Class WbemcliUtil.WmiResult<T extends Enum<T>>

  • Enclosing class:

    public class WbemcliUtil.WmiResult<T extends Enum<T>>
    extends Object
    Helper class wrapping an EnumMap containing the results of a query.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WmiResult

        public WmiResult​(Class<T> propertyEnum)
        propertyEnum - The enum associated with this map
    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public Object getValue​(T property,
                               int index)
        Gets a value from the WmiResult, which may be null. User must check for null and cast the result. Types correlate to the CIM Type of the enumerated WMI property and will be consistent for a given property, and may be validated by the user using getVtType(T) or the Class of the returned Object.
        property - The property (column) to fetch
        index - The index (row) to fetch
        The Object containing the specified value, which may be null
      • getVtType

        public int getVtType​(T property)
        Gets the Variant type from the WmiResult. The integer value is defined as a VT_* constant in the Variant interface.
        property - The property (column) whose type to fetch
        An integer representing the Variant type
      • getCIMType

        public int getCIMType​(T property)
        Gets the CIM type from the WmiResult. The integer value is defined as a CIM_* constant in the Wbemcli interface.
        property - The property (column) whose type to fetch
        An integer representing the CIM type
      • getResultCount

        public int getResultCount()
        The number of results in each mapped list