Class WbemcliUtil

  • public class WbemcliUtil
    extends Object
    Utility class providing access to Windows Management Interface (WMI) via COM.
    • Field Detail

      • INSTANCE

        public static final WbemcliUtil INSTANCE
        Instance to generate the WmiQuery class.

        public static final String DEFAULT_NAMESPACE
        The default namespace for most WMI queries.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • WbemcliUtil

        public WbemcliUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • hasNamespace

        public static boolean hasNamespace​(String namespace)
        Determine if WMI has the requested namespace. Some namespaces only exist on newer versions of Windows.
        namespace - The namespace to test
        true if the namespace exists, false otherwise
      • connectServer

        public static Wbemcli.IWbemServices connectServer​(String namespace)
        Obtains a locator to the WMI server and connects to the specified namespace
        namespace - The namespace to connect to
        A service representing the connected namespace, which can be queried. This service may be re-used for multiple queries and should be released by the user