Interface MountPoint

  • public interface MountPoint
    This interface can be implemented to represent a single mount point.

    It provides function to get the absolute mounted uri and a shortcut method to post events via the DmtAdmin.

    • Method Detail

      • getMountPath

        java.lang.String[] getMountPath()
        Provides the absolute mount path of this MountPoint
        the absolute mount path of this MountPoint
      • postEvent

        void postEvent​(java.lang.String topic,
                       java.lang.String[] relativeURIs,
                       java.util.Dictionary<java.lang.String,​?> properties)
        Posts an event via the DmtAdmin about changes in the current plugins subtree.

        This method distributes Events asynchronously to the EventAdmin as well as to matching local DmtEventListeners.

        topic - the topic of the event to send. Valid values are:
        • org/osgi/service/dmt/DmtEvent/ADDED if the change was caused by an add action
        • org/osgi/service/dmt/DmtEvent/DELETED if the change was caused by a delete action
        • org/osgi/service/dmt/DmtEvent/REPLACED if the change was caused by a replace action
        Must not be null.
        relativeURIs - an array of affected node URI's. All URI's specified here are relative to the current MountPoint's mountPath. The value of this parameter determines the value of the event property EVENT_PROPERTY_NODES. An empty array or null is permitted. In both cases the value of the events EVENT_PROPERTY_NODES property will be set to an empty array.
        properties - an optional parameter that can be provided to add properties to the Event that is going to be send by the DMTAdmin. If the properties contain a key EVENT_PROPERTY_NODES, then the value of this property is ignored and will be overwritten by relativeURIs.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the topic has not one of the defined values
      • postEvent

        void postEvent​(java.lang.String topic,
                       java.lang.String[] relativeURIs,
                       java.lang.String[] newRelativeURIs,
                       java.util.Dictionary<java.lang.String,​?> properties)
        Posts an event via the DmtAdmin about changes in the current plugins subtree.

        This method distributes Events asynchronously to the EventAdmin as well as to matching local DmtEventListeners.

        topic - the topic of the event to send. Valid values are:
        • org/osgi/service/dmt/DmtEvent/RENAMED if the change was caused by a rename action
        • org/osgi/service/dmt/DmtEvent/COPIED if the change was caused by a copy action
        Must not be null.
        relativeURIs - an array of affected node URI's.

        All URI's specified here are relative to the current MountPoint's mountPath. The value of this parameter determines the value of the event property EVENT_PROPERTY_NODES. An empty array or null is permitted. In both cases the value of the events EVENT_PROPERTY_NODES property will be set to an empty array.

        newRelativeURIs - an array of affected node URI's. The value of this parameter determines the value of the event property EVENT_PROPERTY_NEW_NODES. An empty array or null is permitted. In both cases the value of the events EVENT_PROPERTY_NEW_NODES property will be set to an empty array.
        properties - an optional parameter that can be provided to add properties to the Event that is going to be send by the DMTAdmin. If the properties contain the keys EVENT_PROPERTY_NODES or EVENT_PROPERTY_NEW_NODES, then the values of these properties are ignored and will be overwritten by relativeURIs and newRelativeURIs.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the topic has not one of the defined values