• Direct Known Subclasses:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static class WinRas.RASCREDENTIALS
    extends Structure
    The RASCREDENTIALS structure is used with the RasGetCredentials and RasSetCredentials functions to specify the user credentials associated with a RAS phone-book entry.
    • Field Detail

      • dwSize

        public int dwSize
        Specifies the size, in bytes, of the RASCREDENTIALS structure.
      • dwMask

        public int dwMask
        Specifies a set of bit flags. These flags indicate the members of this structure that are valid. On input, set the flags to indicate the members of interest.
      • szUserName

        public char[] szUserName
        Specifies a null-terminated string that contains a user name.
      • szPassword

        public char[] szPassword
        Specifies a null-terminated string that contains a password.
      • szDomain

        public char[] szDomain
        A null-terminated string that contains a domain name.
    • Constructor Detail


        public RASCREDENTIALS()

        public RASCREDENTIALS​(Pointer memory)