Interface ImportRegistration

  • @ProviderType
    public interface ImportRegistration
    An Import Registration associates an active proxy service to a remote endpoint. The Import Registration can be used to delete the proxy associated with an endpoint. It is created with the RemoteServiceAdmin.importService(EndpointDescription) method. When this Import Registration has been closed, all methods must return null.
    • Method Detail

      • getImportReference

        ImportReference getImportReference()
        Return the Import Reference for the imported service.
        The Import Reference for this registration, or null if this Import Registration is closed.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - When this registration was not properly initialized. See getException().
      • update

        boolean update​(EndpointDescription endpoint)
        Update the local service represented by this ImportRegistration. After this method returns the EndpointDescription returned via getImportReference() must have been updated.
        endpoint - The updated endpoint
        true if the endpoint was successfully updated, false otherwise. If the update fails then the failure can be retrieved from getException().
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - When this registration is closed, or if it was not properly initialized. See getException().
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - When the supplied EndpointDescription does not represent the same endpoint as this ImportRegistration.
      • close

        void close()
        Close this Import Registration. This must close the connection to the endpoint and unregister the proxy. After this method returns, all other methods must return null. This method has no effect when this registration has already been closed or is being closed.
      • getException

        java.lang.Throwable getException()
        Return the exception for any error during the import process. If the Remote Service Admin for some reasons is unable to properly initialize this registration, then it must return an exception from this method. If no error occurred, this method must return null. The error must be set before this Import Registration is returned. Asynchronously occurring errors must be reported to the log.
        The exception that occurred during the initialization of this registration or null if no exception occurred.