Interface DdemlUtil.AdvstopHandler

  • Enclosing class:

    public static interface DdemlUtil.AdvstopHandler
    • Method Detail

      • onAdvstop

        void onAdvstop​(int transactionType,
                       int dataFormat,
                       Ddeml.HCONV hconv,
                       Ddeml.HSZ topic,
                       Ddeml.HSZ item)
        A client uses the XTYP_ADVSTOP transaction to end an advise loop with a server. A Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) server callback function, DdeCallback, receives this transaction when a client specifies XTYP_ADVSTOP in the DdeClientTransaction function.
        transactionType - uType - The transaction type.
        dataFormat - uFmt - The data format associated with the advise loop being ended.
        hconv - A handle to the conversation.
        topic - hsz1 - A handle to the topic name.
        item - hsz2 - A handle to the item name.