Interface BeanArgument

  • @ConsumerType
    public interface BeanArgument
    Metadata for a factory method or constructor argument of a bean. The arguments of a bean are obtained from BeanMetadata.getArguments(). This is specified by the argument elements of a bean.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      int getIndex()
      Return the zero-based index into the parameter list of the factory method or constructor to be invoked for this argument.
      Metadata getValue()
      Return the Metadata for the argument value.
      java.lang.String getValueType()
      Return the name of the value type to match the argument and convert the value into when invoking the constructor or factory method.
    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        Metadata getValue()
        Return the Metadata for the argument value. This is specified by the value attribute.
        The Metadata for the argument value.
      • getValueType

        java.lang.String getValueType()
        Return the name of the value type to match the argument and convert the value into when invoking the constructor or factory method. This is specified by the type attribute.
        The name of the value type to convert the value into, or null if no type is specified.
      • getIndex

        int getIndex()
        Return the zero-based index into the parameter list of the factory method or constructor to be invoked for this argument. This is determined by specifying the index attribute for the bean. If not explicitly set, this will return -1 and the initial ordering is defined by its position in the BeanMetadata.getArguments() list. This is specified by the index attribute.
        The zero-based index of the parameter, or -1 if no index is specified.