Class ComponentDescriptionDTO

  • public class ComponentDescriptionDTO
    extends org.osgi.dto.DTO
    A representation of a declared component description.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      java.lang.String activate
      The name of the activate method.
      java.lang.String[] activationFields
      The activation fields.
      org.osgi.framework.dto.BundleDTO bundle
      The bundle declaring the component description.
      java.lang.String[] configurationPid
      The configuration pids.
      java.lang.String configurationPolicy
      The configuration policy.
      java.lang.String deactivate
      The name of the deactivate method.
      boolean defaultEnabled
      The initial enabled state.
      java.lang.String factory
      The component factory name.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> factoryProperties
      The factory properties.
      boolean immediate
      The immediate state.
      java.lang.String implementationClass
      The fully qualified name of the implementation class.
      int init
      The constructor parameter count.
      java.lang.String modified
      The name of the modified method.
      java.lang.String name
      The name of the component.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> properties
      The component properties.
      ReferenceDTO[] references
      The referenced services.
      java.lang.String scope
      The service scope.
      java.lang.String[] serviceInterfaces
      The fully qualified names of the service interfaces.
    • Method Summary

      • Methods inherited from class org.osgi.dto.DTO

      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • name

        public java.lang.String name
        The name of the component.

        This is declared in the name attribute of the component element. This must be the default name if the component description does not declare a name.

      • bundle

        public org.osgi.framework.dto.BundleDTO bundle
        The bundle declaring the component description.
      • factory

        public java.lang.String factory
        The component factory name.

        This is declared in the factory attribute of the component element. This must be null if the component description is not declared as a factory component.

      • scope

        public java.lang.String scope
        The service scope.

        This is declared in the scope attribute of the service element. This must be null if the component description does not declare any service interfaces.

      • implementationClass

        public java.lang.String implementationClass
        The fully qualified name of the implementation class.

        This is declared in the class attribute of the implementation element.

      • defaultEnabled

        public boolean defaultEnabled
        The initial enabled state.

        This is declared in the enabled attribute of the component element.

      • immediate

        public boolean immediate
        The immediate state.

        This is declared in the immediate attribute of the component element.

      • serviceInterfaces

        public java.lang.String[] serviceInterfaces
        The fully qualified names of the service interfaces.

        These are declared in the interface attribute of the provide elements. The array must be empty if the component description does not declare any service interfaces.

      • properties

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> properties
        The component properties.

        These are declared in the component description by the property and properties elements as well as the target attribute of the reference elements.

      • references

        public ReferenceDTO[] references
        The referenced services.

        These are declared in the reference elements. The array must be empty if the component description does not declare references to any services.

      • activate

        public java.lang.String activate
        The name of the activate method.

        This is declared in the activate attribute of the component element. This must be null if the component description does not declare an activate method name.

      • deactivate

        public java.lang.String deactivate
        The name of the deactivate method.

        This is declared in the deactivate attribute of the component element. This must be null if the component description does not declare a deactivate method name.

      • modified

        public java.lang.String modified
        The name of the modified method.

        This is declared in the modified attribute of the component element. This must be null if the component description does not declare a modified method name.

      • configurationPolicy

        public java.lang.String configurationPolicy
        The configuration policy.

        This is declared in the configuration-policy attribute of the component element. This must be the default configuration policy if the component description does not declare a configuration policy.

      • configurationPid

        public java.lang.String[] configurationPid
        The configuration pids.

        These are declared in the configuration-pid attribute of the component element. This must contain the default configuration pid if the component description does not declare a configuration pid.

      • factoryProperties

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> factoryProperties
        The factory properties.

        These are declared in the component description by the factory-property and factory-properties elements. This must be null if the component description is not declared as a factory component.

      • activationFields

        public java.lang.String[] activationFields
        The activation fields.

        These are declared in the activation-fields attribute of the component element. The array must be empty if the component description does not declare any activation fields.

      • init

        public int init
        The constructor parameter count.

        This is declared in the init attribute of the component element. This must be 0 if the component description does not declare an init attribute.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ComponentDescriptionDTO

        public ComponentDescriptionDTO()