# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module corresponds to the misc directory in idlutils.
import numpy as np
from . import PydlutilsException
[docs]def decode_mixed(x):
"""Convert bytes in Numpy arrays into strings. Leave other stuff alone.
x : object
Input object.
If `x` has a ``decode()`` method, ``x.decode()`` will be returned.
Otherwise `x` will be returned unchanged.
return x.decode()
return x
[docs]def djs_laxisgen(dims, iaxis=0):
"""Returns an integer array where each element of the array is set
equal to its index number along the specified axis.
dims : :class:`list`
Dimensions of the array to return.
iaxis : :class:`int`, optional
Index along this dimension.
An array of indexes with ``dtype=int32``.
If `iaxis` is greater than or equal to the number of dimensions.
For two or more dimensions, there is no difference between this routine
and :func:`~pydl.pydlutils.misc.djs_laxisnum`.
>>> from pydl.pydlutils.misc import djs_laxisgen
>>> print(djs_laxisgen([4,4]))
[[0 0 0 0]
[1 1 1 1]
[2 2 2 2]
[3 3 3 3]]
ndimen = len(dims)
if ndimen == 1:
return np.arange(dims[0], dtype='i4')
return djs_laxisnum(dims, iaxis)
[docs]def djs_laxisnum(dims, iaxis=0):
"""Returns an integer array where each element of the array is set equal
to its index number in the specified axis.
dims : :class:`list`
Dimensions of the array to return.
iaxis : :class:`int`, optional
Index along this dimension.
An array of indexes with ``dtype=int32``.
If `iaxis` is greater than or equal to the number of dimensions, or
if number of dimensions is greater than three.
For two or more dimensions, there is no difference between this routine
and :func:`~pydl.pydlutils.misc.djs_laxisgen`.
>>> from pydl.pydlutils.misc import djs_laxisnum
>>> print(djs_laxisnum([4,4]))
[[0 0 0 0]
[1 1 1 1]
[2 2 2 2]
[3 3 3 3]]
ndimen = len(dims)
result = np.zeros(dims, dtype='i4')
if ndimen == 1:
elif ndimen == 2:
if iaxis == 0:
for k in range(dims[0]):
result[k, :] = k
elif iaxis == 1:
for k in range(dims[1]):
result[:, k] = k
raise ValueError("Bad value for iaxis: {0:d}".format(iaxis))
elif ndimen == 3:
if iaxis == 0:
for k in range(dims[0]):
result[k, :, :] = k
elif iaxis == 1:
for k in range(dims[1]):
result[:, k, :] = k
elif iaxis == 2:
for k in range(dims[2]):
result[:, :, k] = k
raise ValueError("Bad value for iaxis: {0:d}".format(iaxis))
raise ValueError("{0:d} dimensions not supported.".format(ndimen))
return result
[docs]def hogg_iau_name(ra, dec, prefix='SDSS', precision=1):
"""Properly format astronomical source names to the IAU convention.
ra : :class:`float` or :class:`numpy.ndarray`
Right ascencion in decimal degrees
dec : :class:`float` or :class:`numpy.ndarray`
Declination in decimal degrees.
prefix : :class:`str`, optional
Add this prefix to the string, defaults to 'SDSS'.
precision : :class:`int`, optional
Display this many digits of precision on seconds, default 1.
:class:`str` or :class:`list`
The IAU name for the coordinates.
>>> from pydl.pydlutils.misc import hogg_iau_name
>>> hogg_iau_name(354.120375,-0.544777778)
'SDSS J233628.89-003241.2'
# Promote scalar values to arrays.
if isinstance(ra, float):
ra = np.array([ra])
if isinstance(dec, float):
dec = np.array([dec])
h = ra/15.0
rah = np.floor(h)
ram = np.floor(60.0*(h-rah))
ras = 60.0*(60.0*(h-rah) - ram)
ras = np.floor(ras*10.0**(precision+1))/10.0**(precision+1)
rasformat = "{{2:0{0:d}.{1:d}f}}".format(precision+4, precision+1)
rah = rah.astype(np.int32)
ram = ram.astype(np.int32)
desgn = np.array(list('+'*len(dec)))
desgn[dec < 0] = '-'
adec = np.absolute(dec)
ded = np.floor(adec)
dem = np.floor(60.0*(adec-ded))
des = 60.0*(60.0*(adec-ded) - dem)
des = np.floor(des*10.0**precision)/10.0**precision
desformat = "{{6:0{0:d}.{1:d}f}}".format(precision+3, precision)
if precision == 0:
desformat = "{6:02d}"
des = des.astype(np.int32)
ded = ded.astype(np.int32)
dem = dem.astype(np.int32)
adformat = "{{0:02d}}{{1:02d}}{ras}{{3:s}}{{4:02d}}{{5:02d}}{des}".format(
ras=rasformat, des=desformat)
adstr = [adformat.format(*x) for x in zip(
rah, ram, ras, desgn, ded, dem, des)]
if prefix == '':
jstr = 'J'
jstr = ' J'
name = ["{0}{1}{2}".format(prefix, jstr, x) for x in adstr]
if len(ra) == 1:
return name[0]
return name
[docs]def hogg_iau_name_main(): # pragma: no cover
from argparse import ArgumentParser
parser = ArgumentParser(description='Properly format astronomical ' +
'source names to the IAU convention.')
parser.add_argument('-P', '--precision', dest='precision', action='store',
metavar='N', default=1, type=int,
help='Digits of precision to add to the declination.')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--prefix', dest='prefix', action='store',
metavar='STR', default='SDSS',
help='Add this prefix to the name.')
parser.add_argument('ra', metavar='RA', type=float,
help='Right Ascension.')
parser.add_argument('dec', metavar='Dec', type=float,
options = parser.parse_args()
print(hogg_iau_name(options.ra, options.dec,
prefix=options.prefix, precision=options.precision))
return 0
[docs]def struct_print(array, filename=None, formatcodes=None, alias=None,
fdigit=5, ddigit=7, html=False, no_head=False,
"""Print a NumPy record array (analogous to an IDL structure) in a
nice way.
array : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
A record array to print.
filename : :class:`str` or file-like, optional
If supplied, write to this file.
formatcodes : :class:`dict`, optional
If supplied, use explicit format for certain columns.
alias : :class:`dict`, optional
If supplied, use this mapping of record array column names to printed
column names.
fdigit : :class:`int`, optional
Width of 32-bit floating point columns, default 5.
ddigit : :class:`int`, optional
Width of 64-bit floating point columns, default 7.
html : :class:`bool`, optional
If ``True``, print an html table.
no_head : :class:`bool`, optional
If ``True``, *don't* print a header line.
silent : :class:`bool`, optional
If ``True``, do not print the table, just return it.
A tuple containing a list of the lines in the table. If `html` is
``True``, also returns a list of lines of CSS for formatting the
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pydl.pydlutils.misc import struct_print
>>> struct_print(np.array([(1,2.34,'five'),(2,3.456,'seven'),(3,4.5678,'nine')],dtype=[('a','i4'),('bb','f4'),('ccc','S5')]),silent=True)
(['a bb ccc ', '- ----------- -----', '1 2.34 five ', '2 3.456 seven', '3 4.5678 nine '], [])
if html:
headstart = '<tr><th>'
headsep = '</th><th>'
headend = '</th></tr>'
colstart = '<tr><td>'
colsep = '</td><td>'
colend = '</td></tr>'
css = ['<style type="text/css">',
'table {',
' border-collapse: collapse;',
'th {',
' padding: 2px;',
' text-align: right;',
' border: 1px solid black;',
' font-weight: bold;',
'td {',
' padding: 2px;',
' text-align: right;',
' border: 1px solid black;',
headstart = ''
headsep = ' '
headend = ''
colstart = ''
colsep = ' '
colend = ''
css = list()
# Alias should be a dictionary that maps structure names to column names
if alias is None:
# Create a dummy alias dictionary
alias = dict(list(zip(array.dtype.names, array.dtype.names)))
# Fill in any missing values of the alias dictionary
for tag in array.dtype.names:
if tag not in alias:
alias[tag] = tag
# Formatcodes allows an override for certain columns.
if formatcodes is None:
formatcodes = dict()
# This dictionary will hold the number of characters in each column
nchar = dict()
# Construct format codes for each column
for k, tag in enumerate(array.dtype.names):
if tag in formatcodes:
thiscode = formatcodes[tag]
thisn = len(thiscode.format(array[tag][0]))
d = array.dtype.fields[tag][0]
if d.kind == 'i' or d.kind == 'u':
thisn = max(max(len(str(array[tag].min())),
len(str(array[tag].max()))), len(tag))
thiscode = "{{{0:d}:{1:d}d}}".format(k, thisn)
elif d.kind == 'f':
if d.itemsize == 8:
prec = ddigit
prec = fdigit
thisn = prec + 6
if array[tag].min() < 0:
thisn += 1
thiscode = "{{{0:d}:{1:d}.{2:d}g}}".format(k, thisn, prec)
elif d.kind == 'S' or d.kind == 'U':
thisn = max(d.itemsize, len(tag))
thiscode = "{{{0:d}:{1:d}s}}".format(k, thisn)
raise PydlutilsException(
"Unsupported kind: {0}".format(d.kind))
formatcodes[tag] = thiscode
nchar[tag] = thisn
# Start building an array of lines
lines = list()
# Construct header lines
if html:
hdr1 = (headstart + headsep.join([alias[tag]
for tag in array.dtype.names]) + headend)
if not no_head:
hdr1 = (headstart + headsep.join([("{{0:{0:d}s}}".format(
for tag in array.dtype.names]) + headend)
hdr2 = (headstart + headsep.join(['-' * nchar[tag]
for tag in array.dtype.names]) + headend)
# Create a format string for the data from the individual format codes
rowformat = (colstart + colsep.join([formatcodes[tag]
for tag in array.dtype.names]) + colend)
for k in range(array.size):
*([decode_mixed(l) for l in array[k].tolist()])))
if html:
f = None # This variable will store a file handle
close_file = False
if filename is not None:
if hasattr(filename, 'write'):
f = filename
f = open(filename, 'w+b')
close_file = True
if f is None:
if not silent: # pragma: no cover
if close_file:
return (lines, css)