What’s new in gevent 1.4

Detailed information on what has changed is available in the Changelog. This document summarizes the most important changes since gevent 1.3.

gevent 1.4 is a small maintenance release featuring bug fixes and a small number of API improvements.

Platform Support

gevent 1.4 supports the platforms that gevent 1.3 supported, with the exception that for users of Python 3.4, Python 3.4.3 is the minimum supported version.

Test Changes

gevent’s own test suite is now packaged as part of the gevent install, and the greentest/testrunner.py script is now gone from a source distribution or checkout. Instead, tests can be run with python -m gevent.tests. Many tests can be run given an installed version of gevent, although the test dependencies, including cffi, must be installed for all of them to run.

Next page: What’s new in gevent 1.3