Class WinDef.BOOL

    • Constructor Detail

      • BOOL

        public BOOL()
        Instantiates a new bool.
      • BOOL

        public BOOL​(boolean value)
        Instantiates a new bool.
        value - the value
      • BOOL

        public BOOL​(long value)
        Instantiates a new bool.
        value - the value
    • Method Detail

      • booleanValue

        public boolean booleanValue()
      • compare

        public static int compare​(WinDef.BOOL v1,
                                  WinDef.BOOL v2)
        Compares 2 BOOL values - - Note: a null value is considered greater than any non-null one (i.e., null values are "pushed" to the end of a sorted array / list of values)
        v1 - The 1st value
        v2 - The 2nd value
        0 if values are equal (including if both are null, negative if 1st value less than 2nd one, positive otherwise. Note: the comparison uses the booleanValue().
        See Also:
        compare(boolean, boolean)
      • compare

        public static int compare​(WinDef.BOOL v1,
                                  boolean v2)
        Compares a BOOL value with a long one. Note: if the BOOL value is null then it is consider greater than any long value.
        v1 - The WinDef.BOOL value
        v2 - The boolean value
        0 if values are equal, negative if 1st value less than 2nd one, positive otherwise. Note: the comparison uses the IntegerType.longValue().
        See Also:
        compare(boolean, boolean)
      • compare

        public static int compare​(boolean v1,
                                  boolean v2)