Interface ServiceMetadata

    • Field Detail


        static final int AUTO_EXPORT_INTERFACES
        Advertise all Java interfaces implemented by the component instance type as service interfaces.
        See Also:
        getAutoExport(), Constant Field Values

        static final int AUTO_EXPORT_CLASS_HIERARCHY
        Advertise all Java classes in the hierarchy of the component instance type as service interfaces.
        See Also:
        getAutoExport(), Constant Field Values

        static final int AUTO_EXPORT_ALL_CLASSES
        Advertise all Java classes and interfaces in the component instance type as service interfaces.
        See Also:
        getAutoExport(), Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getServiceComponent

        Target getServiceComponent()
        Return the Metadata for the component to be exported as a service. This is specified inline or via the ref attribute of the service.
        The Metadata for the component to be exported as a service.
      • getInterfaces

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> getInterfaces()
        Return the type names of the interfaces that the service should be advertised as supporting. This is specified in the interface attribute or child interfaces element of the service.
        An immutable List of String for the type names of the interfaces that the service should be advertised as supporting. The List is empty if using auto-export or no interface names are specified for the service.
      • getServiceProperties

        java.util.List<MapEntry> getServiceProperties()
        Return the user declared properties to be advertised with the service. This is specified by the service-properties element of the service.
        An immutable List of MapEntry objects for the user declared properties to be advertised with the service. The List is empty if no service properties are specified for the service.
      • getRanking

        int getRanking()
        Return the ranking value to use when advertising the service. If the ranking value is zero, the service must be registered without a service.ranking service property. This is specified by the ranking attribute of the service.
        The ranking value to use when advertising the service.
      • getRegistrationListeners

        java.util.Collection<RegistrationListener> getRegistrationListeners()
        Return the registration listeners to be notified when the service is registered and unregistered with the framework. This is specified by the registration-listener elements of the service.
        An immutable Collection of RegistrationListener objects to be notified when the service is registered and unregistered with the framework. The Collection is empty if no registration listeners are specified for the service.