryVisitor *visitor) const override |
Accept a visitor. More... | |
virtual OGRBoolean | hasCurveGeometry (int bLookForNonLinear=FALSE) const override |
Returns if this geometry is or has curve geometry. More... | |
![]() | |
OGRGeometryCollection () | |
Create an empty geometry collection. | |
OGRGeometryCollection (const OGRGeometryCollection &other) | |
Copy constructor. More... | |
OGRGeometryCollection & | operator= (const OGRGeometryCollection &other) |
Assignment operator. More... | |
ChildType ** | begin () |
Return begin of sub-geometry iterator. More... | |
ChildType ** | end () |
Return end of sub-geometry iterator. More... | |
const ChildType *const * | begin () const |
Return begin of sub-geometry iterator. More... | |
const ChildType *const * | end () const |
Return end of sub-geometry iterator. More... | |
virtual OGRGeometry * | clone () const override |
Make a copy of this object. More... | |
virtual void | empty () override |
Clear geometry information. More... | |
virtual OGRErr | transform (OGRCoordinateTransformation *poCT) override |
Apply arbitrary coordinate transformation to geometry. More... | |
virtual void | flattenTo2D () override |
Convert geometry to strictly 2D. More... | |
virtual OGRBoolean | IsEmpty () const override |
Returns TRUE (non-zero) if the object has no points. More... | |
virtual void | segmentize (double dfMaxLength) override |
Modify the geometry such it has no segment longer then the given distance. More... | |
virtual OGRGeometry * | getCurveGeometry (const char *const *papszOptions=nullptr) const override |
Return curve version of this geometry. More... | |
virtual OGRGeometry * | getLinearGeometry (double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees=0, const char *const *papszOptions=nullptr) const override |
Return, possibly approximate, non-curve version of this geometry. More... | |
virtual int | WkbSize () const override |
Returns size of related binary representation. More... | |
virtual OGRErr | importFromWkb (const unsigned char *, int, OGRwkbVariant, int &nBytesConsumedOut) override |
Assign geometry from well known binary data. More... | |
virtual OGRErr | exportToWkb (OGRwkbByteOrder, unsigned char *, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc) const override |
Convert a geometry into well known binary format. More... | |
virtual double | get_Length () const |
Compute the length of a multicurve. More... | |
virtual double | get_Area () const |
Compute area of geometry collection. More... | |
virtual void | getEnvelope (OGREnvelope *psEnvelope) const override |
Computes and returns the bounding envelope for this geometry in the passed psEnvelope structure. More... | |
virtual void | getEnvelope (OGREnvelope3D *psEnvelope) const override |
Computes and returns the bounding envelope (3D) for this geometry in the passed psEnvelope structure. More... | |
int | getNumGeometries () const |
Fetch number of geometries in container. More... | |
OGRGeometry * | getGeometryRef (int) |
Fetch geometry from container. More... | |
const OGRGeometry * | getGeometryRef (int) const |
Fetch geometry from container. More... | |
virtual OGRBoolean | Equals (const OGRGeometry *) const override |
Returns TRUE if two geometries are equivalent. More... | |
virtual void | setCoordinateDimension (int nDimension) override |
Set the coordinate dimension. More... | |
virtual void | set3D (OGRBoolean bIs3D) override |
Add or remove the Z coordinate dimension. More... | |
virtual void | setMeasured (OGRBoolean bIsMeasured) override |
Add or remove the M coordinate dimension. More... | |
virtual OGRErr | addGeometry (const OGRGeometry *) |
Add a geometry to the container. More... | |
virtual OGRErr | addGeometryDirectly (OGRGeometry *) |
Add a geometry directly to the container. More... | |
virtual OGRErr | removeGeometry (int iIndex, int bDelete=TRUE) |
Remove a geometry from the container. More... | |
virtual void | assignSpatialReference (OGRSpatialReference *poSR) override |
Assign spatial reference to this object. More... | |
void | closeRings () override |
Force rings to be closed. More... | |
virtual void | swapXY () override |
Swap x and y coordinates. More... | |
![]() | |
OGRGeometry (const OGRGeometry &other) | |
Copy constructor. More... | |
OGRGeometry & | operator= (const OGRGeometry &other) |
Assignment operator. More... | |
bool | operator== (const OGRGeometry &other) const |
Returns if two geometries are equal. More... | |
bool | operator!= (const OGRGeometry &other) const |
Returns if two geometries are different. More... | |
virtual int | getCoordinateDimension () const |
Get the dimension of the coordinates in this object. More... | |
int | CoordinateDimension () const |
Get the dimension of the coordinates in this object. More... | |
virtual OGRBoolean | IsValid () const |
Test if the geometry is valid. More... | |
virtual OGRBoolean | IsSimple () const |
Test if the geometry is simple. More... | |
OGRBoolean | Is3D () const |
OGRBoolean | IsMeasured () const |
virtual OGRBoolean | IsRing () const |
Test if the geometry is a ring. More... | |
OGRErr | importFromWkb (const GByte *, int=-1, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc) |
Assign geometry from well known binary data. More... | |
OGRErr | importFromWkt (char **ppszInput) CPL_WARN_DEPRECATED("Use importFromWkt( const char**) instead") |
Deprecated. More... | |
OGRwkbGeometryType | getIsoGeometryType () const |
Get the geometry type that conforms with ISO SQL/MM Part3. More... | |
virtual void | dumpReadable (FILE *, const char *=nullptr, char **papszOptions=nullptr) const |
Dump geometry in well known text format to indicated output file. More... | |
virtual char * | exportToGML (const char *const *papszOptions=nullptr) const |
Convert a geometry into GML format. More... | |
virtual char * | exportToKML () const |
Convert a geometry into KML format. More... | |
virtual char * | exportToJson () const |
Convert a geometry into GeoJSON format. More... | |
virtual GEOSGeom | exportToGEOS (GEOSContextHandle_t hGEOSCtxt) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT |
Returns a GEOSGeom object corresponding to the geometry. More... | |
OGRSpatialReference * | getSpatialReference (void) const |
Returns spatial reference system for object. More... | |
OGRErr | transformTo (OGRSpatialReference *poSR) |
Transform geometry to new spatial reference system. More... | |
virtual OGRBoolean | Intersects (const OGRGeometry *) const |
Do these features intersect? More... | |
virtual OGRBoolean | Disjoint (const OGRGeometry *) const |
Test for disjointness. More... | |
virtual OGRBoolean | Touches (const OGRGeometry *) const |
Test for touching. More... | |
virtual OGRBoolean | Crosses (const OGRGeometry *) const |
Test for crossing. More... | |
virtual OGRBoolean | Within (const OGRGeometry *) const |
Test for containment. More... | |
virtual OGRBoolean | Contains (const OGRGeometry *) const |
Test for containment. More... | |
virtual OGRBoolean | Overlaps (const OGRGeometry *) const |
Test for overlap. More... | |
virtual OGRGeometry * | Boundary () const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT |
Compute boundary. More... | |
virtual double | Distance (const OGRGeometry *) const |
Compute distance between two geometries. More... | |
virtual OGRGeometry * | ConvexHull () const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT |
Compute convex hull. More... | |
virtual OGRGeometry * | Buffer (double dfDist, int nQuadSegs=30) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT |
Compute buffer of geometry. More... | |
virtual OGRGeometry * | Intersection (const OGRGeometry *) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT |
Compute intersection. More... | |
virtual OGRGeometry * | Union (const OGRGeometry *) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT |
Compute union. More... | |
virtual OGRGeometry * | UnionCascaded () const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT |
Compute union using cascading. More... | |
virtual OGRGeometry * | Difference (const OGRGeometry *) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT |
Compute difference. More... | |
virtual OGRGeometry * | SymDifference (const OGRGeometry *) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT |
Compute symmetric difference. More... | |
virtual OGRErr | Centroid (OGRPoint *poPoint) const |
Compute the geometry centroid. More... | |
virtual OGRGeometry * | Simplify (double dTolerance) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT |
Simplify the geometry. More... | |
OGRGeometry * | SimplifyPreserveTopology (double dTolerance) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT |
Simplify the geometry while preserving topology. More... | |
virtual OGRGeometry * | DelaunayTriangulation (double dfTolerance, int bOnlyEdges) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT |
Return a Delaunay triangulation of the vertices of the geometry. More... | |
virtual OGRGeometry * | Polygonize () const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT |
Polygonizes a set of sparse edges. More... | |
virtual double | Distance3D (const OGRGeometry *poOtherGeom) const |
Returns the 3D distance between two geometries. More... | |
OGRPoint * | toPoint () |
Down-cast to OGRPoint*. More... | |
const OGRPoint * | toPoint () const |
Down-cast to OGRPoint*. More... | |
OGRCurve * | toCurve () |
Down-cast to OGRCurve*. More... | |
const OGRCurve * | toCurve () const |
Down-cast to OGRCurve*. More... | |
OGRSimpleCurve * | toSimpleCurve () |
Down-cast to OGRSimpleCurve*. More... | |
const OGRSimpleCurve * | toSimpleCurve () const |
Down-cast to OGRSimpleCurve*. More... | |
OGRLineString * | toLineString () |
Down-cast to OGRLineString*. More... | |
const OGRLineString * | toLineString () const |
Down-cast to OGRLineString*. More... | |
OGRLinearRing * | toLinearRing () |
Down-cast to OGRLinearRing*. More... | |
const OGRLinearRing * | toLinearRing () const |
Down-cast to OGRLinearRing*. More... | |
OGRCircularString * | toCircularString () |
Down-cast to OGRCircularString*. More... | |
const OGRCircularString * | toCircularString () const |
Down-cast to OGRCircularString*. More... | |
OGRCompoundCurve * | toCompoundCurve () |
Down-cast to OGRCompoundCurve*. More... | |
const OGRCompoundCurve * | toCompoundCurve () const |
Down-cast to OGRCompoundCurve*. More... | |
OGRSurface * | toSurface () |
Down-cast to OGRSurface*. More... | |
const OGRSurface * | toSurface () const |
Down-cast to OGRSurface*. More... | |
OGRPolygon * | toPolygon () |
Down-cast to OGRPolygon*. More... | |
const OGRPolygon * | toPolygon () const |
Down-cast to OGRPolygon*. More... | |
OGRTriangle * | toTriangle () |
Down-cast to OGRTriangle*. More... | |
const OGRTriangle * | toTriangle () const |
Down-cast to OGRTriangle*. More... | |
OGRCurvePolygon * | toCurvePolygon () |
Down-cast to OGRCurvePolygon*. More... | |
const OGRCurvePolygon * | toCurvePolygon () const |
Down-cast to OGRCurvePolygon*. More... | |
OGRGeometryCollection * | toGeometryCollection () |
Down-cast to OGRGeometryCollection*. More... | |
const OGRGeometryCollection * | toGeometryCollection () const |
Down-cast to OGRGeometryCollection*. More... | |
OGRMultiPoint * | toMultiPoint () |
Down-cast to OGRMultiPoint*. More... | |
const OGRMultiPoint * | toMultiPoint () const |
Down-cast to OGRMultiPoint*. More... | |
OGRMultiLineString * | toMultiLineString () |
Down-cast to OGRMultiLineString*. More... | |
const OGRMultiLineString * | toMultiLineString () const |
Down-cast to OGRMultiLineString*. More... | |
OGRMultiPolygon * | toMultiPolygon () |
Down-cast to OGRMultiPolygon*. More... | |
const OGRMultiPolygon * | toMultiPolygon () const |
Down-cast to OGRMultiPolygon*. More... | |
OGRMultiCurve * | toMultiCurve () |
Down-cast to OGRMultiCurve*. More... | |
const OGRMultiCurve * | toMultiCurve () const |
Down-cast to OGRMultiCurve*. More... | |
OGRMultiSurface * | toMultiSurface () |
Down-cast to OGRMultiSurface*. More... | |
const OGRMultiSurface * | toMultiSurface () const |
Down-cast to OGRMultiSurface*. More... | |
OGRPolyhedralSurface * | toPolyhedralSurface () |
Down-cast to OGRPolyhedralSurface*. More... | |
const OGRPolyhedralSurface * | toPolyhedralSurface () const |
Down-cast to OGRPolyhedralSurface*. More... | |
OGRTriangulatedSurface * | toTriangulatedSurface () |
Down-cast to OGRTriangulatedSurface*. More... | |
const OGRTriangulatedSurface * | toTriangulatedSurface () const |
Down-cast to OGRTriangulatedSurface*. More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual OGRBoolean | isCompatibleSubType (OGRwkbGeometryType) const override |
Returns whether a geometry of the specified geometry type can be a member of this collection. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static OGRGeometryCollection * | CastToGeometryCollection (OGRGeometryCollection *poSrc) |
Cast to geometry collection. More... | |
![]() | |
static GEOSContextHandle_t | createGEOSContext () |
Create a new GEOS context. More... | |
static void | freeGEOSContext (GEOSContextHandle_t hGEOSCtxt) |
Destroy a GEOS context. More... | |
static OGRGeometryH | ToHandle (OGRGeometry *poGeom) |
Convert a OGRGeometry* to a OGRGeometryH. More... | |
static OGRGeometry * | FromHandle (OGRGeometryH hGeom) |
Convert a OGRGeometryH to a OGRGeometry*. More... | |
A collection of OGRPoint.
typedef OGRPoint OGRMultiPoint::ChildType |
Type of child elements.
default |
Copy constructor.
Note: before GDAL 2.1, only the default implementation of the constructor existed, which could be unsafe to use.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Accept a visitor.
Reimplemented from OGRGeometryCollection.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Accept a visitor.
Reimplemented from OGRGeometryCollection.
inline |
Return begin of iterator.
inline |
Return begin of iterator.
overridevirtual |
Convert a geometry into well known text format.
This method relates to the SFCOM IWks::ExportToWKT() method.
This method is the same as the C function OGR_G_ExportToWkt().
ppszDstText | a text buffer is allocated by the program, and assigned to the passed pointer. After use, *ppszDstText should be freed with CPLFree(). |
eWkbVariant | the specification that must be conformed too :
Reimplemented from OGRGeometryCollection.
overridevirtual |
Get the dimension of this object.
This method corresponds to the SFCOM IGeometry::GetDimension() method. It indicates the dimension of the object, but does not indicate the dimension of the underlying space (as indicated by OGRGeometry::getCoordinateDimension()).
This method is the same as the C function OGR_G_GetDimension().
Reimplemented from OGRGeometryCollection.
overridevirtual |
Fetch WKT name for geometry type.
There is no SFCOM analog to this method.
This method is the same as the C function OGR_G_GetGeometryName().
Reimplemented from OGRGeometryCollection.
overridevirtual |
Fetch geometry type.
Note that the geometry type may include the 2.5D flag. To get a 2D flattened version of the geometry type apply the wkbFlatten() macro to the return result.
This method is the same as the C function OGR_G_GetGeometryType().
Reimplemented from OGRGeometryCollection.
overridevirtual |
Returns if this geometry is or has curve geometry.
Returns if a geometry is, contains or may contain a CIRCULARSTRING, COMPOUNDCURVE, CURVEPOLYGON, MULTICURVE or MULTISURFACE.
If bLookForNonLinear is set to TRUE, it will be actually looked if the geometry or its subgeometries are or contain a non-linear geometry in them. In which case, if the method returns TRUE, it means that getLinearGeometry() would return an approximate version of the geometry. Otherwise, getLinearGeometry() would do a conversion, but with just converting container type, like COMPOUNDCURVE -> LINESTRING, MULTICURVE -> MULTILINESTRING or MULTISURFACE -> MULTIPOLYGON, resulting in a "loss-less" conversion.
This method is the same as the C function OGR_G_HasCurveGeometry().
bLookForNonLinear | set it to TRUE to check if the geometry is or contains a CIRCULARSTRING. |
Reimplemented from OGRGeometryCollection.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Returns whether a geometry of the specified geometry type can be a member of this collection.
eSubType | type of the potential member |
Reimplemented from OGRGeometryCollection.
OGRMultiPoint & OGRMultiPoint::operator= | ( | const OGRMultiPoint & | other | ) |
Assignment operator.
Note: before GDAL 2.1, only the default implementation of the operator existed, which could be unsafe to use.