#!/usr/bin/env python # Helper.py keeps the rest of the tools clean - part of SIPVicious tools # Copyright (C) 2007 Sandro Gauci # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . __author__ = "Sandro Gauci " __version__ = '0.2.4' import sys if sys.hexversion < 0x020400f0: sys.stderr.write("Please update to python 2.4 or greater to run Sipvicious\r\n") sys.exit(1) import base64,struct,socket,logging import optparse def standardoptions(parser): parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest="verbose", action="count", help="Increase verbosity") parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', dest="quiet", action="store_true", default=False, help="Quiet mode") parser.add_option("-p", "--port", dest="port", default="5060", help="Destination port or port ranges of the SIP device - eg -p5060,5061,8000-8100", metavar="PORT") parser.add_option("-P", "--localport", dest="localport", default=5060, type="int", help="Source port for our packets", metavar="PORT") parser.add_option("-x", "--externalip", dest="externalip", help="IP Address to use as the external ip. Specify this if you have multiple interfaces or if you are behind NAT", metavar="IP") parser.add_option("-b", "--bindingip", dest="bindingip", default='', help="By default we bind to all interfaces. This option overrides that and binds to the specified ip address") parser.add_option("-t", "--timeout", dest="selecttime", type="float", default=0.005, help="This option allows you to trottle the speed at which packets are sent. Change this if you're losing packets. For example try 0.5.", metavar="SELECTTIME") parser.add_option("-R", "--reportback", dest="reportBack", default=False, action="store_true", help="Send the author an exception traceback. Currently sends the command line parameters and the traceback", ) return parser def standardscanneroptions(parser): parser.add_option("-s", "--save", dest="save", help="save the session. Has the benefit of allowing you to resume a previous scan and allows you to export scans", metavar="NAME") parser.add_option("--resume", dest="resume", help="resume a previous scan", metavar="NAME") parser.add_option("-c", "--enablecompact", dest="enablecompact", default=False, help="enable compact mode. Makes packets smaller but possibly less compatable", action="store_true", ) return parser def calcloglevel(options): logginglevel = 30 if options.verbose is not None: if options.verbose >= 3: logginglevel = 10 else: logginglevel = 30-(options.verbose*10) if options.quiet: logginglevel = 50 return logginglevel def bindto(bindingip,startport,s): import logging log = logging.getLogger('bindto') localport = startport log.debug("binding to %s:%s" % (bindingip,localport)) while 1: if localport > 65535: log.critical("Could not bind to any port") return try: s.bind((bindingip,localport)) break except socket.error: log.debug("could not bind to %s" % localport) localport += 1 if startport != localport: log.warn("could not bind to %s:%s - some process might already be listening on this port. Listening on port %s instead" % \ (bindingip,startport, localport)) log.info("Make use of the -P option to specify a port to bind to yourself") return localport,s def getRange(rangestr): from helper import anotherxrange as xrange _tmp1 = rangestr.split(',') numericrange = list() for _tmp2 in _tmp1: _tmp3 = _tmp2.split('-',1) if len(_tmp3) > 1: if not (_tmp3[0].isdigit() or _tmp3[1].isdigit()): raise ValueError, "the ranges need to be digits" return startport,endport = map(int,[_tmp3[0],_tmp3[1]]) endport += 1 numericrange.append(xrange(startport,endport)) else: if not _tmp3[0].isdigit(): raise ValueError, "the ranges need to be digits" return singleport = int(_tmp3[0]) numericrange.append(xrange(singleport,singleport+1)) return numericrange def numericbrute(rangelist,zeropadding=0,template=None): """numericbrute gives a yield generator. accepts either zeropadding or template as optional argument""" if zeropadding > 0: format = '%%0%su' % zeropadding elif template is not None: format = template else: format = '%u' # format string test format % 1 for x in rangelist: for y in x: r = format % y yield(r) def dictionaryattack(dictionaryfile): r = dictionaryfile.readline().strip() while r != '': yield(r) r = dictionaryfile.readline().strip() dictionaryfile.close() class genericbrute: pass def getNonce(pkt): import re nonceRE='nonce="([:a-zA-Z0-9]+)"' _tmp = re.findall(nonceRE,pkt) if _tmp is not None: if len(_tmp) > 0: return(_tmp[0]) return None def getRealm(pkt): import re nonceRE='realm="([.:a-zA-Z0-9@]+)"' _tmp = re.findall(nonceRE,pkt) if _tmp is not None: if len(_tmp) > 0: return(_tmp[0]) return None def getCID(pkt): import re cidRE='Call-ID: ([:a-zA-Z0-9]+)' _tmp = re.findall(cidRE,pkt) if _tmp is not None: if len(_tmp) > 0: return(_tmp[0]) return None def mysendto(sock,data,dst): while data: bytes_sent = sock.sendto(data[:8192],dst) data = data[bytes_sent:] def parseSDP(buff): r = dict() for line in buff.splitlines(): _tmp = line.split('=',1) if len(_tmp) == 2: k,v = _tmp if not r.has_key(k): r[k] = list() r[k].append(v) return r def getAudioPort(sdp): if sdp.has_key('m'): for media in sdp['m']: if media.startswith('audio'): mediasplit = media.split() if len(mediasplit) > 2: port = mediasplit[1] return port def getAudioIP(sdp): if sdp.has_key('c'): for connect in sdp['c']: if connect.startswith('IN IP4'): connectsplit = connect.split() if len(connectsplit) > 2: ip = connectsplit[2] return ip def getSDP(buff): sip = parseHeader(buff) if sip.has_key('body'): body = sip['body'] sdp = parseSDP(body) return sdp def getAudioIPFromBuff(buff): sdp = getSDP(buff) if sdp is not None: return getAudioIP(sdp) def getAudioPortFromBuff(buff): sdp = getSDP(buff) if sdp is not None: return getAudioPort(sdp) def parseHeader(buff,type='response'): import re SEP = '\r\n\r\n' HeadersSEP = '\r*\n(?![\t\x20])' import logging log = logging.getLogger('parseHeader') if SEP in buff: header,body = buff.split(SEP,1) else: header = buff body = '' headerlines = re.split(HeadersSEP, header) if len(headerlines) > 1: r = dict() if type == 'response': _t = headerlines[0].split(' ',2) if len(_t) == 3: sipversion,_code,description = _t else: log.warn('Could not parse the first header line: %s' % `_t`) return r try: r['code'] = int(_code) except ValueError: return r elif type == 'request': _t = headerlines[0].split(' ',2) if len(_t) == 3: method,uri,sipversion = _t else: log.warn('Could not parse the first header line: %s' % `_t`) return r r['headers'] = dict() for headerline in headerlines[1:]: SEP = ':' if SEP in headerline: tmpname,tmpval = headerline.split(SEP,1) name = tmpname.lower().strip() val = map(lambda x: x.strip(),tmpval.split(',')) else: name,val = headerline.lower(),None r['headers'][name] = val r['body'] = body return r def fingerPrint(request,src=None,dst=None): # work needs to be done here import re server = dict() if request.has_key('headers'): header = request['headers'] if (src is not None) and (dst is not None): server['ip'] = src[0] server['srcport'] = src[1] if server['srcport'] == dst[1]: server['behindnat'] = False else: server['behindnat'] = True if header.has_key('user-agent'): server['name'] = header['user-agent'] server['uatype'] = 'uac' if header.has_key('server'): server['name'] = header['server'] server['uatype'] = 'uas' if header.has_key('contact'): m = re.match('',header['contact'][0]) if m: server['contactip'] = m.group(1) if header.has_key('supported'): server['supported'] = header['supported'] if header.has_key('accept-language'): server['accept-language'] = header['accept-language'] if header.has_key('allow-events'): server['allow-events'] = header['allow-events'] if header.has_key('allow'): server['allow'] = header['allow'] return server def fingerPrintPacket(buff,src=None): header = parseHeader(buff) if header is not None: return fingerPrint(header,src) def getCredentials(buff): data = getTag(buff) if data is None: return userpass = data.split(':') if len(userpass) > 0: return(userpass) def getTag(buff): import re from binascii import a2b_hex tagRE='(From|f): .*?\;\s*tag=([=+/\.:a-zA-Z0-9_]+)' _tmp = re.findall(tagRE,buff) if _tmp is not None: if len(_tmp) > 0: _tmp2 = _tmp[0][1] _tmp2 = a2b_hex(_tmp2) if _tmp2.find('\x01') > 0: c,rand = _tmp2.split('\x01') else: c = _tmp2 return c def createTag(data): from binascii import b2a_hex from random import getrandbits rnd = getrandbits(32) return b2a_hex(str(data)+'\x01'+str(rnd)) def getToTag(buff): import re tagRE='(To|t): .*?\;\s*tag=([=+/\.:a-zA-Z0-9_]+)' _tmp = re.findall(tagRE,buff) if _tmp is not None: if len(_tmp) > 0: _tmp2 = _tmp[0][1] return _tmp2 return def challengeResponse(username,realm,passwd,method,uri,nonce): import md5 a1 = md5.new('%s:%s:%s' % (username,realm,passwd)).hexdigest() a2 = md5.new('%s:%s' % (method,uri)).hexdigest() res = md5.new('%s:%s:%s' % (a1,nonce,a2)).hexdigest() return res def makeRedirect(previousHeaders,rediraddr): response = 'SIP/2.0 301 Moved Permanently\r\n' superheaders = dict() headers = dict() superheaders['Via'] = ' '.join(previousHeaders['headers']['via']) headers['Contact'] = '<%s>' % (rediraddr) headers['To'] = ' '.join(previousHeaders['headers']['to']) headers['From'] = ' '.join(previousHeaders['headers']['from']) headers['Call-ID'] = ' '.join(previousHeaders['headers']['call-id']) headers['CSeq'] = ' '.join(previousHeaders['headers']['cseq']) r = response for h in superheaders.iteritems(): r += '%s: %s\r\n' % h for h in headers.iteritems(): r += '%s: %s\r\n' % h r += '\r\n' return(r) def makeRequest( method,fromaddr,toaddr,dsthost,port,callid,srchost='', branchunique=None,cseq=1,auth=None,localtag=None,compact=False ,contact='sip:123@',accept='application/sdp',contentlength=None, localport=5060,extension=None,contenttype=None,body='', useragent='friendly-scanner'): """makeRequest builds up a SIP request method - OPTIONS / INVITE etc toaddr = to address dsthost = destination host port = destination port callid = callerid srchost = source host """ import random if extension is None: uri = 'sip:%s' % dsthost else: uri = 'sip:%s@%s' % (extension,dsthost) if branchunique is None: branchunique = '%s' % random.getrandbits(32) headers = dict() finalheaders = dict() superheaders = dict() if compact: superheaders['v'] = 'SIP/2.0/UDP %s:%s;branch=z9hG4bK-%s;rport' % (srchost,port,branchunique) headers['t'] = toaddr headers['f'] = fromaddr if localtag is not None: headers['f'] += ';tag=%s' % localtag headers['i'] = callid #if contact is not None: headers['m'] = contact else: superheaders['Via'] = 'SIP/2.0/UDP %s:%s;branch=z9hG4bK-%s;rport' % (srchost,localport,branchunique) headers['Max-Forwards'] = 70 headers['To'] = toaddr headers['From'] = fromaddr headers['User-Agent'] = useragent if localtag is not None: headers['From'] += '; tag=%s' % localtag headers['Call-ID'] = callid #if contact is not None: headers['Contact'] = contact headers['CSeq'] = '%s %s' % (cseq,method) headers['Max-Forwards'] = 70 headers['Accept'] = accept if contentlength is None: headers['Content-Length'] = len(body) else: headers['Content-Length'] = contentlength if contenttype is None and len(body) > 0: contenttype = 'application/sdp' if contenttype is not None: headers['Content-Type'] = contenttype if auth is not None: response = challengeResponse(auth['username'],auth['realm'],auth['password'],method,uri,auth['nonce']) if auth['proxy']: finalheaders['Proxy-Authorization'] = \ 'Digest username="%s",realm="%s",nonce="%s",uri="%s",response="%s",algorithm=MD5' % (auth['username'], auth['realm'], auth['nonce'], uri, response) else: finalheaders['Authorization'] = \ 'Digest username="%s",realm="%s",nonce="%s",uri="%s",response="%s",algorithm=MD5' % (auth['username'], auth['realm'], auth['nonce'], uri, response) r = '%s %s SIP/2.0\r\n' % (method,uri) for h in superheaders.iteritems(): r += '%s: %s\r\n' % h for h in headers.iteritems(): r += '%s: %s\r\n' % h for h in finalheaders.iteritems(): r += '%s: %s\r\n' % h r += '\r\n' r += body return(r) def reportBugToAuthor(trace): from urllib2 import urlopen,URLError from urllib import urlencode import logging from sys import argv,version import os from urllib import quote log = logging.getLogger('reportBugToAuthor') data = str() data += "Command line parameters:\r\n" data += str(argv) data += '\r\n' data += 'version: %s' % __version__ data += '\r\n' data += 'email: <%s>' % raw_input("Your email address (optional): ") data += '\r\n' data += 'msg: %s' % raw_input("Extra details (optional): ") data += '\r\n' data += "python version: \r\n" data += "%s\r\n" % version #data += """2.5 (r25:51918, Sep 19 2006, 08:49:13) #data += "[GCC ]" #data += "A"*900 data += "osname: %s" % os.name data += '\r\n' if os.name == 'posix': data += "uname: %s" % str(os.uname()) data += '\r\n' data += '\r\n\r\n' data += "Trace:\r\n" data += str(trace) data = quote(data) try: urlopen('http://geekbazaar.org/bugreport/r2.php',urlencode({'d':data})) log.warn('Thanks for the bug report! I\'ll be working on it soon') except URLError,err: log.error( err ) def scanlist(iprange,portranges,methods): for ip in iter(iprange): for portrange in portranges: for port in portrange: for method in methods: yield(ip,port,method) def scanrandom(ipranges,portranges,methods,resume=None,randomstore='.sipvicious_random'): # if the ipranges intersect then we go infinate .. we prevent that # example: import random import anydbm log = logging.getLogger('scanrandom') mode = 'n' if resume: mode = 'c' database = anydbm.open(randomstore,mode) dbsyncs = False try: database.sync() dbsyncs = True except AttributeError: pass ipsleft = 0 for iprange in ipranges: startip,endip = iprange ipsleft += endip - startip + 1 hit = 0 for iprange2 in ipranges: startip2,endip2 = iprange2 if startip <= startip2: if endip2 <= endip: hit += 1 if hit > 1: log.error('Cannot use random scan and try to hit the same ip twice') return if resume: ipsleft -= len(database) log.debug('scanning a total of %s ips' % ipsleft) while ipsleft > 0: randomchoice = random.choice(ipranges) #randomchoice = [0,4294967295L] randint = random.randint(*randomchoice) ip = numToDottedQuad(randint) ipfound = False if dbsyncs: if ip not in database: ipfound = True else: if ip not in database.keys(): ipfound = True if ipfound: database[ip] = '' for portrange in portranges: for port in portrange: for method in methods: ipsleft -= 1 yield(ip,port,method) else: log.debug( 'found dup %s' % ip) def scanfromfile(csv,methods): for row in csv: (dstip,dstport,srcip,srcport,uaname) = row for method in methods: yield(dstip,int(dstport),method) def dottedQuadToNum(ip): "convert decimal dotted quad string to long integer" return struct.unpack('!L',socket.inet_aton(ip))[0] def numToDottedQuad(n): "convert long int to dotted quad string" return socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('!L',n)) def ip4range(*args): for arg in args: r = getranges(arg) if r is None: continue startip,endip = r curip = startip while curip <= endip: yield(numToDottedQuad(curip)) curip += 1 def getranges(ipstring): import re log = logging.getLogger('getranges') if re.match( '^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}-\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$', ipstring ): naddr1,naddr2 = map(dottedQuadToNum,ipstring.split('-')) elif re.match( '^(\d{1,3}(-\d{1,3})*)\.(\*|\d{1,3}(-\d{1,3})*)\.(\*|\d{1,3}(-\d{1,3})*)\.(\*|\d{1,3}(-\d{1,3})*)$', ipstring ): naddr1,naddr2 = map(dottedQuadToNum,getranges2(ipstring)) elif re.match( '^.*?\/\d{,2}$', ipstring ): r = getmaskranges(ipstring) if r is None: return naddr1,naddr2 = r else: # we attempt to resolve the host from socket import gethostbyname try: naddr1 = dottedQuadToNum(gethostbyname(ipstring)) naddr2 = naddr1 except socket.error: log.info('Could not resolve %s' % ipstring) return return((naddr1,naddr2)) def getranges2(ipstring): _tmp = ipstring.split('.') if len(_tmp) != 4: raise ValueError, "needs to be a Quad dotted ip" _tmp2 = map(lambda x: x.split('-'),_tmp) startip = list() endip = list() for dot in _tmp2: if dot[0] == '*': startip.append('0') endip.append('255') elif len(dot) == 1: startip.append(dot[0]) endip.append(dot[0]) elif len(dot) == 2: startip.append(dot[0]) endip.append(dot[1]) naddr1 = '.'.join(startip) naddr2 = '.'.join(endip) return(naddr1,naddr2) def getmaskranges(ipstring): import re log = logging.getLogger('getmaskranges') addr,mask = ipstring.rsplit('/',1) if not re.match('^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$',addr): from socket import gethostbyname try: log.debug('Could not resolve %s' % addr) addr = gethostbyname(addr) except socket.error: return naddr = dottedQuadToNum(addr) masklen = int(mask) if not 0 <= masklen <= 32: raise ValueError naddr1 = naddr & (((1<= nip: ipranges.append((nip,endip)) foundit = True else: ipranges.append((startip,endip)) for iprange in ipranges: rargs.append('-'.join(map(numToDottedQuad,iprange))) return rargs def resumeFrom(val,rangestr): val = int(val) ranges = map(lambda x : map(int,x.split('-')),rangestr.split(',')) foundit = False tmp = list() for r in ranges: start,end = r if not foundit: if start <= val and end >= val: tmp.append((val,end)) foundit= True else: tmp.append((start,end)) return ','.join(map(lambda x: '-'.join(map(str,x)),tmp)) def packetcounter(n): i = 0 while 1: if i == n: i = 0 r = True else: i += 1 r = False yield(r) sessiontypes = ['svmap','svwar','svcrack'] def findsession(chosensessiontype=None): import os listresult = dict() for sessiontype in sessiontypes: if chosensessiontype in [None,sessiontype]: p = os.path.join('.sipvicious',sessiontype) if os.path.exists(p): listresult[sessiontype] = os.listdir(p) return listresult def listsessions(chosensessiontype=None,count=False): import os.path,anydbm listresult = findsession(chosensessiontype) for k in listresult.keys(): print "Type of scan: %s" % k for r in listresult[k]: sessionstatus = 'Incomplete' sessionpath=os.path.join('.sipvicious',k,r) dblen = '' if count: if k == 'svmap': dbloc = os.path.join(sessionpath,'resultua') elif k == 'svwar': dbloc = os.path.join(sessionpath,'resultauth') elif k == 'svcrack': dbloc = os.path.join(sessionpath,'resultpasswd') if not os.path.exists(dbloc): logging.debug('The database could not be found: %s'%dbloc) else: db = anydbm.open(dbloc,'r') dblen = len(db) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(sessionpath,'closed')): sessionstatus = 'Complete' print "\t- %s\t\t%s\t\t%s" % (r,sessionstatus,dblen) print def deletesessions(chosensession,chosensessiontype): import shutil,os, logging log = logging.getLogger('deletesessions') sessionpath = list() if chosensessiontype is None: for sessiontype in sessiontypes: p = os.path.join('.sipvicious',sessiontype,chosensession) if os.path.exists(p): sessionpath.append(p) else: p = os.path.join('.sipvicious',chosensessiontype,chosensession) if os.path.exists(p): sessionpath.append(p) if len(sessionpath) == 0: return for sp in sessionpath: try: shutil.rmtree(sp) log.info("Session at %s was removed" % sp) except OSError: log.error("Could not delete %s" % sp) return sessionpath def createReverseLookup(src,dst): import anydbm,logging log = logging.getLogger('createReverseLookup') #srcdb = anydbm.open(src,'r') #dstdb = anydbm.open(dst,'n') srcdb = src dstdb = dst if len(srcdb) > 100: log.warn("Performing dns lookup on %s hosts. To disable reverse ip resolution make use of the -n option" % len(srcdb)) for k in srcdb.keys(): tmp = k.split(':',1) if len(tmp) == 2: ajpi,port = tmp try: tmpk = ':'.join([socket.gethostbyaddr(ajpi)[0],port]) logging.debug('Resolved %s to %s' % (k,tmpk)) dstdb[k] = tmpk except socket.error: logging.info('Could not resolve %s' % k) pass #srcdb.close() #dstdb.close() return dstdb def getasciitable(labels,db,resdb=None,width=60): from pptable import indent,wrap_onspace rows = list() for k in db.keys(): cols = [k,db[k]] if resdb is not None: if resdb.has_key(k): cols.append(resdb[k]) else: cols.append('[not available]') rows.append(cols) o = indent([labels]+rows,hasHeader=True, prefix='| ', postfix=' |',wrapfunc=lambda x: wrap_onspace(x,width)) return o def outputtoxml(title,labels,db,resdb=None,xsl='sv.xsl'): from xml.sax.saxutils import escape o = '\r\n' o += '\r\n' % escape(xsl) o += '\r\n' o += '%s\r\n' % escape(title) o += '\r\n' for label in labels: o += '\r\n' % escape(label) o += '\r\n' o += '\r\n' for k in db.keys(): o += '\r\n' o += '<%s>%s\r\n' % (labels[0].replace(' ','').lower(),k,escape(labels[0]).replace(' ','').lower()) o += '<%s>%s\r\n' % (labels[1].replace(' ','').lower(),escape(db[k]),labels[1].replace(' ','').lower()) if resdb is not None: if resdb.has_key(k): o += '<%s>%s\r\n' % (labels[2].replace(' ','').lower(),escape(resdb[k]),labels[2].replace(' ','').lower()) else: o += '<%s>N/A\r\n' % (labels[2].replace(' ','').lower(),labels[2].replace(' ','').lower()) o += '\r\n' o += '\r\n' o += '\r\n' return o def getsessionpath(session,sessiontype): import os, logging log = logging.getLogger('getsessionpath') sessiontypes = ['svmap','svwar','svcrack'] sessionpath = None if sessiontype is None: log.debug('sessiontype is not specified') for sessiontype in sessiontypes: p = os.path.join('.sipvicious',sessiontype,session) log.debug('trying %s' % p) if os.path.exists(p): log.debug('%s exists') log.debug('sessiontype is %s' % sessiontype) sessionpath = p break else: p = os.path.join('.sipvicious',sessiontype,session) if os.path.exists(p): sessionpath = p if sessionpath is None: return return sessionpath,sessiontype import os.path def dbexists(name): if os.path.exists(name): return True elif os.path.exists(name+'.db'): return True return False def outputtopdf(outputfile,title,labels,db,resdb): import logging log = logging.getLogger('outputtopdf') try: from reportlab.platypus import TableStyle, Table, SimpleDocTemplate, Paragraph from reportlab.lib import colors from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas except ImportError: log.error('Reportlab was not found. To export to pdf you need to have reportlab installed. Check out www.reportlab.org') return log.debug('ok reportlab library found') styles = getSampleStyleSheet() rows=list() rows.append(labels) for k in db.keys(): cols = [k,db[k]] if resdb is not None: if resdb.has_key(k): cols.append(resdb[k]) else: cols.append('N/A') rows.append(cols) t=Table(rows) mytable = TableStyle([('BACKGROUND',(0,0),(-1,0),colors.black), ('TEXTCOLOR',(0,0),(-1,0),colors.white)]) t.setStyle(mytable) doc = SimpleDocTemplate(outputfile) elements = [] style = styles["Heading1"] Title = Paragraph(title,style) elements.append(Title) elements.append(t) doc.build(elements) class anotherxrange(object): """A pure-python implementation of xrange. Can handle float/long start/stop/step arguments and slice indexing""" __slots__ = ['_slice'] def __init__(self, *args): self._slice = slice(*args) if self._slice.stop is None: # slice(*args) will never put None in stop unless it was # given as None explicitly. raise TypeError("xrange stop must not be None") @property def start(self): if self._slice.start is not None: return self._slice.start return 0 @property def stop(self): return self._slice.stop @property def step(self): if self._slice.step is not None: return self._slice.step return 1 def __hash__(self): return hash(self._slice) def __cmp__(self, other): return (cmp(type(self), type(other)) or cmp(self._slice, other._slice)) def __repr__(self): return '%s(%r, %r, %r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.start, self.stop, self.step) def __len__(self): return self._len() def _len(self): return max(0, int((self.stop - self.start) / self.step)) def __getitem__(self, index): if isinstance(index, slice): start, stop, step = index.indices(self._len()) return xrange(self._index(start), self._index(stop), step*self.step) elif isinstance(index, (int, long)): if index < 0: fixed_index = index + self._len() else: fixed_index = index if not 0 <= fixed_index < self._len(): raise IndexError("Index %d out of %r" % (index, self)) return self._index(fixed_index) else: raise TypeError("xrange indices must be slices or integers") def _index(self, i): return self.start + self.step * i def getTargetFromSRV(domainnames,methods): import logging import socket log = logging.getLogger('getTargetFromSRV') try: import dns import dns.resolver except ImportError: log.critical('could not import the DNS library. Get it from http://www.dnspython.org/') return for domainname in domainnames: for proto in ['udp','tcp']: name = '_sip._'+proto+'.' + domainname + '.' try: log.debug('trying to resolve SRV for %s' % name) ans = dns.resolver.query(name,'SRV') except (dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN,dns.resolver.NoAnswer), err: log.info('Could not resolve %s' % name) continue for a in ans.response.answer: log.info('got an answer %s' % a.to_text()) for _tmp in a: for method in methods: try: hostname = socket.gethostbyname(_tmp.target.to_text()) except socket.error: log.warn("%s could not be resolved" % _tmp.target.to_text()) continue log.debug("%s resolved to %s" % (_tmp.target.to_text(),hostname)) yield(hostname,_tmp.port,method) if __name__ == '__main__': print getranges('') seq = getranges('google.com/24') if seq is not None: a = ip4range(seq) for x in iter(a): print x