Tool 141: Spoof EthernetIp6Udp packet


  This tool sends a fake packet on the network.
  Each parameter name should be self explaining.
  This tool may need to be run with admin privilege in order to spoof.


  frame, hping, mac, send


  netwox 141 [-d device] [-a eth] [-b eth] [-c uint32] [-l uint32] [-f uint32] [-g uint32] [-h ip] [-i ip] [-j ip6exts] [-o port] [-p port] [-q mixed_data] [-r uint32] [-e uint32] [-s uint32] [-t uint32]


parameter description example
-d|--device device device for spoof Eth0
-a|--eth-src eth Ethernet src E0:69:95:6F:ED:9A
-b|--eth-dst eth Ethernet dst 0:8:9:a:b:c
-c|--ip6-trafficclass uint32 IP6 traffic class 0
-l|--ip6-flowlabel uint32 IP6 flow label 0
-f|--ip6-protocol uint32 IP6 next_header/protocol 0
-g|--ip6-ttl uint32 IP6 hop_limit/ttl 0
-h|--ip6-src ip IP6 src fe80::6aa3:c4ff:feea:768a
-i|--ip6-dst ip IP6 dst fec0:0:0:1::2
-j|--ip6-exts ip6exts IP6 extensions  
-o|--udp-src port UDP src 1234
-p|--udp-dst port UDP dst 80
-q|--udp-data mixed_data mixed data  
-r|--eth-type uint32 Ethernet type 2048
-e|--ip6-payloadlength uint32 IP6 payload length 0
-s|--udp-len uint32 UDP length 0
-t|--udp-checksum uint32 UDP checksum 0


  netwox 141