This application is described in detail in Chapter 7 of Windows Sockets Network Programming, "Sample Application and Library."
What it does: AC_FTP is a file transfer protocol client that uses asynchronous socket operation mode and utilizes many programming techniques described in detail throughout the book. It connects to an FTP server, sends commands and receives replies according to RFC 959 to get and put files, change directories, get file lists, delete files.
What it illustrates: The source code for AC_FTP illustrates many key aspects of WinSock application programming, including how to connect as a TCP client and as a server, how to maximize data throughput using sockets with asynchronous operation mode. It also demonstrates how to receive variable length data on a stream connection; this is often a problem since TCP (RFC 793 and RFC 1122) does not preserve packet boundaries. It also shows how to implement an application protocol--the FTP protocol--using a state machine; maintaining socket state is an important aspect of most network applications.
How to Use it: AC_FTP implements a subset of the FTP command set, and has buttons in the main dialog box for each of the commands available..
Known Problems: AC_FTP, as all other the sample applications, suffers from a user-hostile interface. User friendliness was sacrificed to minimize user interface code, and emphasize the network code. The most blatant user-hostile feature is the text in the status box that scrolls in the wrong direction. The method of displaying the file directories is less than ideal also, but calls for very little code. The CWD command does not allow you to move between disks on the local system.
File List:
AC_FTP\AC_FTP.MAK Makefile for 16-bit ac_ftp.exe
AC_FTP\AC_FTP32.MAK Makefile for 32.bit ac_ftp32.exe
AC_FTP\FTP_DATA.C all routines for the data connection
AC_FTP\FTP_CTRL.C all routines for the control connection
This application is described in Chapter 6 of Windows Sockets Network Programming, "Socket States."
What it does: AS_ECHO provides the standard TCP echo service (on port 7), as described by RFC 862. The application reads data from any number of echo clients simultaneously, and sends the data received from each client back to the client that sent it.
What it illustrates: AS_ECHO illustrates how to write a fast and efficient TCP server capable of handling multiple connections simultaneously using asynchronous operation mode.
How to Use it: As is the case with most server applications, AS_ECHO has a minimal user interface; it is mainly driven by clent connections. After you run it, it displays the local host name and IP address (if it could be retrieved using our GetHostID() routine from WINSOCKX.LIB). The main dialog box displays the number of active connections, the number of connections that have disconnected, the total number of bytes received is updated realtime, and the data rate of the last connection is displayed as each client disconnects. The data rate and address of each connection are also logged to a file named as_echo.log. The application does not have any options, and the only interaction possible is with either the "About" button to display the about box, or the "Exit" button to quit the program.
Known Problems: No known problems.
File List:
AS_ECHO\AS_ECHO.MAK Makefile for 16-bit as_echo.exe
AS_ECHO\ASECHO32.MAK Makefile for 32-bit asecho32.exe
This application is referenced in Chapter 16, "Optional Features.", in the text Windows Sockets Network Programming.
NOTE: There are other multicast source code samples available on the net.
What it does: The MULTITST application allows sending and receiving of multicast datagrams (RFC 1112 and RFC 1122), and experimentation with the multicast APIs. MULTITST also sends and receives Internet Control Message Protocol (RFC 791) "echo request" and "echo reply" datagrams, typically known as "ping" packets. and uses the IP_TTL socket option to set the IP time-to-live field for traceroute.
What it illustrates: It shows how to use the multicast, and SOCK_RAW sockets for ICMP (with IP_TTL).
How to Use it: The two parts to this program--multicast UDP and ICMP Ping--have seperate interfaces. We'll describe the steps involved with using each seperately. To play with multicast, you need to get a socket by selecting the "Socket" menu item. Once you have a socket, you can send to multicast addresses, or any other IP address with the Sendto menu item at any point. However, receiving multicast packets requires additional steps.
The steps required to receive multicast datagrams, sometimes differ
between different multicast implementations. For Microsoft's, for example,
you must call call bind() (with the Bind menu item) next. For bind() you
can select any class D address, and any port number (or use 0 to let the
TCP/IP stack assign an arbitrary port). Next step involves socket options,
which you can access with the "SockOpts" menu selection. The
most important option is IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, which joins the multicast group
to allow you to receive datagrams destined for that address. You should
specify the same class D address for the multicast group that you used
in the call to bind(). In some cases, you may also have to use the IP_MULTICAST_IF
option to specify the default interface. Here is a short description of
these and other multicast-related options; for more information, see Chapter
16: "Optional Features"
*Important Note* The "BSD option values" is set by default to use the BSD-compatible values for the option name macro values. You will need to disable this setting for multicast implementations --like Microsoft's--that use the Steve Deering values for each multicast option.
NOTE: The user interface for multitst is far from friendly. Here are some detailed instructions on how to use MULTITST for multicast testing.
To send and receive ICMP "ping" datagrams, select the "Ping" menu item, and the ping interface will be displayed. First, press the "socket()" button to get raw socket to use for ICMP. Next, enter an IP address or hostname as the "Destination host." At this point you can press "sendto()" to send an ICMP echo request packet, and MULTITST will display a message box when the response arrives. You could change the ICMP ID and sequence numbers if you wish; these change the values of the ICMP fields as described in RFC791. You can also try changing the time to live value in the IP header (RFC 791), although very few WinSock implementations support the BSD-compatible IP_TTL socket option that the MULTITST application uses.
Known Problems: MULTITST notifies the user of each multicast datagram and ping echo response arrival by displaying a message box. This is less than ideal, especially when receiving ping responses sent to broadcast addresses, or when using the traceroute option (by setting IP TTL).
File List:
MULTITST\MULTITST.MAK Makefile for 16-bit multitst.exe
MULTITST\MULTI_32.MAK Makefile for 32-bit multi_32.exe
This application is referenced in Chapter 5 of Windows Sockets Network Programming, "Operation Modes."
What it does: UA_TIME works as a client and a server using UDP in asynchronous operation mode to implement the simple daytime protocol, as described in RFC 867. As a client, it sends a datagram to the daytime service (port 13), then reads the response, which contains a human-readable string indicating the current date and time maintained by the daytime server system. As a server, it responds to each unsolicited datagram received on port 13, but returning a human-readable date/time string.
What it illustrates: It shows how to create a combination client and server that uses a UDP socket (RFC 768) and asynchronous operation mode. It also allows uses setsockopt() SO_BROADCAST to allow sending and recieving broadcast datagrams.
How to Use it: The program starts without a socket, so the first thing you need to do is use the "Open" command to get a socket, and call bind(). You then use "Sendto" to send requests to daytime server systems. If you use "Options" to enable the use of broadcast destination addresses, you can send to the limited broadcast address ( to query all the hosts on your local network. Each time a response is received, UA_TIME displays the time/date string along with the source address in a message box.
Known Problems: This application should display each response in a scrolling window rather than displaying a message box for each.
File List:
UA_TIME\UA_TIME.MAK Makefile for 16-bit ua_time.exe
UA_TIME\UATIME32.MAK Makefile for 32-bit uatime32.exe
This application was not referenced in Windows Sockets Network Programming at all. Rather, we created this tool as we wrote the book for exploration and development of the programming techniques we describe throughout the text. The application is like a black box exposed, with many different knobs to control execution. It may seem overwhelming at first glance, but it is really quite simple to use.
What it does: It can act as a client or server application, using TCP or UDP, in blocking, nonblocking or asynchronous operation mode, sending or receiving or both. It has many operational parameters, many of which can be adjusted on-the-fly during execution, and it allows setting and getting socket options as it executes also. It implements several simple protocols: echo (RFC 862), discard (RFC 863), and chargen (RFC 864).
What it illustrates: It is a WinSock exploration, experimentation and benchmarking tool that illustrates how a WinSock implementation behaves in certain conditions. Most significantly, it illustrates the effects of looping on recv() calls in response to asynchronous FD_READ event notification, and investigates how to adjust the read loop dynamically.
How to Use it: Typically, the first menu item to select is "Start," which displays the "Applications Options" dialog box. You can select the operation mode (blocking, non-blocking, or asynchronous), the transport protocol (TCP or UDP), and the application role (a client or server). If you choose to run as a client, you need to enter a destination host or address before you press the "Start!" button to initiate execution. There are a number of I/O parameters you can change by pressing the "Options" button..
Known Problems: The OOB implementation needs an application--which isn't available here--to receive the OOB data sent, and send some OOB data back. The detailed statics (avaliable from the "Statistics" menu item), causes the application to fail in the 32-bit version. It could benefit greatly from the addition of scripting and logging features. There are some application settings that can have problems during execution; for example, reading a constant stream of incoming data with a non-blocking socket (from the chargen port, for instance) can make the application unresponsive to user input.
File List:
WAL\ASYNC.C: Asynchronous operation mode routines
WAL\BLOCKING.C: Blocking operation mode routines
WAL\NONBLKNG.C: Non-blocking operation mode routines
WAL\WAL.MAK Makefile for 16-bit wal.exe
WAL\WAL32.MAK Makefile for 32-bit wal32.exe
WAL\OOBDATA.C: TCP out-of-band data routines
WAL\WAL.INI Sample default settings file
This DLL and the simple test program (SIMPLTST.EXE) are desribed in Chapter 11 of Windows Sockets Network Programming, "DLLs over WinSock."
What it does: The WSASIMPL DLL rovides a simple API for elemental network functionality using TCP: connect, send or receive data, and disconnect.
What it illustrates: The main purpose of WSASIMPL is to illustrate how to create a DLL that runs over WinSock, and prevents reentrant messages from being sent to the application calling the DLL over WinSock. It uses windows subclassing to capture keyboard and mouse messages while blocking network operations are underway.
How to Use it: Here are short descriptions along with the prototypes for the functions in the simplified WinSock API that WSASIMPL.DLL provides:
The SIMPLTST sample application connects to an echo server, sends data, and reads it back. The relevant code for this application is as follows:
SOCKET hSock; char szHost[MAXHOSTNAME]; char achOutBuf[BUFSIZE], achInBuf[BUFSIZE]; hSock = ConnectTCP((LPSTR)szHost, (LPSTR)"echo"); if (hSock != INVALID_SOCKET) { int nRet; SendData(hSock, achOutBuf, BUFSIZE); RecvData(hSock, achInBuf, BUFSIZE); CloseTCP(hSock, 0, 0); }
Known Problems: WSASIMPL.DLL subclasses the active window when ConnectTCP() is called to avoid reentrant messages. We avoid problems in our subclassed window procedure by noting receipt of a WM_DESTROY message. Also note that because WSASIMPL.DLL uses blocking operation mode, it imposes the typical limitations on each task (e.g. while any blocking operation is outstanding, other WinSock calls from the same task or thread fail with WSAEINPROGRESS).
File List:
WSASIMPL\SIMPLTST.MAK Makefile for 16-bit simpltst.exe
WSASIMPL\SIMPLT32.MAK Makefile for 32-bit simplt32.exe
WSASIMPL\WSASIMPL.MAK Makefile for 16-bit wsasimpl.dll
WSASIMPL\WSASMP32.MAK Makefile for 32-bit wsasmp32.dll
We describe each routine in this library in Chapter 7, "Sample Application and Library.", in Windows Sockets Network Programming. Many of the WinSock samples use the subroutines in this library. For example, the error message box, the routine to retrieve the local host's IP address, a simple hostname or IP address string parser, and others.
What it does: The WINSOCKX static library contains a number of routines commonly used by WinSock applications. Some are non-network functions that perform common mundane application operations--such as centering a window, or creating a local file--but most of the functions in this library provide high-level WinSock services by combining a number of WinSock function calls. For example, you can pass either a host name or IP address string to our GetAddr() function, and it returns an IP address in network order (it uses inet_addr() and gethostbyname() WinSock functions).
What it illustrates: In effect, these reusable functions show how to write simpler and more robust WinSock application code by using high-level functions.
How to Use it: Here are the function prototypes of the most significant and useful routines, along with a short description of each:
int CloseConn (SOCKET hSock, LPSTR achInBuf, int len, HWND hWnd);
u_long GetAddr (LPSTR szHost);
int GetBuf (SOCKET hSock, int nBigBufSize, int nOptVal);
LONG GetHostID (void);
u_short GetPort (LPSTR szService);
int WSAErrStr (int WSAErr, LPSTR lpErrBuf);
void WSAperror(int WSAErr, LPSTR szFuncName);
Known Problems: No known problems.
File List:
WINSOCKX\GLOBALS.C global variables
WINSOCKX\WIN_MGR.C (non-network related) windows routines
WINSOCKX\WINSOCKX.MAK Makefile for 16-bit winsockx.lib
WINSOCKX\WSOCK32X.MAK Makefile for 32-bit wsock32x.lib
WINSOCKX\WSA_ERR.C error routines
WINSOCKX\WSA_OPTN.C socket option routines
WINSOCKX\WSA_ADDR.C address routines