GdkPixbuf – 2.0
Image loading library
GObject—2.0 | The base type system library |
Browse documentation |
Pixbuf |
A pixel buffer. |
PixbufAnimation |
An opaque object representing an animation. |
PixbufAnimationIter |
An opaque object representing an iterator which points to a certain position in an animation. |
PixbufLoader |
Incremental image loader. |
PixbufNonAnim | |
PixbufSimpleAnim |
An opaque struct representing a simple animation. |
PixbufSimpleAnimIter |
PixbufFormat |
A since: 2.2 |
PixbufModule |
A |
PixbufModulePattern |
The signature prefix for a module. since: 2.2 |
Colorspace |
This enumeration defines the color spaces that are supported by the gdk-pixbuf library. |
InterpType |
Interpolation modes for scaling functions. |
PixbufAlphaMode |
Control the alpha channel for drawables. deprecated: 2.42 |
PixbufRotation |
The possible rotations which can be passed to gdk_pixbuf_rotate_simple(). |
PixbufFormatFlags |
Flags which allow a module to specify further details about the supported operations. since: 2.2 |
Error Domains
PixbufError |
An error code in the |
PixbufDestroyNotify |
A function of this type is responsible for freeing the pixel array of a pixbuf. |
PixbufModuleBeginLoadFunc |
Sets up the image loading state. |
PixbufModuleFillInfoFunc |
Defines the type of the function used to fill a
since: 2.2 |
PixbufModuleFillVtableFunc |
Defines the type of the function used to set the vtable of a
since: 2.2 |
PixbufModuleIncrementLoadFunc |
Incrementally loads a buffer into the image data. |
PixbufModuleLoadAnimationFunc |
Loads a file from a standard C file stream into a new |
PixbufModuleLoadFunc |
Loads a file from a standard C file stream into a new |
PixbufModuleLoadXpmDataFunc |
Loads XPM data into a new |
PixbufModulePreparedFunc |
Defines the type of the function that gets called once the initial
setup of since: 2.2 |
PixbufModuleSaveCallbackFunc |
Saves a |
PixbufModuleSaveFunc |
Saves a |
PixbufModuleSaveOptionSupportedFunc |
Checks whether the given |
PixbufModuleSizeFunc |
Defines the type of the function that gets called once the size of the loaded image is known. since: 2.2 |
PixbufModuleStopLoadFunc |
Finalizes the image loading state. |
PixbufModuleUpdatedFunc |
Defines the type of the function that gets called every time a region
of since: 2.2 |
PixbufSaveFunc |
Save functions used by since: 2.4 |
Function Macros
Macro to test the version of GdkPixbuf being compiled against. since: 2.36 |
Major version of gdk-pixbuf library, that is the “0” in “0.8.2” for example. |
Micro version of gdk-pixbuf library, that is the “2” in “0.8.2” for example. |
Minor version of gdk-pixbuf library, that is the “8” in “0.8.2” for example. |
Contains the full version of GdkPixbuf as a string. |