The exmh Display
by Brent Welch

The exmh display is somewhat like the xmh display. The Figure below has an example.

Figure: exmh display


A folder display at the top has a label for each of your top-level folders. In the middle is a table of contents for the current folder. The current message is shown at the bottom. This area is sometimes called the "scan listing" because it is the output of the MH scan command. Both the folder display and table of contents have some highlights that are described in the Section Folder Display.

The command buttons are grouped into three sets:

The release date and version number of exmh are displayed next to the top row of buttons. The release cycle for exmh goes something like 1.5alpha, 1.5beta, 1.5gamma, ..., 1.5, 1.6alpha, and so on. The unqualified versions are deemed "stable" enough for naive users.

Summary information for the current folder appears next to the folder buttons. This indicates the current folder and how many messages are in it. In Figure exmh display, +exmh/users has 6 messages. Just below the table of contents is a status line that provides some feedback about what exmh is doing. When a new message is displayed, the Subject: or MIME Content-Description: field is displayed there. Just to the left of this, the folder and number of the current message are displayed.

To the left of the message buttons, the EXMH logo appears. This is replaced with the facesaver image of the person, or his/her organization, who sent the current message. The Section Faces describes how to set up this feature.