import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg
from ase.transport.selfenergy import LeadSelfEnergy, BoxProbe
from ase.transport.greenfunction import GreenFunction
from import subdiagonalize, cutcoupling, dagger,\
rotate_matrix, fermidistribution
from ase.units import kB
[docs]class TransportCalculator:
"""Determine transport properties of a device sandwiched between
two semi-infinite leads using a Green function method.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""Create the transport calculator.
h : (N, N) ndarray
Hamiltonian matrix for the central region.
s : {None, (N, N) ndarray}, optional
Overlap matrix for the central region.
Use None for an orthonormal basis.
h1 : (N1, N1) ndarray
Hamiltonian matrix for lead1.
h2 : {None, (N2, N2) ndarray}, optional
Hamiltonian matrix for lead2. You may use None if lead1 and lead2
are identical.
s1 : {None, (N1, N1) ndarray}, optional
Overlap matrix for lead1. Use None for an orthonomormal basis.
hc1 : {None, (N1, N) ndarray}, optional
Hamiltonian coupling matrix between the first principal
layer in lead1 and the central region.
hc2 : {None, (N2, N} ndarray), optional
Hamiltonian coupling matrix between the first principal
layer in lead2 and the central region.
sc1 : {None, (N1, N) ndarray}, optional
Overlap coupling matrix between the first principal
layer in lead1 and the central region.
sc2 : {None, (N2, N) ndarray}, optional
Overlap coupling matrix between the first principal
layer in lead2 and the central region.
energies : {None, array_like}, optional
Energy points for which calculated transport properties are
eta : {1.0e-5, float}, optional
Infinitesimal for the central region Green function.
eta1/eta2 : {1.0e-5, float}, optional
Infinitesimal for lead1/lead2 Green function.
align_bf : {None, int}, optional
Use align_bf=m to shift the central region
by a constant potential such that the m'th onsite element
in the central region is aligned to the m'th onsite element
in lead1 principal layer.
logfile : {None, str}, optional
Write a logfile to file with name `logfile`.
Use '-' to write to std out.
eigenchannels: {0, int}, optional
Number of eigenchannel transmission coefficients to
pdos : {None, (N,) array_like}, optional
Specify which basis functions to calculate the
projected density of states for.
dos : {False, bool}, optional
The total density of states of the central region.
box: XXX
If hc1/hc2 are None, they are assumed to be identical to
the coupling matrix elements between neareste neighbor
principal layers in lead1/lead2.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> h = np.array((0,)).reshape((1,1))
>>> h1 = np.array((0, -1, -1, 0)).reshape(2,2)
>>> energies = np.arange(-3, 3, 0.1)
>>> calc = TransportCalculator(h=h, h1=h1, energies=energies)
>>> T = calc.get_transmission()
# The default values for all extra keywords
self.input_parameters = {'energies': None,
'h': None,
'h1': None,
'h2': None,
's': None,
's1': None,
's2': None,
'hc1': None,
'hc2': None,
'sc1': None,
'sc2': None,
'box': None,
'align_bf': None,
'eta1': 1e-5,
'eta2': 1e-5,
'eta': 1e-5,
'logfile': None,
'eigenchannels': 0,
'dos': False,
'pdos': []}
self.initialized = False # Changed Hamiltonians?
self.uptodate = False # Changed energy grid?
def set(self, **kwargs):
for key in kwargs:
if key in ['h', 'h1', 'h2', 'hc1', 'hc2',
's', 's1', 's2', 'sc1', 'sc2',
'eta', 'eta1', 'eta2', 'align_bf', 'box']:
self.initialized = False
self.uptodate = False
elif key in ['energies', 'eigenchannels', 'dos', 'pdos']:
self.uptodate = False
elif key not in self.input_parameters:
raise KeyError('%r not a vaild keyword' % key)
log = self.input_parameters['logfile']
if log is None:
class Trash:
def write(self, s):
def flush(self):
self.log = Trash()
elif log == '-':
from sys import stdout
self.log = stdout
elif 'logfile' in kwargs:
self.log = open(log, 'w')
def initialize(self):
if self.initialized:
print('# Initializing calculator...', file=self.log)
p = self.input_parameters
if p['s'] is None:
p['s'] = np.identity(len(p['h']))
identical_leads = False
if p['h2'] is None:
p['h2'] = p['h1'] # Lead2 is idendical to lead1
identical_leads = True
if p['s1'] is None:
p['s1'] = np.identity(len(p['h1']))
if identical_leads:
p['s2'] = p['s1']
if p['s2'] is None:
p['s2'] = np.identity(len(p['h2']))
h_mm = p['h']
s_mm = p['s']
pl1 = len(p['h1']) // 2
pl2 = len(p['h2']) // 2
h1_ii = p['h1'][:pl1, :pl1]
h1_ij = p['h1'][:pl1, pl1:2 * pl1]
s1_ii = p['s1'][:pl1, :pl1]
s1_ij = p['s1'][:pl1, pl1:2 * pl1]
h2_ii = p['h2'][:pl2, :pl2]
h2_ij = p['h2'][pl2: 2 * pl2, :pl2]
s2_ii = p['s2'][:pl2, :pl2]
s2_ij = p['s2'][pl2: 2 * pl2, :pl2]
if p['hc1'] is None:
nbf = len(h_mm)
h1_im = np.zeros((pl1, nbf), complex)
s1_im = np.zeros((pl1, nbf), complex)
h1_im[:pl1, :pl1] = h1_ij
s1_im[:pl1, :pl1] = s1_ij
p['hc1'] = h1_im
p['sc1'] = s1_im
h1_im = p['hc1']
if p['sc1'] is not None:
s1_im = p['sc1']
s1_im = np.zeros(h1_im.shape, complex)
p['sc1'] = s1_im
if p['hc2'] is None:
h2_im = np.zeros((pl2, nbf), complex)
s2_im = np.zeros((pl2, nbf), complex)
h2_im[-pl2:, -pl2:] = h2_ij
s2_im[-pl2:, -pl2:] = s2_ij
p['hc2'] = h2_im
p['sc2'] = s2_im
h2_im = p['hc2']
if p['sc2'] is not None:
s2_im = p['sc2']
s2_im = np.zeros(h2_im.shape, complex)
p['sc2'] = s2_im
align_bf = p['align_bf']
if align_bf is not None:
diff = ((h_mm[align_bf, align_bf] - h1_ii[align_bf, align_bf]) /
s_mm[align_bf, align_bf])
print('# Aligning scat. H to left lead H. diff=', diff,
h_mm -= diff * s_mm
# Setup lead self-energies
# All infinitesimals must be > 0
assert np.all(np.array((p['eta'], p['eta1'], p['eta2'])) > 0.0)
self.selfenergies = [LeadSelfEnergy((h1_ii, s1_ii),
(h1_ij, s1_ij),
(h1_im, s1_im),
LeadSelfEnergy((h2_ii, s2_ii),
(h2_ij, s2_ij),
(h2_im, s2_im),
box = p['box']
if box is not None:
print('Using box probe!')
BoxProbe(eta=box[0], a=box[1], b=box[2], energies=box[3],
S=s_mm, T=0.3))
# setup scattering green function
self.greenfunction = GreenFunction(selfenergies=self.selfenergies,
self.initialized = True
def update(self):
if self.uptodate:
p = self.input_parameters
self.energies = p['energies']
nepts = len(self.energies)
nchan = p['eigenchannels']
pdos = p['pdos']
self.T_e = np.empty(nepts)
if p['dos']:
self.dos_e = np.empty(nepts)
if pdos != []:
self.pdos_ne = np.empty((len(pdos), nepts))
if nchan > 0:
self.eigenchannels_ne = np.empty((nchan, nepts))
for e, energy in enumerate(self.energies):
Ginv_mm = self.greenfunction.retarded(energy, inverse=True)
lambda1_mm = self.selfenergies[0].get_lambda(energy)
lambda2_mm = self.selfenergies[1].get_lambda(energy)
a_mm = linalg.solve(Ginv_mm, lambda1_mm)
b_mm = linalg.solve(dagger(Ginv_mm), lambda2_mm)
T_mm =, b_mm)
if nchan > 0:
t_n = linalg.eigvals(T_mm).real
self.eigenchannels_ne[:, e] = np.sort(t_n)[-nchan:]
self.T_e[e] = np.sum(t_n)
self.T_e[e] = np.trace(T_mm).real
print(energy, self.T_e[e], file=self.log)
if p['dos']:
self.dos_e[e] = self.greenfunction.dos(energy)
if pdos != []:
self.pdos_ne[:, e] = np.take(self.greenfunction.pdos(energy),
self.uptodate = True
def print_pl_convergence(self):
pl1 = len(self.input_parameters['h1']) // 2
h_ii = self.selfenergies[0].h_ii
s_ii = self.selfenergies[0].s_ii
ha_ii = self.greenfunction.H[:pl1, :pl1]
sa_ii = self.greenfunction.S[:pl1, :pl1]
c1 = np.abs(h_ii - ha_ii).max()
c2 = np.abs(s_ii - sa_ii).max()
print('Conv (h,s)=%.2e, %2.e' % (c1, c2))
def plot_pl_convergence(self):
pl1 = len(self.input_parameters['h1']) // 2
hlead = self.selfenergies[0].h_ii.real.diagonal()
hprincipal = self.greenfunction.H.real.diagonal[:pl1]
import pylab as pl
pl.plot(hlead, label='lead')
pl.plot(hprincipal, label='principal layer')
def get_current(self, bias, T=0., E=None, T_e=None, spinpol=False):
'''Returns the current as a function of the
bias voltage.
bias : {float, (M,) ndarray}, units: V
Specifies the bias voltage.
T : {float}, units: K, optional
Specifies the temperature.
E : {(N,) ndarray}, units: eV, optional
Contains energy grid of the transmission function.
T_e {(N,) ndarray}, units: unitless, optional
Contains the transmission function.
spinpol: {bool}, optional
Specifies whether the current should be
calculated assuming degenerate spins
I : {float, (M,) ndarray}, units: 2e/h*eV
Contains the electric current.
>> import numpy as np
>> import pylab as plt
>> from ase import units
>> bias = np.arange(0, 2, .1)
>> current = calc.get_current(bias, T = 0.)
>> plt.plot(bias, 2.*units._e**2/units._hplanck*current)
>> plt.xlabel('U [V]')
>> plt.ylabel('I [A]')
if E is not None:
if T_e is None:
self.energies = E
self.uptodate = False
T_e = self.get_transmission().copy()
assert self.uptodate, 'Energy grid and transmission function not defined.'
E = self.energies.copy()
T_e = self.T_e.copy()
if not isinstance(bias, (int, float)):
bias = bias[np.newaxis]
E = E[:, np.newaxis]
T_e = T_e[:, np.newaxis]
fl = fermidistribution(E - bias/2., kB * T)
fr = fermidistribution(E + bias/2., kB * T)
if spinpol:
return .5 * np.trapz((fl - fr) * T_e, x=E, axis=0)
return np.trapz((fl - fr) * T_e, x=E, axis=0)
def get_transmission(self):
return self.T_e
def get_dos(self):
return self.dos_e
def get_eigenchannels(self, n=None):
"""Get ``n`` first eigenchannels."""
if n is None:
n = self.input_parameters['eigenchannels']
return self.eigenchannels_ne[:n]
def get_pdos(self):
return self.pdos_ne
def subdiagonalize_bfs(self, bfs, apply=False):
bfs = np.array(bfs)
p = self.input_parameters
h_mm = p['h']
s_mm = p['s']
ht_mm, st_mm, c_mm, e_m = subdiagonalize(h_mm, s_mm, bfs)
if apply:
self.uptodate = False
h_mm[:] = ht_mm.real
s_mm[:] = st_mm.real
# Rotate coupling between lead and central region
for alpha, sigma in enumerate(self.selfenergies):
sigma.h_im[:] =, c_mm)
sigma.s_im[:] =, c_mm)
c_mm = np.take(c_mm, bfs, axis=0)
c_mm = np.take(c_mm, bfs, axis=1)
return ht_mm, st_mm, e_m.real, c_mm
def cutcoupling_bfs(self, bfs, apply=False):
bfs = np.array(bfs)
p = self.input_parameters
h_pp = p['h'].copy()
s_pp = p['s'].copy()
cutcoupling(h_pp, s_pp, bfs)
if apply:
self.uptodate = False
p['h'][:] = h_pp
p['s'][:] = s_pp
for alpha, sigma in enumerate(self.selfenergies):
for m in bfs:
sigma.h_im[:, m] = 0.0
sigma.s_im[:, m] = 0.0
return h_pp, s_pp
def lowdin_rotation(self, apply=False):
p = self.input_parameters
h_mm = p['h']
s_mm = p['s']
eig, rot_mm = linalg.eigh(s_mm)
eig = np.abs(eig)
rot_mm = / np.sqrt(eig), dagger(rot_mm))
if apply:
self.uptodate = False
h_mm[:] = rotate_matrix(h_mm, rot_mm) # rotate C region
s_mm[:] = rotate_matrix(s_mm, rot_mm)
for alpha, sigma in enumerate(self.selfenergies):
sigma.h_im[:] =, rot_mm) # rotate L-C coupl.
sigma.s_im[:] =, rot_mm)
return rot_mm
def get_left_channels(self, energy, nchan=1):
g_s_ii = self.greenfunction.retarded(energy)
lambda_l_ii = self.selfenergies[0].get_lambda(energy)
lambda_r_ii = self.selfenergies[1].get_lambda(energy)
if self.greenfunction.S is not None:
s_mm = self.greenfunction.S
s_s_i, s_s_ii = linalg.eig(s_mm)
s_s_i = np.abs(s_s_i)
s_s_sqrt_i = np.sqrt(s_s_i) # sqrt of eigenvalues
s_s_sqrt_ii = * s_s_sqrt_i, dagger(s_s_ii))
s_s_isqrt_ii = / s_s_sqrt_i, dagger(s_s_ii))
lambdab_r_ii =, lambda_r_ii), s_s_isqrt_ii)
a_l_ii =, lambda_l_ii), dagger(g_s_ii))
ab_l_ii =, a_l_ii), s_s_sqrt_ii)
lambda_i, u_ii = linalg.eig(ab_l_ii)
ut_ii = np.sqrt(lambda_i / (2.0 * np.pi)) * u_ii
m_ii = 2 * np.pi *, lambdab_r_ii), ut_ii)
T_i, c_in = linalg.eig(m_ii)
T_i = np.abs(T_i)
channels = np.argsort(-T_i)[:nchan]
c_in = np.take(c_in, channels, axis=1)
T_n = np.take(T_i, channels)
v_in =, ut_ii), c_in)
return T_n, v_in