Class DeploymentAdminPermission

  • All Implemented Interfaces:,

    public final class DeploymentAdminPermission
    DeploymentAdminPermission controls access to the Deployment Admin service.

    The permission uses a filter string formatted similarly to the Filter. The filter determines the target of the permission. The DeploymentAdminPermission uses the name and the signer filter attributes only. The value of the signer attribute is matched against the signer chain (represented with its semicolon separated Distinguished Name chain) of the Deployment Package, and the value of the name attribute is matched against the value of the "DeploymentPackage-Name" manifest header of the Deployment Package. Example:

    • (signer=cn = Bugs Bunny, o = ACME, c = US)
    • (name=org.osgi.ExampleApp)
    Wildcards also can be used:

    "cn" and "c" may have an arbitrary value
     (signer=*, o=ACME, c=US)
    Only the value of "o" and "c" are significant
     (signer=* ; ou=S & V, o=Tweety Inc., c=US)
    The first element of the certificate chain is not important, only the second (the Distinguished Name of the root certificate)
     (signer=- ; *, o=Tweety Inc., c=US)
    The same as the previous but '-' represents zero or more certificates, whereas the asterisk only represents a single certificate
    The name of the Deployment Package doesn't matter
    The name has to begin with "org.osgi."

    The following actions are allowed:


    A holder of this permission can access the inventory information of the deployment packages selected by the <filter> string. The filter selects the deployment packages on which the holder of the permission can acquire detailed inventory information. See DeploymentAdmin.getDeploymentPackage(Bundle), DeploymentAdmin.getDeploymentPackage(String) and DeploymentAdmin.listDeploymentPackages().


    A holder of this permission can install/update deployment packages if the deployment package satisfies the <filter> string. See DeploymentAdmin.installDeploymentPackage(


    A holder of this permission can uninstall deployment packages if the deployment package satisfies the <filter> string. See DeploymentPackage.uninstall().


    A holder of this permission can forcefully uninstall deployment packages if the deployment package satisfies the <filter> string. See DeploymentPackage.uninstallForced().


    A holder of this permission can cancel an active deployment action. This action being canceled could correspond to the install, update or uninstall of a deployment package that satisfies the <filter> string. See DeploymentAdmin.cancel()


    A holder of this permission is able to retrieve metadata information about a Deployment Package (e.g. is able to ask its manifest headers). See DeploymentPackage.getBundle(String), DeploymentPackage.getBundleInfos(), DeploymentPackage.getHeader(String), DeploymentPackage.getResourceHeader(String, String), DeploymentPackage.getResourceProcessor(String), DeploymentPackage.getResources()

    The actions string is converted to lower case before processing.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static java.lang.String CANCEL
      Constant String to the "cancel" action.
      static java.lang.String INSTALL
      Constant String to the "install" action.
      static java.lang.String LIST
      Constant String to the "list" action.
      static java.lang.String METADATA
      Constant String to the "metadata" action.
      static java.lang.String UNINSTALL
      Constant String to the "uninstall" action.
      static java.lang.String UNINSTALL_FORCED
      Constant String to the "uninstall_forced" action.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      DeploymentAdminPermission​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String actions)
      Creates a new DeploymentAdminPermission object for the given name and action.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
      Checks two DeploymentAdminPermission objects for equality.
      java.lang.String getActions()
      Returns the String representation of the action list.
      int hashCode()
      Returns hash code for this permission object.
      boolean implies​( permission)
      Checks if this DeploymentAdminPermission would imply the parameter permission. newPermissionCollection()
      Returns a new PermissionCollection object for storing DeploymentAdminPermission objects.
      • Methods inherited from class

        checkGuard, getName, toString
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • DeploymentAdminPermission

        public DeploymentAdminPermission​(java.lang.String name,
                                         java.lang.String actions)
        Creates a new DeploymentAdminPermission object for the given name and action.

        The name parameter identifies the target deployment package the permission relates to. The actions parameter contains the comma separated list of allowed actions.

        name - filter string, must not be null.
        actions - action string, must not be null. "*" means all the possible actions.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the filter is invalid, the list of actions contains unknown operations or one of the parameters is null
    • Method Detail

      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
        Checks two DeploymentAdminPermission objects for equality. Two permission objects are equal if:

        • their target filters are semantically equal and
        • their actions are the same
        Specified by:
        equals in class
        obj - The reference object with which to compare.
        true if the two objects are equal.
        See Also:
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns hash code for this permission object.
        Specified by:
        hashCode in class
        Hash code for this permission object.
        See Also:
      • getActions

        public java.lang.String getActions()
        Returns the String representation of the action list.

        The method always gives back the actions in the following (alphabetical) order: cancel, install, list, metadata, uninstall, uninstall_forced

        Specified by:
        getActions in class
        Action list of this permission instance. This is a comma-separated list that reflects the action parameter of the constructor.
        See Also:
      • implies

        public boolean implies​( permission)
        Checks if this DeploymentAdminPermission would imply the parameter permission.

        Precondition of the implication is that the action set of this permission is the superset of the action set of the other permission. Further rules of implication are determined by the Filter rules and the "OSGi Service Platform, Core Specification Release 4, Chapter Certificate Matching".

        The allowed attributes are: name (the symbolic name of the deployment package) and signer (the signer of the deployment package). In both cases wildcards can be used.


          1. DeploymentAdminPermission("(name=org.osgi.ExampleApp)", "list")
          2. DeploymentAdminPermission("(name=org.osgi.ExampleApp)", "list, install")
          3. DeploymentAdminPermission("(name=org.osgi.*)", "list")
          4. DeploymentAdminPermission("(signer=*, o=ACME, c=US)", "list")
          5. DeploymentAdminPermission("(signer=cn=Bugs Bunny, o=ACME, c=US)", "list")

          1. implies 1.
          2. implies 1.
          1. doesn't implies 2.
          3. implies 1.
          4. implies 5.
        Specified by:
        implies in class
        permission - Permission to check.
        true if this DeploymentAdminPermission object implies the specified permission.
        See Also:
        Permission.implies(, Filter
      • newPermissionCollection

        public newPermissionCollection()
        Returns a new PermissionCollection object for storing DeploymentAdminPermission objects.
        newPermissionCollection in class
        The new PermissionCollection.
        See Also: