
The Python DataSet XML API is designed to be a lightweight interface for creating, opening, manipulating and writing DataSet XML files. It provides both a native Python API and console entry points for use in manual dataset curation or as a resource for P_Module developers.

The API and console entry points are designed with the set operations one might perform on the various types of data held by a DataSet XML in mind: merge, split, write etc. While various types of DataSets can be found in XML files, the API (and in a way the console entry point, dataset.py) has DataSet as its base type, with various subtypes extending or replacing functionality as needed.

Console Entry Point Usage

The following entry points are available through the main script: dataset.py:

usage: dataset.py [-h] [-v] [--debug]

Run dataset.py by specifying a command.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  --debug               Turn on debug level logging

DataSet sub-commands:
                        Type {command} -h for a command's options


usage: dataset.py create [-h] [--type DSTYPE] [--novalidate] [--relative]
                         outfile infile [infile ...]

Create an XML file from a fofn or bam

positional arguments:
  outfile        The XML to create
  infile         The fofn or BAM file(s) to make into an XML

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --type DSTYPE  The type of XML to create
  --novalidate   Don't validate the resulting XML, don't touch paths
  --relative     Make the included paths relative instead of absolute (not
                 compatible with --novalidate)


usage: dataset.py filter [-h] infile outfile filters [filters ...]

Add filters to an XML file. Suggested fields: ['bcf', 'bcq', 'bcr',
'length', 'pos', 'qend', 'qname', 'qstart', 'readstart', 'rname', 'rq',
'tend', 'tstart', 'zm']. More expensive fields: ['accuracy', 'bc', 'movie',

positional arguments:
  infile      The xml file to filter
  outfile     The resulting xml file
  filters     The values and thresholds to filter (e.g. 'rq>0.85')

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


usage: dataset.py union [-h] outfile infiles [infiles ...]

Combine XML (and BAM) files

positional arguments:
  outfile     The resulting XML file
  infiles     The XML files to merge

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


usage: dataset.py validate [-h] infile

Validate ResourceId files (XML validation only available in testing)

positional arguments:
  infile      The XML file to validate

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Load PipeStats:

usage: dataset.py loadstats [-h] [--outfile OUTFILE] infile statsfile

Load an sts.xml file into a DataSet XML file

positional arguments:
  infile             The XML file to modify
  statsfile          The .sts.xml file to load

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --outfile OUTFILE  The XML file to output


usage: dataset.py split [-h] [--contigs] [--chunks CHUNKS] [--subdatasets]
                        [--outdir OUTDIR]
                        infile ...

Split the dataset

positional arguments:
  infile           The xml file to split
  outfiles         The resulting xml files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --contigs        Split on contigs
  --chunks CHUNKS  Split contigs into <chunks> total windows
  --subdatasets    Split on subdatasets
  --outdir OUTDIR  Specify an output directory


usage: dataset.py consolidate [-h] [--numFiles NUMFILES] [--noTmp]
                              infile datafile xmlfile

Consolidate the XML files

positional arguments:
  infile               The XML file to consolidate
  datafile             The resulting data file
  xmlfile              The resulting XML file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --numFiles NUMFILES  The number of data files to produce (1)
  --noTmp              Don't copy to a tmp location to ensure local disk

Usage Examples

Filter Reads (CLI version)

In this scenario we have one or more bam files worth of subreads, aligned or otherwise, that we want to filter and put in a single bam file. This is possible using the CLI with the following steps, starting with a DataSet XML file:

# usage: dataset.py filter <in_fn.xml> <out_fn.xml> <filters>
dataset.py filter in_fn.subreadset.xml filtered_fn.subreadset.xml 'rq>0.85'

# usage: dataset.py consolidate <in_fn.xml> <out_data_fn.bam> <out_fn.xml>
dataset.py consolidate filtered_fn.subreadset.xml consolidate.subreads.bam out_fn.subreadset.xml

The filtered DataSet and the consolidated DataSet should be read for read equivalent when used with SMRT Analysis software.

Filter Reads (API version)

The API version of filtering allows for more advanced filtering criteria:

ss = SubreadSet('in_fn.subreadset.xml')
ss.filters.addRequirement(rname=[('=', 'E.faecalis.2'),
                                 ('=', 'E.faecalis.2')],
                          tStart=[('<', '99'),
                                  ('<', '299')],
                          tEnd=[('>', '0'),
                                ('>', '200')])

Produces the following conditions for a read to be considered passing:

(rname = E.faecalis.2 AND tstart < 99 AND tend > 0) OR (rname = E.faecalis.2 AND tstart < 299 AND tend > 200)

You can add sets of filters by providing equal length lists of requirements for each filter.

Additional requirements added singly will be added to all filters:

ss.filters.addRequirement(rq=[('>', '0.85')])

(rname = E.faecalis.2 AND tstart < 99 AND tend > 0 AND rq > 0.85) OR (rname = E.faecalis.2 AND tstart < 299 AND tend > 100 AND rq > 0.85)

Additional requirements added with a plurality of options will duplicate the previous requiremnts for each option:

ss.filters.addRequirement(length=[('>', 500), ('>', 1000)])

(rname = E.faecalis.2 AND tstart < 99 AND tend > 0 AND rq > 0.85 AND length > 500) OR (rname = E.faecalis.2 AND tstart < 299 AND tend > 100 AND rq > 0.85 AND length > 500) OR (rname = E.faecalis.2 AND tstart < 99 AND tend > 0 AND rq > 0.85 AND length > 1000) OR (rname = E.faecalis.2 AND tstart < 299 AND tend > 100 AND rq > 0.85 AND length > 1000)

Of course you can always wipe the filters and start over:

ss.filters = None

Consolidation is more similar to the CLI version:


Resequencing Pipeline (CLI version)

In this scenario, we have two movies worth of subreads in two SubreadSets that we want to align to a reference, merge together, split into DataSet chunks by contig, then send through quiver on a chunkwise basis (in parallel).

  1. Align each movie to the reference, producing a dataset with one bam file for each execution:

    pbalign movie1.subreadset.xml referenceset.xml movie1.alignmentset.xml
    pbalign movie2.subreadset.xml referenceset.xml movie2.alignmentset.xml
  2. Merge the files into a FOFN-like dataset (bams aren’t touched):

    # dataset.py merge <out_fn> <in_fn> [<in_fn> <in_fn> ...]
    dataset.py merge merged.alignmentset.xml movie1.alignmentset.xml movie2.alignmentset.xml
  3. Split the dataset into chunks by contig (rname) (bams aren’t touched). Note that supplying output files splits the dataset into that many output files (up to the number of contigs), with multiple contigs per file. Not supplying output files splits the dataset into one output file per contig, named automatically. Specifying a number of chunks instead will produce that many files, with contig or even sub contig (reference window) splitting.:

    dataset.py split --contigs --chunks 8 merged.alignmentset.xml
  4. Quiver then consumes these chunks:

    variantCaller.py --alignmentSetRefWindows --referenceFileName referenceset.xml --outputFilename chunk1consensus.fasta --algorithm quiver chunk1contigs.alignmentset.xml
    variantCaller.py --alignmentSetRefWindows --referenceFileName referenceset.xml --outputFilename chunk2consensus.fasta --algorithm quiver chunk2contigs.alignmentset.xml

The chunking works by duplicating the original merged dataset (no bam duplication) and adding filters to each duplicate such that only reads belonging to the appropriate contigs are emitted. The contigs are distributed amongst the output files in such a way that the total number of records per chunk is about even.

Tangential Information

DataSet.refNames (which returns a list of reference names available in the dataset) is also subject to the filtering imposed during the split. Therefore you wont be running through superfluous (and apparently unsampled) contigs to get the reads in this chunk. The DataSet.records generator is also subject to filtering, but not as efficiently as readsInRange. If you do not have a reference window, readsInReference() is also an option.

As the bam files are never touched, each dataset contains all the information necessary to access all reads for all contigs. Doing so on these filtered datasets would require disabling the filters first:


Or removing the specific filter giving you problems:


Resequencing Pipeline (API version)

In this scenario, we have two movies worth of subreads in two SubreadSets that we want to align to a reference, merge together, split into DataSet chunks by contig, then send through quiver on a chunkwise basis (in parallel). We want to do them using the API, rather than the CLI.

  1. Align each movie to the reference, producing a dataset with one bam file for each execution

    # CLI (or see pbalign API):
    pbalign movie1.subreadset.xml referenceset.xml movie1.alignmentset.xml
    pbalign movie2.subreadset.xml referenceset.xml movie2.alignmentset.xml
  2. Merge the files into a FOFN-like dataset (bams aren’t touched)

    # API, filename_list is dummy data:
    filename_list = ['movie1.alignmentset.xml', 'movie2.alignmentset.xml']
    # open:
    dsets = [AlignmentSet(fn) for fn in filename_list]
    # merge with + operator:
    from functools import reduce
    dset = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, dsets)
    # OR:
    dset = AlignmentSet(*filename_list)
  3. Split the dataset into chunks by contigs (or subcontig windows)

    # split:
    dsets = dset.split(contigs=True, chunks=8)
  4. Quiver then consumes these chunks

    # write out if you need to (or pass directly to quiver API):
    outfilename_list = ['chunk1contigs.alignmentset.xml', 'chunk2contigs.alignmentset.xml']
    # write with 'write' method:
    map(lambda (ds, nm): ds.write(nm), zip(dsets, outfilename_list))
    # CLI (or see quiver API):
    variantCaller.py --alignmentSetRefWindows --referenceFileName referenceset.xml --outputFilename chunk1consensus.fasta --algorithm quiver chunk1contigs.alignmentset.xml
    variantCaller.py --alignmentSetRefWindows --referenceFileName referenceset.xml --outputFilename chunk2consensus.fasta --algorithm quiver chunk2contigs.alignmentset.xml
    # Inside quiver (still using python dataset API):
    aln = AlignmentSet(fname)
    # get this set's windows:
    refWindows = aln.refWindows
    # gather the reads for these windows using readsInRange, e.g.:
    reads = list(itertools.chain(aln.readsInRange(rId, start, end) for rId, start, end in refWindows))

API overview

The chunking works by duplicating the original merged dataset (no bam duplication) and adding filters to each duplicate such that only reads belonging to the appropriate contigs/windows are emitted. The contigs are distributed amongst the output files in such a way that the total number of records per chunk is about even.

DataSets can be created using the appropriate constructor (SubreadSet), or with the common constructor (DataSet) and later cast to a specific type (copy(asType=”SubreadSet”)). The DataSet constructor acts as a factory function (an artifact of early api Designs). The factory behavior is defined in the DataSet metaclass.

digraph inheritance5d781fce17 { bgcolor=transparent; rankdir=LR; size="8.0, 12.0"; "AlignmentSet" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.AlignmentSet",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="DataSet type specific to Alignments. No type specific Metadata exists,"]; "ReadSet" -> "AlignmentSet" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "BarcodeSet" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.BarcodeSet",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="DataSet type specific to Barcodes"]; "ContigSet" -> "BarcodeSet" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "ConsensusAlignmentSet" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.ConsensusAlignmentSet",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="Dataset type for aligned CCS reads. Essentially identical to AlignmentSet"]; "AlignmentSet" -> "ConsensusAlignmentSet" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "ConsensusReadSet" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.ConsensusReadSet",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="DataSet type specific to CCSreads. No type specific Metadata exists, so"]; "ReadSet" -> "ConsensusReadSet" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "ContigSet" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.ContigSet",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="DataSet type specific to Contigs"]; "DataSet" -> "ContigSet" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "DataSet" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.DataSet",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="The record containing the DataSet information, with possible type"]; "GmapReferenceSet" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.GmapReferenceSet",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="DataSet type specific to GMAP References"]; "ReferenceSet" -> "GmapReferenceSet" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "InvalidDataSetIOError" [fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",tooltip="The base class for all DataSetIO related custom exceptions"]; "MissingFileError" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.MissingFileError",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="Specifically thrown by _fileExists(),"]; "InvalidDataSetIOError" -> "MissingFileError" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "ReadSet" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.ReadSet",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="Base type for read sets, should probably never be used as a concrete"]; "DataSet" -> "ReadSet" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "ReferenceSet" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.ReferenceSet",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="DataSet type specific to References"]; "ContigSet" -> "ReferenceSet" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "SubreadSet" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.SubreadSet",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="DataSet type specific to Subreads"]; "ReadSet" -> "SubreadSet" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "TranscriptAlignmentSet" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.TranscriptAlignmentSet",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="Dataset type for aligned RNA transcripts. Essentially identical to"]; "AlignmentSet" -> "TranscriptAlignmentSet" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "TranscriptSet" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.TranscriptSet",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="DataSet type for processed RNA transcripts in BAM format. These are not"]; "ReadSet" -> "TranscriptSet" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; }

Classes representing DataSets of various types.

class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.AlignmentSet(*files, **kwargs)

Bases: ReadSet

DataSet type specific to Alignments. No type specific Metadata exists, so the base class version is OK (this just ensures type representation on output and expandability

__init__(*files, **kwargs)

An AlignmentSet


handled by super


the reference fasta filename for this alignment.


see base class


see base class

countRecords(rname=None, winStart=None, winEnd=None)

Count the number of records mapped to ‘rname’ that overlap with ‘window’

property fullRefNames

A list of reference full names (full header).

intervalContour(rname, tStart=0, tEnd=None)

Take a set of index records and build a pileup of intervals, or “contour” describing coverage over the contig

..note:: Naively incrementing values in an array is too slow and takes too much memory. Sorting tuples by starts and ends and iterating through them and the reference (O(nlogn + nlogn + n + n + m)) takes too much memory and time. Iterating over the reference, using numpy conditional indexing at each base on tStart and tEnd columns uses no memory, but is too slow (O(nm), but in numpy (C, hopefully)). Building a delta list via sorted tStarts and tEnds one at a time saves memory and is ~5x faster than the second method above (O(nlogn + nlogn + m)).

readsInRange(refName, start, end, buffsize=50, usePbi=True, longest=False, sampleSize=0, justIndices=False)

A generator of (usually) BamAlignment objects for the reads in one or more Bam files pointed to by the ExternalResources in this DataSet that have at least one coordinate within the specified range in the reference genome.

Rather than developing some convoluted approach for dealing with auto-inferring the desired references, this method and self.refNames should allow users to compose the desired query.


the name of the reference that we are sampling


the start of the range (inclusive, index relative to reference)


the end of the range (inclusive, index relative to reference)


BamAlignment objects

>>> import pbcore.data.datasets as data
>>> from pbcore.io import AlignmentSet
>>> ds = AlignmentSet(data.getBam())
>>> for read in ds.readsInRange(ds.refNames[15], 100, 150):
...     print('hn: %i' % read.holeNumber) 
hn: ...

A generator of (usually) BamAlignment objects for the reads in one or more Bam files pointed to by the ExternalResources in this DataSet that are mapped to the specified reference genome.


the name of the reference that we are sampling.


BamAlignment objects

>>> import pbcore.data.datasets as data
>>> from pbcore.io import AlignmentSet
>>> ds = AlignmentSet(data.getBam())
>>> for read in ds.readsInReference(ds.refNames[15]):
...     print('hn: %i' % read.holeNumber) 
hn: ...
property records

A generator of (usually) BamAlignment objects for the records in one or more Bam files pointed to by the ExternalResources in this DataSet.


A BamAlignment object

>>> import pbcore.data.datasets as data
>>> from pbcore.io import AlignmentSet
>>> ds = AlignmentSet(data.getBam())
>>> for record in ds.records:
...     print('hn: %i' % record.holeNumber) 
hn: ...
property recordsByReference

The records in this AlignmentSet, sorted by tStart.

property refIds

A dict of refName: refId for the joined referenceInfoTable TODO: depricate in favor of more descriptive rname2tid


Return a column in the referenceInfoTable, tupled with the reference name. TODO(mdsmith)(2016-01-27): pick a better name for this method…


The length of reference ‘rname’. This is expensive, so if you’re going to do many lookups cache self.refLengths locally and use that.

property refLengths

A dict of refName: refLength

property refNames

A list of reference names (id).

property refWindows

Going to be tricky unless the filters are really focused on windowing the reference. Much nesting or duplication and the correct results are really not guaranteed


Select a row from the DataSet.referenceInfoTable using the reference name as a unique key (or ID, if you really have to)

property referenceInfoTable

The merged reference info tables from the external resources. Record.ID is remapped to a unique integer key (though using record.Name is preferred).

..note:: Reference names are assumed to be unique


A generator of Indexed*Reader objects for the ExternalResources in this DataSet.


Only yield open resources if they have refName in their referenceInfoTable


An open indexed alignment file

>>> import pbcore.data.datasets as data
>>> from pbcore.io import AlignmentSet
>>> ds = AlignmentSet(data.getBam())
>>> for seqFile in ds.resourceReaders():
...     for record in seqFile:
...         print('hn: %i' % record.holeNumber) 
hn: ...
property rname2tid

A dict of refName: refId for the joined referenceInfoTable

splitContour(contour, splits)

Take a contour and a number of splits, return the location of each coverage mediated split with the first at 0


Chunks requested: 0 or >= num_refs: One chunk per reference 1 to (num_refs - 1): Grouped somewhat evenly by num_records

property tid2rname

A dict of refName: refId for the joined referenceInfoTable

class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.BarcodeSet(*files, **kwargs)

Bases: ContigSet

DataSet type specific to Barcodes

__init__(*files, **kwargs)

DataSet constructor

Initialize representations of the ExternalResources, MetaData, Filters, and LabeledSubsets, parse inputs if possible


one or more filenames or uris to read


strictly require all index files


skip updating counts for faster opening

>>> import os, tempfile
>>> import pbcore.data.datasets as data
>>> from pbcore.io import AlignmentSet, SubreadSet
>>> # Prog like pbalign provides a .bam file:
>>> # e.g. d = AlignmentSet("aligned.bam")
>>> # Something like the test files we have:
>>> inBam = data.getBam()
>>> d = AlignmentSet(inBam)
>>> # A UniqueId is generated, despite being a BAM input
>>> bool(d.uuid)
>>> dOldUuid = d.uuid
>>> # They can write this BAM to an XML:
>>> # e.g. d.write("alignmentset.xml")
>>> outdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix="dataset-doctest")
>>> outXml = os.path.join(outdir, 'tempfile.xml')
>>> d.write(outXml)
>>> # And then recover the same XML:
>>> d = AlignmentSet(outXml)
>>> # The UniqueId will be the same
>>> d.uuid == dOldUuid
>>> # Inputs can be many and varied
>>> ds1 = AlignmentSet(data.getXml(7), data.getBam(1))
>>> ds1.numExternalResources
>>> ds1 = AlignmentSet(data.getFofn())
>>> ds1.numExternalResources
>>> # Constructors should be used directly
>>> SubreadSet(data.getSubreadSet(),
...            skipMissing=True) 
>>> # Even with untyped inputs
>>> AlignmentSet(data.getBam()) 
>>> # AlignmentSets can also be manipulated after opening:
>>> # Add external Resources:
>>> ds = AlignmentSet()
>>> _ = ds.externalResources.addResources(["IdontExist.bam"])
>>> ds.externalResources[-1].resourceId == "IdontExist.bam"
>>> # Add an index file
>>> pbiName = "IdontExist.bam.pbi"
>>> ds.externalResources[-1].addIndices([pbiName])
>>> ds.externalResources[-1].indices[0].resourceId == pbiName
addMetadata(newMetadata, **kwargs)

Add metadata specific to this subtype, while leaning on the superclass method for generic metadata. Also enforce metadata type correctness.

property metadata

Return the DataSet metadata as a DataSetMetadata object. Attributes should be populated intuitively, but see DataSetMetadata documentation for more detail.

class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.ConsensusAlignmentSet(*files, **kwargs)

Bases: AlignmentSet

Dataset type for aligned CCS reads. Essentially identical to AlignmentSet aside from the contents of the underlying BAM files.

class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.ConsensusReadSet(*files, **kwargs)

Bases: ReadSet

DataSet type specific to CCSreads. No type specific Metadata exists, so the base class version is OK (this just ensures type representation on output and expandability

>>> import pbcore.data.datasets as data
>>> from pbcore.io import ConsensusReadSet
>>> ds2 = ConsensusReadSet(data.getXml(2), strict=False,
...                        skipMissing=True)
>>> ds2 
>>> ds2._metadata 
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.ContigSet(*files, **kwargs)

Bases: DataSet

DataSet type specific to Contigs

__init__(*files, **kwargs)

DataSet constructor

Initialize representations of the ExternalResources, MetaData, Filters, and LabeledSubsets, parse inputs if possible


one or more filenames or uris to read


strictly require all index files


skip updating counts for faster opening

>>> import os, tempfile
>>> import pbcore.data.datasets as data
>>> from pbcore.io import AlignmentSet, SubreadSet
>>> # Prog like pbalign provides a .bam file:
>>> # e.g. d = AlignmentSet("aligned.bam")
>>> # Something like the test files we have:
>>> inBam = data.getBam()
>>> d = AlignmentSet(inBam)
>>> # A UniqueId is generated, despite being a BAM input
>>> bool(d.uuid)
>>> dOldUuid = d.uuid
>>> # They can write this BAM to an XML:
>>> # e.g. d.write("alignmentset.xml")
>>> outdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix="dataset-doctest")
>>> outXml = os.path.join(outdir, 'tempfile.xml')
>>> d.write(outXml)
>>> # And then recover the same XML:
>>> d = AlignmentSet(outXml)
>>> # The UniqueId will be the same
>>> d.uuid == dOldUuid
>>> # Inputs can be many and varied
>>> ds1 = AlignmentSet(data.getXml(7), data.getBam(1))
>>> ds1.numExternalResources
>>> ds1 = AlignmentSet(data.getFofn())
>>> ds1.numExternalResources
>>> # Constructors should be used directly
>>> SubreadSet(data.getSubreadSet(),
...            skipMissing=True) 
>>> # Even with untyped inputs
>>> AlignmentSet(data.getBam()) 
>>> # AlignmentSets can also be manipulated after opening:
>>> # Add external Resources:
>>> ds = AlignmentSet()
>>> _ = ds.externalResources.addResources(["IdontExist.bam"])
>>> ds.externalResources[-1].resourceId == "IdontExist.bam"
>>> # Add an index file
>>> pbiName = "IdontExist.bam.pbi"
>>> ds.externalResources[-1].addIndices([pbiName])
>>> ds.externalResources[-1].indices[0].resourceId == pbiName
addMetadata(newMetadata, **kwargs)

Add metadata specific to this subtype, while leaning on the superclass method for generic metadata. Also enforce metadata type correctness.

consolidate(outfn=None, numFiles=1, useTmp=False)

Consolidation should be implemented for window text in names and for filters in ContigSets

property contigNames

The names assigned to the External Resources, or contigs if no name assigned.

property contigs

A generator of contigs from the fastaReader objects for the ExternalResources in this ReferenceSet.


A fasta file entry


Get a contig by ID


Generate indices for ExternalResources.

Not compatible with DataSet base type

property metadata

Return the DataSet metadata as a DataSetMetadata object. Attributes should be populated intuitively, but see DataSetMetadata documentation for more detail.


A generator of fastaReader objects for the ExternalResources in this ReferenceSet.


An open fasta file


Deep copy the DataSet into a number of new DataSets containing roughly equal chunks of the ExternalResources or subdatasets.


  • split into exactly n datasets where each addresses a different piece of the collection of contigs:

    dset.split(contigs=True, chunks=n)
  • split into at most n datasets where each addresses a different piece of the collection of contigs, but contigs are kept whole:

    dset.split(contigs=True, maxChunks=n)
  • split into at most n datasets where each addresses a different piece of the collection of contigs and the number of chunks is in part based on the number of reads:

    dset.split(contigs=True, maxChunks=n, breakContigs=True)

the number of chunks to split the DataSet.


(True) do not split by subdatasets


split on contigs instead of external resources


Split by zmws instead of external resources


Split by barcodes instead of external resources


The upper limit on the number of chunks.


Whether or not to break contigs


Split contigs by mapped records, rather than ref length


The target minimum number of reads per chunk


Update the count metadata in each chunk


A generator of new DataSet objects (all other information deep copied).

>>> import pbcore.data.datasets as data
>>> from pbcore.io import AlignmentSet
>>> # splitting is pretty intuitive:
>>> ds1 = AlignmentSet(data.getXml(11))
>>> # but divides up extRes's, so have more than one:
>>> ds1.numExternalResources > 1
>>> # the default is one AlignmentSet per ExtRes:
>>> dss = list(ds1.split())
>>> len(dss) == ds1.numExternalResources
>>> # but you can specify a number of AlignmentSets to produce:
>>> dss = list(ds1.split(chunks=1))
>>> len(dss) == 1
>>> dss = list(ds1.split(chunks=2, ignoreSubDatasets=True))
>>> len(dss) == 2
>>> # The resulting objects are similar:
>>> dss[0].uuid == dss[1].uuid
>>> dss[0].name == dss[1].name
>>> # Previously merged datasets are 'unmerged' upon split, unless
>>> # otherwise specified.
>>> # Lets try merging and splitting on subdatasets:
>>> ds1 = AlignmentSet(data.getXml(7))
>>> ds1.totalLength
>>> ds1tl = ds1.totalLength
>>> ds2 = AlignmentSet(data.getXml(10))
>>> ds2.totalLength
>>> ds2tl = ds2.totalLength
>>> # merge:
>>> dss = ds1 + ds2
>>> dss.totalLength == (ds1tl + ds2tl)
>>> # unmerge:
>>> ds1, ds2 = sorted(
... list(dss.split(2, ignoreSubDatasets=False)),
... key=lambda x: x.totalLength, reverse=True)
>>> ds1.totalLength == ds1tl
>>> ds2.totalLength == ds2tl

Update the TotalLength and NumRecords for this DataSet.

Not compatible with the base DataSet class, which has no ability to touch ExternalResources. -1 is used as a sentinel value for failed size determination. It should never be written out to XML in regular use.

class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.DataSet(*files, **kwargs)

Bases: object

The record containing the DataSet information, with possible type specific subclasses


Merge the representations of two DataSets without modifying the original datasets. (Fails if filters are incompatible).


a DataSet to merge with self


A new DataSet with members containing the union of the input DataSets’ members and subdatasets representing the input DataSets

>>> import pbcore.data.datasets as data
>>> from pbcore.io import AlignmentSet
>>> from pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetWriter import toXml
>>> # xmls with different resourceIds: success
>>> ds1 = AlignmentSet(data.getXml(7))
>>> ds2 = AlignmentSet(data.getXml(10))
>>> ds3 = ds1 + ds2
>>> expected = ds1.numExternalResources + ds2.numExternalResources
>>> ds3.numExternalResources == expected
>>> # xmls with different resourceIds but conflicting filters:
>>> # failure to merge
>>> ds2.filters.addRequirement(rname=[('=', 'E.faecalis.1')])
>>> ds3 = ds1 + ds2
>>> ds3
>>> # xmls with same resourceIds: ignores new inputs
>>> ds1 = AlignmentSet(data.getXml(7))
>>> ds2 = AlignmentSet(data.getXml(7))
>>> ds3 = ds1 + ds2
>>> expected = ds1.numExternalResources
>>> ds3.numExternalResources == expected

Deep copy this Dataset by recursively deep copying the members (objMetadata, DataSet metadata, externalResources, filters and subdatasets)


Test for DataSet equality. The method specified in the documentation calls for md5 hashing the “Core XML” elements and comparing. This is the same procedure for generating the Uuid, so the same method may be used. However, as simultaneously or regularly updating the Uuid is not specified, we opt to not set the newUuid when checking for equality.


The other DataSet to compare to this DataSet.


T/F the Core XML elements of this and the other DataSet hash to the same value

__init__(*files, **kwargs)

DataSet constructor

Initialize representations of the ExternalResources, MetaData, Filters, and LabeledSubsets, parse inputs if possible


one or more filenames or uris to read


strictly require all index files


skip updating counts for faster opening

>>> import os, tempfile
>>> import pbcore.data.datasets as data
>>> from pbcore.io import AlignmentSet, SubreadSet
>>> # Prog like pbalign provides a .bam file:
>>> # e.g. d = AlignmentSet("aligned.bam")
>>> # Something like the test files we have:
>>> inBam = data.getBam()
>>> d = AlignmentSet(inBam)
>>> # A UniqueId is generated, despite being a BAM input
>>> bool(d.uuid)
>>> dOldUuid = d.uuid
>>> # They can write this BAM to an XML:
>>> # e.g. d.write("alignmentset.xml")
>>> outdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix="dataset-doctest")
>>> outXml = os.path.join(outdir, 'tempfile.xml')
>>> d.write(outXml)
>>> # And then recover the same XML:
>>> d = AlignmentSet(outXml)
>>> # The UniqueId will be the same
>>> d.uuid == dOldUuid
>>> # Inputs can be many and varied
>>> ds1 = AlignmentSet(data.getXml(7), data.getBam(1))
>>> ds1.numExternalResources
>>> ds1 = AlignmentSet(data.getFofn())
>>> ds1.numExternalResources
>>> # Constructors should be used directly
>>> SubreadSet(data.getSubreadSet(),
...            skipMissing=True) 
>>> # Even with untyped inputs
>>> AlignmentSet(data.getBam()) 
>>> # AlignmentSets can also be manipulated after opening:
>>> # Add external Resources:
>>> ds = AlignmentSet()
>>> _ = ds.externalResources.addResources(["IdontExist.bam"])
>>> ds.externalResources[-1].resourceId == "IdontExist.bam"
>>> # Add an index file
>>> pbiName = "IdontExist.bam.pbi"
>>> ds.externalResources[-1].addIndices([pbiName])
>>> ds.externalResources[-1].indices[0].resourceId == pbiName

Represent the dataset with an informative string:


“<type uuid filenames>”


Add subsets to a DataSet object using other DataSets.

The following method of enabling merge-based split prevents nesting of datasets more than one deep. Nested relationships are flattened.


Most often used by the __add__ method, rather than directly.

addExternalResources(newExtResources, updateCount=True)

Add additional ExternalResource objects, ensuring no duplicate resourceIds. Most often used by the __add__ method, rather than directly.


A list of new ExternalResource objects, either created de novo from a raw bam input, parsed from an xml input, or already contained in a separate DataSet object and being merged.

>>> from pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers import ExternalResource
>>> from pbcore.io import DataSet
>>> ds = DataSet()
>>> # it is possible to add ExtRes's as ExternalResource objects:
>>> er1 = ExternalResource()
>>> er1.resourceId = "test1.bam"
>>> er2 = ExternalResource()
>>> er2.resourceId = "test2.bam"
>>> er3 = ExternalResource()
>>> er3.resourceId = "test1.bam"
>>> ds.addExternalResources([er1], updateCount=False)
>>> len(ds.externalResources)
>>> # different resourceId: succeeds
>>> ds.addExternalResources([er2], updateCount=False)
>>> len(ds.externalResources)
>>> # same resourceId: fails
>>> ds.addExternalResources([er3], updateCount=False)
>>> len(ds.externalResources)
>>> # but it is probably better to add them a little deeper:
>>> ds.externalResources.addResources(
...     ["test3.bam"])[0].addIndices(["test3.bam.bai"])
addFilters(newFilters, underConstruction=False)

Add new or extend the current list of filters. Public because there is already a reasonably compelling reason (the console script entry point). Most often used by the __add__ method.


a Filters object or properly formatted Filters record

>>> import pbcore.data.datasets as data
>>> from pbcore.io import SubreadSet
>>> from pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers import Filters
>>> ds1 = SubreadSet()
>>> filt = Filters()
>>> filt.addRequirement(rq=[('>', '0.85')])
>>> ds1.addFilters(filt)
>>> print(ds1.filters)
( rq > 0.85 )
>>> # Or load with a DataSet
>>> ds2 = DataSet(data.getXml(15))
>>> print(ds2.filters)
( rname = E.faecalis...
addMetadata(newMetadata, **kwargs)

Add dataset metadata.

Currently we ignore duplicates while merging (though perhaps other transformations are more appropriate) and plan to remove/merge conflicting metadata with identical attribute names.

All metadata elements should be strings, deepcopy shouldn’t be necessary.

This method is most often used by the __add__ method, rather than directly.


a dictionary of object metadata from an XML file (or carefully crafted to resemble one), or a wrapper around said dictionary


new metadata fields to be piled into the current metadata (as an attribute)

>>> import pbcore.data.datasets as data
>>> from pbcore.io import DataSet
>>> ds = DataSet()
>>> # it is possible to add new metadata:
>>> ds.addMetadata(None, Name='LongReadsRock')
>>> print(ds._metadata.getV(container='attrib', tag='Name'))
>>> # but most will be loaded and modified:
>>> ds2 = DataSet(data.getXml(7))
>>> ds2._metadata.totalLength
>>> ds2._metadata.totalLength = 100000
>>> ds2._metadata.totalLength
>>> ds2._metadata.totalLength += 100000
>>> ds2._metadata.totalLength
>>> ds3 = DataSet(data.getXml(7))
>>> ds3.loadStats(data.getStats())
>>> ds4 = DataSet(data.getXml(10))
>>> ds4.loadStats(data.getStats())
>>> ds5 = ds3 + ds4
property barcodes

Return the list of barcodes explicitly set by filters via DataSet.split(barcodes=True).

classmethod castableTypes()

The types to which this DataSet type may be cast. This is a property instead of a member variable as we can enforce casting limits here (and modify if needed by overriding them in subclasses).


A dictionary of MetaType->Class mappings, e.g. ‘DataSet’: DataSet


Close all of the opened resource readers


Deep copy the representation of this DataSet


The type of DataSet to return, e.g. ‘AlignmentSet’


A DataSet object that is identical but for UniqueId

>>> from functools import reduce
>>> import pbcore.data.datasets as data
>>> from pbcore.io import DataSet, SubreadSet
>>> ds1 = DataSet(data.getXml(11))
>>> # Deep copying datasets is easy:
>>> ds2 = ds1.copy()
>>> # But the resulting uuid's should be different.
>>> ds1 == ds2
>>> ds1.uuid == ds2.uuid
>>> ds1 is ds2
>>> # Most members are identical
>>> ds1.name == ds2.name
>>> ds1.externalResources == ds2.externalResources
>>> ds1.filters == ds2.filters
>>> ds1.subdatasets == ds2.subdatasets
>>> len(ds1.subdatasets) == 2
>>> len(ds2.subdatasets) == 2
>>> # Except for the one that stores the uuid:
>>> ds1.objMetadata == ds2.objMetadata
>>> # And of course identical != the same object:
>>> assert not reduce(lambda x, y: x or y,
...                   [ds1d is ds2d for ds1d in
...                    ds1.subdatasets for ds2d in
...                    ds2.subdatasets])
>>> # But types are maintained:
>>> ds1 = SubreadSet(data.getXml(9), strict=True)
>>> ds1.metadata 
>>> ds2 = ds1.copy()
>>> ds2.metadata 
>>> # Lets try casting
>>> ds1 = DataSet(data.getBam())
>>> ds1 
>>> ds1 = ds1.copy(asType='SubreadSet')
>>> ds1 
>>> # Lets do some illicit casting
>>> ds1 = ds1.copy(asType='ReferenceSet')
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Cannot cast from SubreadSet to ReferenceSet
>>> # Lets try not having to cast
>>> ds1 = SubreadSet(data.getBam())
>>> ds1 

Copy all of the top level ExternalResources to an output directory ‘outdir’

copyTo(dest, relative=False, subdatasets=False)

Doesn’t resolve resource name collisions

property createdAt

Return the DataSet CreatedAt timestamp

property description

The description of this DataSet


Disable read filtering for this object


Re-enable read filtering for this object

property filters

Limit setting to ensure cache hygiene and filter compatibility


Generate indices for ExternalResources.

Not compatible with DataSet base type


Load pipeline metadata from a <moviename>.metadata.xml file (or other DataSet)


the filename of a <moviename>.metadata.xml file


Load pipeline statistics from a <moviename>.sts.xml file. The subset of these data that are defined in the DataSet XSD become available through via DataSet.metadata.summaryStats.<…> and will be written out to the DataSet XML format according to the DataSet XML XSD.


the filename of a <moviename>.sts.xml file. If None: load all stats from sts.xml files, including for subdatasets.

>>> import pbcore.data.datasets as data
>>> from pbcore.io import AlignmentSet
>>> ds1 = AlignmentSet(data.getXml(7))
>>> ds1.loadStats(data.getStats())
>>> ds2 = AlignmentSet(data.getXml(10))
>>> ds2.loadStats(data.getStats())
>>> ds3 = ds1 + ds2
>>> ds1.metadata.summaryStats.prodDist.bins
[1576, 901, 399, 0]
>>> ds2.metadata.summaryStats.prodDist.bins
[1576, 901, 399, 0]
>>> ds3.metadata.summaryStats.prodDist.bins
[3152, 1802, 798, 0]

As part of the validation process, make all ResourceIds absolute URIs rather than relative paths. Generally not called by API users.


The location from which relative paths should emanate.


Make things easier for writing test cases: make all ResourceIds relative paths rather than absolute paths. A less common use case for API consumers.


The location from which relative paths should originate

merge(other, copyOnMerge=True, newuuid=True)

Merge an ‘other’ dataset with this dataset, same as add operator, but can take argumens

property metadata

Return the DataSet metadata as a DataSetMetadata object. Attributes should be populated intuitively, but see DataSetMetadata documentation for more detail.

property name

The name of this DataSet


Generate a new random UUID

newUuid(setter=True, random=False)

Generate and enforce the uniqueness of an ID for a new DataSet. While user setable fields are stripped out of the Core DataSet object used for comparison, the previous UniqueId is not. That means that copies will still be unique, despite having the same contents.


Setting to False allows MD5 hashes to be generated (e.g. for comparison with other objects) without modifying the object’s UniqueId


If true, the new UUID will be generated randomly. Otherwise a hashing algo will be used from “core” elements of the XML. This will yield a reproducible UUID for datasets that have the same “core” attributes/metadata.


The new Id, a properly formatted md5 hash of the Core DataSet

>>> from pbcore.io import AlignmentSet
>>> ds = AlignmentSet()
>>> old = ds.uuid
>>> _ = ds.newUuid()
>>> old != ds.uuid
property numExternalResources

The number of ExternalResources in this DataSet

property numRecords

The number of records in this DataSet (from the metadata)


Generate a list of functions to apply to a read, all of which return T/F. Each function is an OR filter, so any() true passes the read. These functions are the AND filters, and will likely check all() of other functions. These filtration functions are cached so that they are not regenerated from the base filters for every read


The filters on this dataset have changed, update DataSet state as needed


To be used in conjunction with self.subSetNames

property records

A generator of (usually) BamAlignment objects for the records in one or more Bam files pointed to by the ExternalResources in this DataSet.


A BamAlignment object

>>> import pbcore.data.datasets as data
>>> from pbcore.io import AlignmentSet
>>> ds = AlignmentSet(data.getBam())
>>> for record in ds.records:
...     print('hn: %i' % record.holeNumber) 
hn: ...

Return a list of open pbcore Reader objects for the top level ExternalResources in this DataSet

split(chunks=0, ignoreSubDatasets=True, contigs=False, maxChunks=0, breakContigs=False, targetSize=5000, zmws=False, barcodes=False, byRecords=False, updateCounts=True)

Deep copy the DataSet into a number of new DataSets containing roughly equal chunks of the ExternalResources or subdatasets.


  • split into exactly n datasets where each addresses a different piece of the collection of contigs:

    dset.split(contigs=True, chunks=n)
  • split into at most n datasets where each addresses a different piece of the collection of contigs, but contigs are kept whole:

    dset.split(contigs=True, maxChunks=n)
  • split into at most n datasets where each addresses a different piece of the collection of contigs and the number of chunks is in part based on the number of reads:

    dset.split(contigs=True, maxChunks=n, breakContigs=True)

the number of chunks to split the DataSet.


(True) do not split by subdatasets


split on contigs instead of external resources


Split by zmws instead of external resources


Split by barcodes instead of external resources


The upper limit on the number of chunks.


Whether or not to break contigs


Split contigs by mapped records, rather than ref length


The target minimum number of reads per chunk


Update the count metadata in each chunk


A generator of new DataSet objects (all other information deep copied).

>>> import pbcore.data.datasets as data
>>> from pbcore.io import AlignmentSet
>>> # splitting is pretty intuitive:
>>> ds1 = AlignmentSet(data.getXml(11))
>>> # but divides up extRes's, so have more than one:
>>> ds1.numExternalResources > 1
>>> # the default is one AlignmentSet per ExtRes:
>>> dss = list(ds1.split())
>>> len(dss) == ds1.numExternalResources
>>> # but you can specify a number of AlignmentSets to produce:
>>> dss = list(ds1.split(chunks=1))
>>> len(dss) == 1
>>> dss = list(ds1.split(chunks=2, ignoreSubDatasets=True))
>>> len(dss) == 2
>>> # The resulting objects are similar:
>>> dss[0].uuid == dss[1].uuid
>>> dss[0].name == dss[1].name
>>> # Previously merged datasets are 'unmerged' upon split, unless
>>> # otherwise specified.
>>> # Lets try merging and splitting on subdatasets:
>>> ds1 = AlignmentSet(data.getXml(7))
>>> ds1.totalLength
>>> ds1tl = ds1.totalLength
>>> ds2 = AlignmentSet(data.getXml(10))
>>> ds2.totalLength
>>> ds2tl = ds2.totalLength
>>> # merge:
>>> dss = ds1 + ds2
>>> dss.totalLength == (ds1tl + ds2tl)
>>> # unmerge:
>>> ds1, ds2 = sorted(
... list(dss.split(2, ignoreSubDatasets=False)),
... key=lambda x: x.totalLength, reverse=True)
>>> ds1.totalLength == ds1tl
>>> ds2.totalLength == ds2tl
property subSetNames

The subdataset names present in this DataSet

property tags

The tags of this DataSet

property timeStampedName

The timeStampedName of this DataSet


Returns a list of top level external resources (no indices).

toFofn(outfn=None, uri=False, relative=False)

Return a list of resource filenames (and write to optional outfile)


(None) the file to which the resouce filenames are to be written. If None, the only emission is a returned list of file names.


(t/F) write the resource filenames as URIs.


(t/F) emit paths relative to outfofn or ‘.’ if no outfofn


A list of filenames or uris


(Optional) A file containing a list of filenames or uris

>>> from pbcore.io import DataSet
>>> DataSet("bam1.bam", "bam2.bam", strict=False,
...         skipMissing=True).toFofn(uri=False)
['bam1.bam', 'bam2.bam']
property totalLength

The total length of this DataSet

property uniqueId

The UniqueId of this DataSet


Update the TotalLength and NumRecords for this DataSet.

Not compatible with the base DataSet class, which has no ability to touch ExternalResources. -1 is used as a sentinel value for failed size determination. It should never be written out to XML in regular use.

property uuid

The UniqueId of this DataSet

write(outFile, validate=True, modPaths=None, relPaths=None, pretty=True)

Write to disk as an XML file


The filename of the xml file to be created


T/F (True) validate the ExternalResource ResourceIds


T/F (None/no change) make the ExternalResource ResourceIds relative instead of absolute filenames


DEPRECATED (T/F) allow paths to be modified

>>> import pbcore.data.datasets as data
>>> from pbcore.io import DataSet
>>> import tempfile, os
>>> outdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix="dataset-doctest")
>>> outfile = os.path.join(outdir, 'tempfile.xml')
>>> ds1 = DataSet(data.getXml(), skipMissing=True)
>>> ds1.write(outfile, validate=False)
>>> ds2 = DataSet(outfile, skipMissing=True)
>>> ds1 == ds2
property zmwRanges

Return the end-inclusive range of ZMWs covered by the dataset if this was explicitly set by filters via DataSet.split(zmws=True).

class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.GmapReferenceSet(*files, **kwargs)

Bases: ReferenceSet

DataSet type specific to GMAP References

__init__(*files, **kwargs)

DataSet constructor

Initialize representations of the ExternalResources, MetaData, Filters, and LabeledSubsets, parse inputs if possible


one or more filenames or uris to read


strictly require all index files


skip updating counts for faster opening

>>> import os, tempfile
>>> import pbcore.data.datasets as data
>>> from pbcore.io import AlignmentSet, SubreadSet
>>> # Prog like pbalign provides a .bam file:
>>> # e.g. d = AlignmentSet("aligned.bam")
>>> # Something like the test files we have:
>>> inBam = data.getBam()
>>> d = AlignmentSet(inBam)
>>> # A UniqueId is generated, despite being a BAM input
>>> bool(d.uuid)
>>> dOldUuid = d.uuid
>>> # They can write this BAM to an XML:
>>> # e.g. d.write("alignmentset.xml")
>>> outdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix="dataset-doctest")
>>> outXml = os.path.join(outdir, 'tempfile.xml')
>>> d.write(outXml)
>>> # And then recover the same XML:
>>> d = AlignmentSet(outXml)
>>> # The UniqueId will be the same
>>> d.uuid == dOldUuid
>>> # Inputs can be many and varied
>>> ds1 = AlignmentSet(data.getXml(7), data.getBam(1))
>>> ds1.numExternalResources
>>> ds1 = AlignmentSet(data.getFofn())
>>> ds1.numExternalResources
>>> # Constructors should be used directly
>>> SubreadSet(data.getSubreadSet(),
...            skipMissing=True) 
>>> # Even with untyped inputs
>>> AlignmentSet(data.getBam()) 
>>> # AlignmentSets can also be manipulated after opening:
>>> # Add external Resources:
>>> ds = AlignmentSet()
>>> _ = ds.externalResources.addResources(["IdontExist.bam"])
>>> ds.externalResources[-1].resourceId == "IdontExist.bam"
>>> # Add an index file
>>> pbiName = "IdontExist.bam.pbi"
>>> ds.externalResources[-1].addIndices([pbiName])
>>> ds.externalResources[-1].indices[0].resourceId == pbiName
exception pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.MissingFileError

Bases: InvalidDataSetIOError

Specifically thrown by _fileExists(), and trapped in openDataSet().

class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.ReadSet(*files, **kwargs)

Bases: DataSet

Base type for read sets, should probably never be used as a concrete class

__init__(*files, **kwargs)

DataSet constructor

Initialize representations of the ExternalResources, MetaData, Filters, and LabeledSubsets, parse inputs if possible


one or more filenames or uris to read


strictly require all index files


skip updating counts for faster opening

>>> import os, tempfile
>>> import pbcore.data.datasets as data
>>> from pbcore.io import AlignmentSet, SubreadSet
>>> # Prog like pbalign provides a .bam file:
>>> # e.g. d = AlignmentSet("aligned.bam")
>>> # Something like the test files we have:
>>> inBam = data.getBam()
>>> d = AlignmentSet(inBam)
>>> # A UniqueId is generated, despite being a BAM input
>>> bool(d.uuid)
>>> dOldUuid = d.uuid
>>> # They can write this BAM to an XML:
>>> # e.g. d.write("alignmentset.xml")
>>> outdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix="dataset-doctest")
>>> outXml = os.path.join(outdir, 'tempfile.xml')
>>> d.write(outXml)
>>> # And then recover the same XML:
>>> d = AlignmentSet(outXml)
>>> # The UniqueId will be the same
>>> d.uuid == dOldUuid
>>> # Inputs can be many and varied
>>> ds1 = AlignmentSet(data.getXml(7), data.getBam(1))
>>> ds1.numExternalResources
>>> ds1 = AlignmentSet(data.getFofn())
>>> ds1.numExternalResources
>>> # Constructors should be used directly
>>> SubreadSet(data.getSubreadSet(),
...            skipMissing=True) 
>>> # Even with untyped inputs
>>> AlignmentSet(data.getBam()) 
>>> # AlignmentSets can also be manipulated after opening:
>>> # Add external Resources:
>>> ds = AlignmentSet()
>>> _ = ds.externalResources.addResources(["IdontExist.bam"])
>>> ds.externalResources[-1].resourceId == "IdontExist.bam"
>>> # Add an index file
>>> pbiName = "IdontExist.bam.pbi"
>>> ds.externalResources[-1].addIndices([pbiName])
>>> ds.externalResources[-1].indices[0].resourceId == pbiName
addMetadata(newMetadata, **kwargs)

Add metadata specific to this subtype, while leaning on the superclass method for generic metadata. Also enforce metadata type correctness.


Test whether all resources are barcoded files

consolidate(dataFile, numFiles=1, useTmp=True)

Consolidate a larger number of bam files to a smaller number of bam files (min 1)


The name of the output file. If numFiles >1 numbers will be added.


The number of data files to be produced.

property hasPbi

Test whether all resources are opened as IndexedBamReader objects


Generate indices for ExternalResources.

Not compatible with DataSet base type

property isBarcoded

Determine whether all resources are barcoded files

property mov2qid

A dict of movieId: movieName for the joined readGroupTable

property movieIds

A dict of movieName: movieId for the joined readGroupTable TODO: depricate this for more descriptive mov2qid

property qid2mov

A dict of movieId: movieName for the joined readGroupTable

property readGroupTable

Combine the readGroupTables of each external resource


Open the files in this ReadSet


Chunks requested: 0 or >= num_movies: One chunk per movie 1 to (num_movies - 1): Grouped somewhat evenly by num_records


Update the TotalLength and NumRecords for this DataSet.

Not compatible with the base DataSet class, which has no ability to touch ExternalResources. -1 is used as a sentinel value for failed size determination. It should never be written out to XML in regular use.

class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.ReferenceSet(*files, **kwargs)

Bases: ContigSet

DataSet type specific to References

__init__(*files, **kwargs)

DataSet constructor

Initialize representations of the ExternalResources, MetaData, Filters, and LabeledSubsets, parse inputs if possible


one or more filenames or uris to read


strictly require all index files


skip updating counts for faster opening

>>> import os, tempfile
>>> import pbcore.data.datasets as data
>>> from pbcore.io import AlignmentSet, SubreadSet
>>> # Prog like pbalign provides a .bam file:
>>> # e.g. d = AlignmentSet("aligned.bam")
>>> # Something like the test files we have:
>>> inBam = data.getBam()
>>> d = AlignmentSet(inBam)
>>> # A UniqueId is generated, despite being a BAM input
>>> bool(d.uuid)
>>> dOldUuid = d.uuid
>>> # They can write this BAM to an XML:
>>> # e.g. d.write("alignmentset.xml")
>>> outdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix="dataset-doctest")
>>> outXml = os.path.join(outdir, 'tempfile.xml')
>>> d.write(outXml)
>>> # And then recover the same XML:
>>> d = AlignmentSet(outXml)
>>> # The UniqueId will be the same
>>> d.uuid == dOldUuid
>>> # Inputs can be many and varied
>>> ds1 = AlignmentSet(data.getXml(7), data.getBam(1))
>>> ds1.numExternalResources
>>> ds1 = AlignmentSet(data.getFofn())
>>> ds1.numExternalResources
>>> # Constructors should be used directly
>>> SubreadSet(data.getSubreadSet(),
...            skipMissing=True) 
>>> # Even with untyped inputs
>>> AlignmentSet(data.getBam()) 
>>> # AlignmentSets can also be manipulated after opening:
>>> # Add external Resources:
>>> ds = AlignmentSet()
>>> _ = ds.externalResources.addResources(["IdontExist.bam"])
>>> ds.externalResources[-1].resourceId == "IdontExist.bam"
>>> # Add an index file
>>> pbiName = "IdontExist.bam.pbi"
>>> ds.externalResources[-1].addIndices([pbiName])
>>> ds.externalResources[-1].indices[0].resourceId == pbiName
property refNames

The reference names assigned to the External Resources, or contigs if no name assigned.

class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.SubreadSet(*files, **kwargs)

Bases: ReadSet

DataSet type specific to Subreads


>>> from pbcore.io import SubreadSet
>>> from pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers import ExternalResources
>>> import pbcore.data.datasets as data
>>> ds1 = SubreadSet(data.getXml(no=5), skipMissing=True)
>>> ds2 = SubreadSet(data.getXml(no=5), skipMissing=True)
>>> # So they don't conflict:
>>> ds2.externalResources = ExternalResources()
>>> ds1 
>>> ds1._metadata 
>>> ds1._metadata 
>>> ds1.metadata 
>>> len(ds1.metadata.collections)
>>> len(ds2.metadata.collections)
>>> ds3 = ds1 + ds2
>>> len(ds3.metadata.collections)
>>> ds4 = SubreadSet(data.getSubreadSet(), skipMissing=True)
>>> ds4 
>>> ds4._metadata 
>>> len(ds4.metadata.collections)
__init__(*files, **kwargs)

DataSet constructor

Initialize representations of the ExternalResources, MetaData, Filters, and LabeledSubsets, parse inputs if possible


one or more filenames or uris to read


strictly require all index files


skip updating counts for faster opening

>>> import os, tempfile
>>> import pbcore.data.datasets as data
>>> from pbcore.io import AlignmentSet, SubreadSet
>>> # Prog like pbalign provides a .bam file:
>>> # e.g. d = AlignmentSet("aligned.bam")
>>> # Something like the test files we have:
>>> inBam = data.getBam()
>>> d = AlignmentSet(inBam)
>>> # A UniqueId is generated, despite being a BAM input
>>> bool(d.uuid)
>>> dOldUuid = d.uuid
>>> # They can write this BAM to an XML:
>>> # e.g. d.write("alignmentset.xml")
>>> outdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix="dataset-doctest")
>>> outXml = os.path.join(outdir, 'tempfile.xml')
>>> d.write(outXml)
>>> # And then recover the same XML:
>>> d = AlignmentSet(outXml)
>>> # The UniqueId will be the same
>>> d.uuid == dOldUuid
>>> # Inputs can be many and varied
>>> ds1 = AlignmentSet(data.getXml(7), data.getBam(1))
>>> ds1.numExternalResources
>>> ds1 = AlignmentSet(data.getFofn())
>>> ds1.numExternalResources
>>> # Constructors should be used directly
>>> SubreadSet(data.getSubreadSet(),
...            skipMissing=True) 
>>> # Even with untyped inputs
>>> AlignmentSet(data.getBam()) 
>>> # AlignmentSets can also be manipulated after opening:
>>> # Add external Resources:
>>> ds = AlignmentSet()
>>> _ = ds.externalResources.addResources(["IdontExist.bam"])
>>> ds.externalResources[-1].resourceId == "IdontExist.bam"
>>> # Add an index file
>>> pbiName = "IdontExist.bam.pbi"
>>> ds.externalResources[-1].addIndices([pbiName])
>>> ds.externalResources[-1].indices[0].resourceId == pbiName
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.TranscriptAlignmentSet(*files, **kwargs)

Bases: AlignmentSet

Dataset type for aligned RNA transcripts. Essentially identical to AlignmentSet aside from the contents of the underlying BAM files.

class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.TranscriptSet(*files, **kwargs)

Bases: ReadSet

DataSet type for processed RNA transcripts in BAM format. These are not technically “reads”, but they share many of the same properties and are therefore handled the same way.

pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.checkAndResolve(fname, possibleRelStart=None)

Try and skip resolveLocation if possible

pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.divideKeys(keys, chunks)

Returns all of the keys in a list of lists, corresponding to evenly sized chunks of the original keys


Wrap a generator with postfiltering


Determine if a file is a DataSet before opening it

pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.openDataFile(*files, **kwargs)

Factory function for DataSet types determined by the first data file

pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.openDataSet(*files, **kwargs)

Return a DataSet, based on the named “files”. If any files contain other files, and if those others cannot be found, then we try to resolve symlinks, but only for .xml and .fofn files themselves.

pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetIO.splitKeys(keys, chunks)

Returns key pairs for each chunk defining the bounds of each chunk

The operations possible between DataSets of the same and different types are limited, see the DataSet XML documentation for details.

DataSet XML files have a few major components: XML metadata, ExternalReferences, Filters, DataSet Metadata, etc. These are represented in different ways internally, depending on their complexity. DataSet metadata especially contains a large number of different potential elements, many of which are accessible in the API as nested attributes. To preserve the API’s ability to grant access to any DataSet Metadata available now and in the future, as well as to maintain the performance of dataset reading and writing, each DataSet stores its metadata in what approximates a tree structure, with various helper classes and functions manipulating this tree. The structure of this tree and currently implemented helper classes are available in the DataSetMembers module.

digraph inheritance1742c48be3 { bgcolor=transparent; rankdir=LR; size="8.0, 12.0"; "Automation" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.Automation",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "Automation" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "AutomationParameter" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.AutomationParameter",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "AutomationParameter" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "AutomationParameters" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.AutomationParameters",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "AutomationParameters" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "BarcodeSetMetadata" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.BarcodeSetMetadata",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="The DataSetMetadata subtype specific to BarcodeSets."]; "DataSetMetadata" -> "BarcodeSetMetadata" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "BinBoundaryMismatchError" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.BinBoundaryMismatchError",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "BinMismatchError" -> "BinBoundaryMismatchError" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "BinMismatchError" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.BinMismatchError",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "BinNumberMismatchError" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.BinNumberMismatchError",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "BinMismatchError" -> "BinNumberMismatchError" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "BinWidthMismatchError" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.BinWidthMismatchError",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "BinMismatchError" -> "BinWidthMismatchError" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "BindingKit" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.BindingKit",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "Kit" -> "BindingKit" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "BioSampleMetadata" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.BioSampleMetadata",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="The metadata for a single BioSample"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "BioSampleMetadata" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "BioSamplesMetadata" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.BioSamplesMetadata",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="The metadata for the list of BioSamples"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "BioSamplesMetadata" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "CellPac" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.CellPac",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "Kit" -> "CellPac" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "CollectionMetadata" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.CollectionMetadata",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="The metadata for a single collection. It contains Context,"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "CollectionMetadata" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "CollectionsMetadata" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.CollectionsMetadata",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="The Element should just have children: a list of"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "CollectionsMetadata" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "ConsensusReadSetRef" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.ConsensusReadSetRef",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "ConsensusReadSetRef" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "ContigSetMetadata" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.ContigSetMetadata",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="The DataSetMetadata subtype specific to ContigSets."]; "DataSetMetadata" -> "ContigSetMetadata" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "ContinuousDistribution" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.ContinuousDistribution",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "ContinuousDistribution" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "CopyFilesMetadata" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.CopyFilesMetadata",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="The CopyFile members don't seem complex enough to justify"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "CopyFilesMetadata" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "DNABarcode" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.DNABarcode",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "DNABarcode" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "DNABarcodes" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.DNABarcodes",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "DNABarcodes" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "DataSetMetadata" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.DataSetMetadata",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="The root of the DataSetMetadata element tree, used as base for subtype"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "DataSetMetadata" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "DiscreteDistribution" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.DiscreteDistribution",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "DiscreteDistribution" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "ExternalResource" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.ExternalResource",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "ExternalResource" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "ExternalResources" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.ExternalResources",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "ExternalResources" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "FileIndex" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.FileIndex",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "FileIndex" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "FileIndices" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.FileIndices",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "FileIndices" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "Filter" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.Filter",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "Filter" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "Filters" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.Filters",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "Filters" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "Kit" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.Kit",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "Kit" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "OutputOptions" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.OutputOptions",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "OutputOptions" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "ParentDataSet" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.ParentDataSet",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "ParentDataSet" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "ParentTool" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.ParentTool",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "ParentTool" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "PbiFlags" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.PbiFlags",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "PrimaryMetadata" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.PrimaryMetadata",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="Doctest:"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "PrimaryMetadata" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "Properties" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.Properties",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "Properties" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "Property" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.Property",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "Property" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "Provenance" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.Provenance",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="The metadata concerning this dataset's provenance"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "Provenance" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "ReadSetMetadata" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.ReadSetMetadata",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "DataSetMetadata" -> "ReadSetMetadata" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "RecordWrapper" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.RecordWrapper",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="The base functionality of a metadata element."]; "RunDetailsMetadata" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.RunDetailsMetadata",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "RunDetailsMetadata" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "SecondaryMetadata" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.SecondaryMetadata",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "SecondaryMetadata" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "SequencingKitPlate" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.SequencingKitPlate",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "Kit" -> "SequencingKitPlate" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "StatsMetadata" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.StatsMetadata",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="The metadata from the machine sts.xml"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "StatsMetadata" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "SubreadSetMetadata" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.SubreadSetMetadata",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="The DataSetMetadata subtype specific to SubreadSets. Deals explicitly"]; "ReadSetMetadata" -> "SubreadSetMetadata" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "TemplatePrepKit" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.TemplatePrepKit",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="TemplatePrepKit metadata"]; "Kit" -> "TemplatePrepKit" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "WellSampleMetadata" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.WellSampleMetadata",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; "RecordWrapper" -> "WellSampleMetadata" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "ZeroBinWidthError" [URL="#pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.ZeroBinWidthError",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"]; }

DataSetMetadata (also the tag of the Element in the DataSet XML representation) is somewhat challening to store, access, and (de)serialize efficiently. Here, we maintain a bulk representation of all of the dataset metadata (or any other XML data, like ExternalResources) found in the XML file in the following data structure:

An Element is a turned into a dictionary:
XmlElement => {‘tag’: ‘ElementTag’,
‘text’: ‘ElementText’,
‘attrib’: {‘ElementAttributeName’: ‘AttributeValue’, ‘AnotherAttrName’: ‘AnotherAttrValue’},
‘children’: [XmlElementDict, XmlElementDictWithSameOrDifferentTag]}

Child elements are represented similarly and stored (recursively) as a list in ‘children’. The top level we store for DataSetMetadata is just a list, which can be thought of as the list of children of a different element (say, a DataSet or SubreadSet element, if we stored that):

  • DataSetMetadata = [XmlTag, XmlTagWithSameOrDifferentTag]

We keep this for three reasons:

  1. We don’t want to have to write a lot of logic to go from XML to an internal representation and then back to XML.

  2. We want to be able to store and at least write metadata that doesn’t yet exist, even if we can’t merge it intelligently.

  3. Keeping and manipulating a dictionary is ~10x faster than an OrderedAttrDict, and probably faster to use than a full stack of objects.

Instead, we keep and modify this list:dictionary structure, wrapping it in classes as necessary. The classes and methods that wrap this datastructure serve two pruposes:

  • Provide an interface for our code (and making merging clean) e.g.:
    • DataSet(“test.xml”).metadata.numRecords += 1

  • Provide an interface for users of the DataSet API, e.g.:

    • numRecords = DataSet(“test.xml”).metadata.numRecords

    • bioSamplePointer = (DataSet(“test.xml”) .metadata.collections[0] .wellSample.bioSamplePointers[0])

    • Though users can still access novel metadata types the hard way e.g.:
      • bioSamplePointer = (DataSet(“test.xml”) .metadata.collections[0] [‘WellSample’][‘BioSamplePointers’] [‘BioSamplePointer’].record[‘text’])

  • If you want temporary children to be retained for a classes’s children, pass parent=self to the child’s constructor.

    • it helps to add a TAG member…

class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.Automation(record=None, parent=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

NS = 'pbmeta'
property automationParameters
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.AutomationParameter(record=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

NS = 'pbbase'
property value
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.AutomationParameters(record=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

NS = 'pbbase'

Override to use tag as Name instead of strictly tag

addParameter(key, value)
property automationParameter
property parameterNames
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.BarcodeSetMetadata(record=None)

Bases: DataSetMetadata

The DataSetMetadata subtype specific to BarcodeSets.

TAG = 'DataSetMetadata'
property barcodeConstruction
exception pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.BinBoundaryMismatchError(min1, min2)

Bases: BinMismatchError

exception pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.BinMismatchError

Bases: Exception

exception pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.BinNumberMismatchError(num1, num2)

Bases: BinMismatchError

exception pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.BinWidthMismatchError(width1, width2)

Bases: BinMismatchError

class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.BindingKit(record=None, parent=None)

Bases: Kit

class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.BioSampleMetadata(record=None, parent=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

The metadata for a single BioSample

property DNABarcodes
NS = 'pbsample'
TAG = 'BioSample'
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.BioSamplesMetadata(record=None, parent=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

The metadata for the list of BioSamples

>>> from pbcore.io import SubreadSet
>>> import pbcore.data.datasets as data
>>> ds = SubreadSet(data.getSubreadSet(), skipMissing=True)
>>> ds.metadata.bioSamples[0].name
'consectetur purus'
>>> for bs in ds.metadata.bioSamples:
...     print(bs.name)
consectetur purus
>>> em = {'tag':'BioSample', 'text':'', 'children':[],
...       'attrib':{'Name':'great biosample'}}
>>> ds.metadata.bioSamples.append(em)
>>> ds.metadata.bioSamples[1].name
'great biosample'
NS = 'pbsample'
TAG = 'BioSamples'

Get a biosample


Iterate over biosamples

class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.CellPac(record=None, parent=None)

Bases: Kit

NS = 'pbmeta'
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.CollectionMetadata(record=None, parent=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

The metadata for a single collection. It contains Context, InstrumentName etc. as attribs, InstCtrlVer etc. for children

NS = 'pbmeta'
TAG = 'CollectionMetadata'
property automation
property bindingKit
property cellIndex
property cellPac
property collectionNumber
property consensusReadSetRef
property context
property instCtrlVer
property instrumentId
property instrumentName
property primary
property runDetails
property secondary
property sequencingKitPlate
property sigProcVer
property templatePrepKit
property wellSample
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.CollectionsMetadata(record=None, parent=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

The Element should just have children: a list of CollectionMetadataTags

NS = 'pbmeta'
TAG = 'Collections'

Try to get the a specific child (only useful in simple cases where children will not be wrapped in a special wrapper object, returns the first instance of ‘tag’)


Get each child iteratively (only useful in simple cases where children will not be wrapped in a special wrapper object)

merge(other, forceUnique=False)
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.ConsensusReadSetRef(record=None, parent=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

property uuid
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.ContigSetMetadata(record=None)

Bases: DataSetMetadata

The DataSetMetadata subtype specific to ContigSets.

TAG = 'DataSetMetadata'
property organism
property ploidy
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.ContinuousDistribution(record=None, parent=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

property binWidth
property bins
property description
property labels

Label the bins with the min value of each bin

property maxBinValue
property maxOutlierValue
property minBinValue
property minOutlierValue
property numBins
property sample95thPct
property sampleMean
property sampleMed
property sampleMedian
property sampleMode
property sampleN50
property sampleSize
property sampleStd
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.CopyFilesMetadata(record=None, parent=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

The CopyFile members don’t seem complex enough to justify class representation, instead rely on base class methods

TAG = 'CopyFiles'
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.DNABarcode(record=None, parent=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

NS = 'pbsample'
TAG = 'DNABarcode'
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.DNABarcodes(record=None, parent=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

NS = 'pbsample'
TAG = 'DNABarcodes'

Get a DNABarcode


Iterate over DNABarcode

class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.DataSetMetadata(record=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

The root of the DataSetMetadata element tree, used as base for subtype specific DataSet or for generic “DataSet” records.

NS = 'pbds'
TAG = 'DataSetMetadata'
addParentDataSet(uniqueId, metaType, timeStampedName='', createdBy='AnalysisJob')

Add a ParentDataSet record in the Provenance section. Currently only used for SubreadSets.

property numRecords

Return the number of records in a DataSet using helper functions defined in the base class

property provenance
property summaryStats
property totalLength

Return the TotalLength property of this dataset. TODO: update the value from the actual external reference on ValueError

class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.DiscreteDistribution(record=None, parent=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

property bins
property description
property labels
property numBins
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.ExternalResource(record=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

NS = 'pbbase'
property adapters
property bai
property bam
property barcodes
property control
property externalResources
property gmap

Unusual: returns the gmap external resource instead of the resId

property indices
property metaType
property pbi
property reference
property resourceId
property scraps
property sts
property tags

Return the list of tags for children in this element

property timeStampedName
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.ExternalResources(record=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

NS = 'pbbase'

Try to get the a specific child (only useful in simple cases where children will not be wrapped in a special wrapper object, returns the first instance of ‘tag’)


Get each child iteratively (only useful in simple cases where children will not be wrapped in a special wrapper object)


Add a new external reference with the given uris. If you’re looking to add ExternalResource objects, append() or extend() them instead.


resourceIds: a list of uris as strings

property resourceIds
property resources

In theory we could sort the ExternalResource objects, but that would require opening them

class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.FileIndex(record=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

NS = 'pbbase'
property metaType
property resourceId
property timeStampedName
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.FileIndices(record=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

NS = 'pbbase'

Try to get the a specific child (only useful in simple cases where children will not be wrapped in a special wrapper object, returns the first instance of ‘tag’)


Get each child iteratively (only useful in simple cases where children will not be wrapped in a special wrapper object)

class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.Filter(record=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

NS = 'pbds'

Try to get the a specific child (only useful in simple cases where children will not be wrapped in a special wrapper object, returns the first instance of ‘tag’)


Get each child iteratively (only useful in simple cases where children will not be wrapped in a special wrapper object)

addRequirement(name, operator, value, modulo=None)
property plist
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.Filters(record=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

NS = 'pbds'

Try to get the a specific child (only useful in simple cases where children will not be wrapped in a special wrapper object, returns the first instance of ‘tag’)


Get each child iteratively (only useful in simple cases where children will not be wrapped in a special wrapper object)


Use this to add filters. Members of the list will be considered requirements for fulfilling this option. Use multiple calls to add multiple filters.


name: The name of the requirement, e.g. ‘rq’ options: A list of (operator, value) tuples, e.g. (‘>’, ‘0.85’)


filters is a list of options, with a list of reqs for each option. Each req is a tuple (name, oper, val)


Use this to add requirements. Members of the list will be considered options for fulfilling this requirement, all other filters will be duplicated for each option. Use multiple calls to add multiple requirements to the existing filters. Use removeRequirement first to not add conflicting filters.


name: The name of the requirement, e.g. ‘rq’ options: A list of (operator, value) tuples, e.g. (‘>’, ‘0.85’)


Filt is a list of Filter objects or lists of reqs. Take all existing filters, duplicate and combine with each new filter

filterIndexRecords(indexRecords, nameMap, movieMap, readType='bam')

Add requirements to each of the existing requirements, mapped one to one

testField(param, values, testType=<class 'str'>, oper='=')
testParam(param, value, testType=<class 'str'>, oper='=')
tests(readType='bam', tIdMap=None)
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.Kit(record=None, parent=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

property barcode
property expirationDate
property lotNumber
property partNumber
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.OutputOptions(record=None, parent=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

NS = 'pbmeta'
property collectionPathUri
property copyFiles
property resultsFolder
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.ParentDataSet(record=None, parent=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

NS = 'pbds'
property metaType
property timeStampedName
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.ParentTool(record=None, parent=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

NS = 'pbds'
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.PbiFlags

Bases: object

classmethod flagMap(flag)
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.PrimaryMetadata(record=None, parent=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

>>> import os, tempfile
>>> from pbcore.io import SubreadSet
>>> import pbcore.data.datasets as data
>>> ds1 = SubreadSet(data.getXml(5), skipMissing=True)
>>> ds1.metadata.collections[0].primary.outputOptions.resultsFolder
>>> ds1.metadata.collections[0].primary.outputOptions.resultsFolder = (
...     'BetterAnalysis_Results')
>>> ds1.metadata.collections[0].primary.outputOptions.resultsFolder
>>> outdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix="dataset-doctest")
>>> outXml = 'xml:' + os.path.join(outdir, 'tempfile.xml')
>>> ds1.write(outXml, validate=False)
>>> ds2 = SubreadSet(outXml, skipMissing=True)
>>> ds2.metadata.collections[0].primary.outputOptions.resultsFolder
NS = 'pbmeta'
TAG = 'Primary'
property automationName
property configFileName
property outputOptions
property sequencingCondition
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.Properties(record=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

NS = 'pbbase'

Try to get the a specific child (only useful in simple cases where children will not be wrapped in a special wrapper object, returns the first instance of ‘tag’)


Get each child iteratively (only useful in simple cases where children will not be wrapped in a special wrapper object)

class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.Property(record=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

NS = 'pbbase'
property hashfunc
property modulo
property name
property operator
property value
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.Provenance(record=None, parent=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

The metadata concerning this dataset’s provenance

NS = 'pbds'
addParentDataSet(uniqueId, metaType, timeStampedName)
property createdBy
property parentDataSet
property parentTool
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.ReadSetMetadata(record=None)

Bases: DataSetMetadata

property bioSamples
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.RecordWrapper(record=None, parent=None)

Bases: object

The base functionality of a metadata element.

Many of the methods here are intended for use with children of RecordWrapper (e.g. append, extend). Methods in child classes often provide similar functionality for more raw inputs (e.g. resourceIds as strings)

NS = ''

Try to get the a specific child (only useful in simple cases where children will not be wrapped in a special wrapper object, returns the first instance of ‘tag’)


Get each child iteratively (only useful in simple cases where children will not be wrapped in a special wrapper object)


Return a pretty string represenation of this object:

“<type tag text attribs children>”

addMetadata(key, value)

Add a key, value pair to this metadata object (attributes)


Append to the actual list of child elements

property attrib
property createdAt
property description

Extend the actual list of child elements

getMemberV(tag, container='text', default=None, asType=<class 'str'>, attrib=None)

Generic accessor for the contents of the children of this element, without having to interface with them directly

getV(container='text', tag=None)

Generic accessor for the contents of this element’s ‘attrib’ or ‘text’ fields


Return the index in ‘children’ list of item with ‘tag’ member

property metadata

Cleaner accessor for this node’s attributes. Returns mutable, doesn’t need setter

property metaname

Cleaner accessor for this node’s tag

property metavalue

Cleaner accessor for this node’s text

property name
property namespace
setMemberV(tag, value, container='text', attrib=None)

Generic accessor for the contents of the children of this element, without having to interface with them directly

setV(value, container='text', tag=None)

Generic accessor for the contents of this element’s ‘attrib’ or ‘text’ fields

property submetadata

Cleaner accessor for wrapped versions of this node’s children.

property subrecords

Cleaner accessor for this node’s children. Returns mutable, doesn’t need setter

property tags

Return the list of tags for children in this element

property text
property uniqueId
property value
property version
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.RunDetailsMetadata(record=None, parent=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

NS = 'pbmeta'
TAG = 'RunDetails'
property name
property timeStampedName
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.SecondaryMetadata(record=None, parent=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

TAG = 'Secondary'
property cellCountInJob
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.SequencingKitPlate(record=None, parent=None)

Bases: Kit

class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.StatsMetadata(record=None, parent=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

The metadata from the machine sts.xml

CHANNEL_DISTS = ['BaselineLevelDist', 'BaselineStdDist', 'SnrDist', 'HqRegionSnrDist', 'HqBasPkMidDist', 'BaselineLevelSequencingDist', 'TotalBaseFractionPerChannel', 'DmeAngleEstDist']
MERGED_DISTS = ['ProdDist', 'ReadTypeDist', 'ReadLenDist', 'ReadQualDist', 'MedianInsertDist', 'InsertReadQualDist', 'InsertReadLenDist', 'ControlReadQualDist', 'ControlReadLenDist']
OTHER_DISTS = ['PausinessDist', 'PulseRateDist', 'PulseWidthDist', 'BaseRateDist', 'BaseWidthDist', 'BaseIpdDist', 'LocalBaseRateDist', 'NumUnfilteredBasecallsDist', 'HqBaseFractionDist', 'NumUnfilteredBasecallsDist']
UNMERGED_DISTS = ['BaselineLevelDist', 'BaselineStdDist', 'SnrDist', 'HqRegionSnrDist', 'HqBasPkMidDist', 'BaselineLevelSequencingDist', 'TotalBaseFractionPerChannel', 'DmeAngleEstDist', 'PausinessDist', 'PulseRateDist', 'PulseWidthDist', 'BaseRateDist', 'BaseWidthDist', 'BaseIpdDist', 'LocalBaseRateDist', 'NumUnfilteredBasecallsDist', 'HqBaseFractionDist', 'NumUnfilteredBasecallsDist']

Try to get the a specific child (only useful in simple cases where children will not be wrapped in a special wrapper object, returns the first instance of ‘tag’)

property adapterDimerFraction
property channelDists

This can be modified to use the new accessors above instead of the brittle list of channel dists above

property controlReadLenDist
property controlReadQualDist
getDist(key, unwrap=True)
property insertReadLenDist
property insertReadLenDists
property insertReadQualDist
property insertReadQualDists
property medianInsertDist
property medianInsertDists

This can be modified to use the new accessors above instead of the brittle list of dists above

property numSequencingZmws
property otherDists

This can be modified to use the new accessors above instead of the brittle list of dists above

property prodDist
property readLenDist
property readLenDists
property readQualDist
property readQualDists
property readTypeDist
property shortInsertFraction
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.SubreadSetMetadata(record=None)

Bases: ReadSetMetadata

The DataSetMetadata subtype specific to SubreadSets. Deals explicitly with the merging of Collections metadata hierarchies.

TAG = 'DataSetMetadata'
property collections

Return a list of wrappers around Collections elements of the Metadata Record

class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.TemplatePrepKit(record=None, parent=None)

Bases: Kit

TemplatePrepKit metadata

property leftAdaptorSequence
property rightAdaptorSequence
class pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.WellSampleMetadata(record=None, parent=None)

Bases: RecordWrapper

NS = 'pbmeta'
TAG = 'WellSample'
property bioSamples
property comments
property concentration
property sampleReuseEnabled
property sizeSelectionEnabled
property stageHotstartEnabled
property useCount
property wellName
exception pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.ZeroBinWidthError(width1, width2)

Bases: Exception

pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.accs(key, container='attrib', asType=<function <lambda>>, parent=False)
pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.filter_read(accessor, operator, value, read)
pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.getter(key, container='attrib', asType=<function <lambda>>, parent=False)
pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.histogram_percentile(counts, labels, percentile)
pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.inOp(ar1, ar2)

Detect if string is actually a representation a stringified list

pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.make_mod_hash_acc(accessor, mod, hashname)
pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.map_val_or_vec(func, target)
pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.qname2vec(qnames, movie_map)

Break a list of qname strings into a list of qname field tuples

pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.qnamer(qid2mov, qId, hn, qs, qe)
pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.qnames2recarrays_by_size(qnames, movie_map, dtype)

Note that qname filters can be specified as partial qnames. Therefore we return a recarray for each size in qnames, in a dictionary

pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.reccheck(records, qname_tables)

Create a mask for those records present in qname_tables. qname_tables is a dict of {numfields: recarray}, where each recarray contains records that specify a means of passing the filter, e.g. a qname in a whitelist. Qnames filters can be specified as partial qnames, however, e.g. just a contextid and holenumber (you cannot skip fields, e.g. just holenumber). We also want to allow people to mix partially and fully specified qnames in the whitelist. Therefore we have different tables for different lengths (so we can use np.in1d, which operates on recarrays quite nicely)

pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.recordMembership(records, constraints)
pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.setter(key, container='attrib')
pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.subaccs(key, container='text', default=None, asType=<function <lambda>>, attrib=None)
pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.subgetter(key, container='text', default=None, asType=<function <lambda>>, attrib=None)
pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.subsetter(key, container='text', attrib=None)
pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.updateNamespace(ele, ns)
pbcore.io.dataset.DataSetMembers.updateTag(ele, tag)