Class Acl

  • public final class Acl
    extends java.lang.Object
    Acl is an immutable class representing structured access to DMT ACLs. Under OMA DM the ACLs are defined as strings with an internal syntax.

    The methods of this class taking a principal as parameter accept remote server IDs (as passed to DmtAdmin.getSession), as well as " * " indicating any principal.

    The syntax for valid remote server IDs:

    <server-identifier> ::= All printable characters except '=', '&', '*', '+' or white-space characters.

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int ADD
      Principals holding this permission can issue ADD commands on the node having this ACL.
      static int ALL_PERMISSION
      Principals holding this permission can issue any command on the node having this ACL.
      static int DELETE
      Principals holding this permission can issue DELETE commands on the node having this ACL.
      static int EXEC
      Principals holding this permission can issue EXEC commands on the node having this ACL.
      static int GET
      Principals holding this permission can issue GET command on the node having this ACL.
      static int REPLACE
      Principals holding this permission can issue REPLACE commands on the node having this ACL.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Acl​(java.lang.String acl)
      Create an instance of the ACL from its canonical string representation.
      Acl​(java.lang.String[] principals, int[] permissions)
      Creates an instance with a specified list of principals and the permissions they hold.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Acl addPermission​(java.lang.String principal, int permissions)
      Create a new Acl instance from this Acl with the given permission added for the given principal.
      Acl deletePermission​(java.lang.String principal, int permissions)
      Create a new Acl instance from this Acl with the given permission revoked from the given principal.
      boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
      Checks whether the given object is equal to this Acl instance.
      int getPermissions​(java.lang.String principal)
      Get the permissions associated to a given principal.
      java.lang.String[] getPrincipals()
      Get the list of principals who have any kind of permissions on this node.
      int hashCode()
      Returns the hash code for this ACL instance.
      boolean isPermitted​(java.lang.String principal, int permissions)
      Check whether the given permissions are granted to a certain principal.
      Acl setPermission​(java.lang.String principal, int permissions)
      Create a new Acl instance from this Acl where all permissions for the given principal are overwritten with the given permissions.
      java.lang.String toString()
      Give the canonical string representation of this ACL.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • GET

        public static final int GET
        Principals holding this permission can issue GET command on the node having this ACL.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • ADD

        public static final int ADD
        Principals holding this permission can issue ADD commands on the node having this ACL.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • REPLACE

        public static final int REPLACE
        Principals holding this permission can issue REPLACE commands on the node having this ACL.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DELETE

        public static final int DELETE
        Principals holding this permission can issue DELETE commands on the node having this ACL.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • EXEC

        public static final int EXEC
        Principals holding this permission can issue EXEC commands on the node having this ACL.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int ALL_PERMISSION
        Principals holding this permission can issue any command on the node having this ACL. This permission is the logical OR of ADD, DELETE, EXEC, GET and REPLACE permissions.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • Acl

        public Acl​(java.lang.String acl)
        Create an instance of the ACL from its canonical string representation.
        acl - The string representation of the ACL as defined in OMA DM. If null or empty then it represents an empty list of principals with no permissions.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if acl is not a valid OMA DM ACL string
      • Acl

        public Acl​(java.lang.String[] principals,
                   int[] permissions)
        Creates an instance with a specified list of principals and the permissions they hold. The two arrays run in parallel, that is principals[i] will hold permissions[i] in the ACL.

        A principal name may not appear multiple times in the 'principals' argument. If the "*" principal appears in the array, the corresponding permissions will be granted to all principals (regardless of whether they appear in the array or not).

        principals - The array of principals
        permissions - The array of permissions
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the length of the two arrays are not the same, if any array element is invalid, or if a principal appears multiple times in the principals array
    • Method Detail

      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
        Checks whether the given object is equal to this Acl instance. Two Acl instances are equal if they allow the same set of permissions for the same set of principals.
        equals in class java.lang.Object
        obj - the object to compare with this Acl instance
        true if the parameter represents the same ACL as this instance
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns the hash code for this ACL instance. If two Acl instances are equal according to the equals(Object) method, then calling this method on each of them must produce the same integer result.
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
        hash code for this ACL
      • addPermission

        public Acl addPermission​(java.lang.String principal,
                                 int permissions)
        Create a new Acl instance from this Acl with the given permission added for the given principal. The already existing permissions of the principal are not affected.
        principal - The entity to which permissions should be granted, or "*" to grant permissions to all principals.
        permissions - The permissions to be given. The parameter can be a logical or of more permission constants defined in this class.
        a new Acl instance
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if principal is not a valid principal name or if permissions is not a valid combination of the permission constants defined in this class
      • deletePermission

        public Acl deletePermission​(java.lang.String principal,
                                    int permissions)
        Create a new Acl instance from this Acl with the given permission revoked from the given principal. Other permissions of the principal are not affected.

        Note, that it is not valid to revoke a permission from a specific principal if that permission is granted globally to all principals.

        principal - The entity from which permissions should be revoked, or "*" to revoke permissions from all principals.
        permissions - The permissions to be revoked. The parameter can be a logical or of more permission constants defined in this class.
        a new Acl instance
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if principal is not a valid principal name, if permissions is not a valid combination of the permission constants defined in this class, or if a globally granted permission would have been revoked from a specific principal
      • getPermissions

        public int getPermissions​(java.lang.String principal)
        Get the permissions associated to a given principal.
        principal - The entity whose permissions to query, or "*" to query the permissions that are granted globally, to all principals
        The permissions of the given principal. The returned int is a bitmask of the permission constants defined in this class
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if principal is not a valid principal name
      • isPermitted

        public boolean isPermitted​(java.lang.String principal,
                                   int permissions)
        Check whether the given permissions are granted to a certain principal. The requested permissions are specified as a bitfield, for example (Acl.ADD | Acl.DELETE | Acl.GET).
        principal - The entity to check, or "*" to check whether the given permissions are granted to all principals globally
        permissions - The permissions to check
        true if the principal holds all the given permissions
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if principal is not a valid principal name or if permissions is not a valid combination of the permission constants defined in this class
      • setPermission

        public Acl setPermission​(java.lang.String principal,
                                 int permissions)
        Create a new Acl instance from this Acl where all permissions for the given principal are overwritten with the given permissions.

        Note, that when changing the permissions of a specific principal, it is not allowed to specify a set of permissions stricter than the global set of permissions (that apply to all principals).

        principal - The entity to which permissions should be granted, or "*" to globally grant permissions to all principals.
        permissions - The set of permissions to be given. The parameter is a bitmask of the permission constants defined in this class.
        a new Acl instance
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if principal is not a valid principal name, if permissions is not a valid combination of the permission constants defined in this class, or if a globally granted permission would have been revoked from a specific principal
      • getPrincipals

        public java.lang.String[] getPrincipals()
        Get the list of principals who have any kind of permissions on this node. The list only includes those principals that have been explicitly assigned permissions (so "*" is never returned), globally set permissions naturally apply to all other principals as well.
        The array of principals having permissions on this node.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Give the canonical string representation of this ACL. The operations are in the following order: {Add, Delete, Exec, Get, Replace}, principal names are sorted alphabetically.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        The string representation as defined in OMA DM.