""" """ import pygame from pygame.locals import * from .const import * from . import widget, surface from . import pguglobals class Container(widget.Widget): """The base container widget, can be used as a template as well as stand alone.""" def __init__(self,**params): widget.Widget.__init__(self,**params) self.myfocus = None self.mywindow = None self.myhover = None #self.background = 0 self.widgets = [] self.windows = [] self.toupdate = {} self.topaint = {} def update(self,s): updates = [] if self.myfocus: self.toupdate[self.myfocus] = self.myfocus for w in self.topaint: if w is self.mywindow: continue else: sub = surface.subsurface(s,w.rect) #if (hasattr(w, "_container_bkgr")): # sub.blit(w._container_bkgr,(0,0)) w.paint(sub) updates.append(pygame.rect.Rect(w.rect)) for w in self.toupdate: if w is self.mywindow: continue else: us = w.update(surface.subsurface(s,w.rect)) if us: for u in us: updates.append(pygame.rect.Rect(u.x + w.rect.x,u.y+w.rect.y,u.w,u.h)) for w in self.topaint: if w is self.mywindow: w.paint(self.top_surface(s,w)) updates.append(pygame.rect.Rect(w.rect)) else: continue for w in self.toupdate: if w is self.mywindow: us = w.update(self.top_surface(s,w)) else: continue if us: for u in us: updates.append(pygame.rect.Rect(u.x + w.rect.x,u.y+w.rect.y,u.w,u.h)) self.topaint = {} self.toupdate = {} return updates def repaint(self,w=None): if not w: return widget.Widget.repaint(self) self.topaint[w] = w self.reupdate() def reupdate(self,w=None): if not w: return widget.Widget.reupdate(self) self.toupdate[w] = w self.reupdate() def paint(self,s): self.toupdate = {} self.topaint = {} for w in self.widgets: try: sub = surface.subsurface(s, w.rect) except: print('container.paint(): %s not inside %s' % ( w.__class__.__name__,self.__class__.__name__)) print(s.get_width(), s.get_height(), w.rect) print("") else: # if (not hasattr(w,'_container_bkgr') or # w._container_bkgr.get_size() != sub.get_size()): # #w._container_bkgr.get_width() == sub.get_width() and # #w._container_bkgr.get_height() == sub.get_height())): # w._container_bkgr = sub.copy() # w._container_bkgr.fill((0,0,0,0)) # w._container_bkgr.blit(sub,(0,0)) w.paint(sub) for w in self.windows: w.paint(self.top_surface(s,w)) def top_surface(self,s,w): x,y = s.get_abs_offset() s = s.get_abs_parent() return surface.subsurface(s,(x+w.rect.x,y+w.rect.y,w.rect.w,w.rect.h)) def event(self,e): used = False if self.mywindow and e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: w = self.mywindow if self.myfocus is w: if not w.collidepoint(e.pos): self.blur(w) if not self.myfocus: if w.collidepoint(e.pos): self.focus(w) if not self.mywindow: #### by Gal Koren ## ## if e.type == FOCUS: if e.type == FOCUS and not self.myfocus: #self.first() pass elif e.type == EXIT: if self.myhover: self.exit(self.myhover) elif e.type == BLUR: if self.myfocus: self.blur(self.myfocus) elif e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: h = None for w in self.widgets: if not w.disabled: # Focusable not considered, since that is only for tabs if w.collidepoint(e.pos): h = w if self.myfocus is not w: self.focus(w) if not h and self.myfocus: self.blur(self.myfocus) elif e.type == MOUSEMOTION: if 1 in e.buttons: if self.myfocus: ws = [self.myfocus] else: ws = [] else: ws = self.widgets h = None for w in ws: if w.collidepoint(e.pos): h = w if self.myhover is not w: self.enter(w) break if not h and self.myhover: self.exit(self.myhover) w = self.myhover if w and w is not self.myfocus: sub = pygame.event.Event(e.type,{ 'buttons':e.buttons, 'pos':(e.pos[0]-w.rect.x,e.pos[1]-w.rect.y), 'rel':e.rel}) used = w._event(sub) w = self.myfocus if w: if e.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP or e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: sub = pygame.event.Event(e.type,{ 'button':e.button, 'pos':(e.pos[0]-w.rect.x,e.pos[1]-w.rect.y)}) elif e.type == CLICK and self.myhover is w: sub = pygame.event.Event(e.type,{ 'button':e.button, 'pos':(e.pos[0]-w.rect.x,e.pos[1]-w.rect.y)}) elif e.type == MOUSEMOTION: sub = pygame.event.Event(e.type,{ 'buttons':e.buttons, 'pos':(e.pos[0]-w.rect.x,e.pos[1]-w.rect.y), 'rel':e.rel}) elif (e.type == KEYDOWN or e.type == KEYUP): sub = e else: sub = None #elif e.type == CLICK: #a dead click # sub = None if (sub): used = w._event(sub) if not used and e.type is KEYDOWN: if e.key is K_TAB and self.myfocus: if (e.mod&KMOD_SHIFT) == 0: self.myfocus.next() else: self.myfocus.previous() return True elif e.key == K_UP: self._move_focus(0,-1) return True elif e.key == K_RIGHT: self._move_focus(1,0) return True elif e.key == K_DOWN: self._move_focus(0,1) return True elif e.key == K_LEFT: self._move_focus(-1,0) return True return used def _move_focus(self,dx_,dy_): myfocus = self.myfocus if not self.myfocus: return widgets = self._get_widgets(pguglobals.app) #if myfocus not in widgets: return #widgets.remove(myfocus) if myfocus in widgets: widgets.remove(myfocus) rect = myfocus.get_abs_rect() fx,fy = rect.centerx,rect.centery def sign(v): if v < 0: return -1 if v > 0: return 1 return 0 dist = [] for w in widgets: wrect = w.get_abs_rect() wx,wy = wrect.centerx,wrect.centery dx,dy = wx-fx,wy-fy if dx_ > 0 and wrect.left < rect.right: continue if dx_ < 0 and wrect.right > rect.left: continue if dy_ > 0 and wrect.top < rect.bottom: continue if dy_ < 0 and wrect.bottom > rect.top: continue dist.append((dx*dx+dy*dy,w)) if not len(dist): return dist.sort() d,w = dist.pop(0) w.focus() def _get_widgets(self,c): widgets = [] if c.mywindow: widgets.extend(self._get_widgets(c.mywindow)) else: for w in c.widgets: if isinstance(w,Container): widgets.extend(self._get_widgets(w)) elif not w.disabled and w.focusable: widgets.append(w) return widgets def remove(self,w): """Remove a widget from the container.""" self.blur(w) self.widgets.remove(w) #self.repaint() self.chsize() def add(self,w,x,y): """Add a widget to the container given the position.""" w.style.x = x w.style.y = y w.container = self #NOTE: this might fix it, sort of... #but the thing is, we don't really want to resize #something if it is going to get resized again later #for no reason... #w.rect.x,w.rect.y = w.style.x,w.style.y #w.rect.w, w.rect.h = w.resize() self.widgets.append(w) self.chsize() def open(self,w=None,x=None,y=None): if (not w): w = self if (x != None): # The position is relative to this container rect = self.get_abs_rect() pos = (rect.x + x, rect.y + y) else: pos = None # Have the application open the window pguglobals.app.open(w, pos) def focus(self,w=None): widget.Widget.focus(self) ### by Gal koren # if not w: # return widget.Widget.focus(self) if not w: return if self.myfocus: self.blur(self.myfocus) if self.myhover is not w: self.enter(w) self.myfocus = w w._event(pygame.event.Event(FOCUS)) #print self.myfocus,self.myfocus.__class__.__name__ def blur(self,w=None): if not w: return widget.Widget.blur(self) if self.myfocus is w: if self.myhover is w: self.exit(w) self.myfocus = None w._event(pygame.event.Event(BLUR)) def enter(self,w): if self.myhover: self.exit(self.myhover) self.myhover = w w._event(pygame.event.Event(ENTER)) def exit(self,w): if self.myhover and self.myhover is w: self.myhover = None w._event(pygame.event.Event(EXIT)) # def first(self): # for w in self.widgets: # if w.focusable: # self.focus(w) # return # if self.container: self.container.next(self) # def next(self,w): # if w not in self.widgets: return #HACK: maybe. this happens in windows for some reason... # # for w in self.widgets[self.widgets.index(w)+1:]: # if w.focusable: # self.focus(w) # return # if self.container: return self.container.next(self) def _next(self,orig=None): start = 0 if orig in self.widgets: start = self.widgets.index(orig)+1 for w in self.widgets[start:]: if not w.disabled and w.focusable: if isinstance(w,Container): if w._next(): return True else: self.focus(w) return True return False def _previous(self,orig=None): end = len(self.widgets) if orig in self.widgets: end = self.widgets.index(orig) ws = self.widgets[:end] ws.reverse() for w in ws: if not w.disabled and w.focusable: if isinstance(w,Container): if w._previous(): return True else: self.focus(w) return True return False def next(self,w=None): if w != None and w not in self.widgets: return #HACK: maybe. this happens in windows for some reason... if self._next(w): return True if self.container: return self.container.next(self) def previous(self,w=None): if w != None and w not in self.widgets: return #HACK: maybe. this happens in windows for some reason... if self._previous(w): return True if self.container: return self.container.previous(self) def resize(self,width=None,height=None): #r = self.rect #r.w,r.h = 0,0 ww,hh = 0,0 if self.style.width: ww = self.style.width if self.style.height: hh = self.style.height for w in self.widgets: #w.rect.w,w.rect.h = 0,0 w.rect.x,w.rect.y = w.style.x,w.style.y w.rect.w, w.rect.h = w.resize() #w._resize() ww = max(ww,w.rect.right) hh = max(hh,w.rect.bottom) return ww,hh # Returns the widget with the given name def find(self, name): for w in self.widgets: if (w.name == name): return w elif (isinstance(w, Container)): tmp = w.find(name) if (tmp): return tmp return None