#!/usr/bin/env python # svmap.py - SIPvicious SIP scanner __GPL__ = """ SIPvicious SIP scanner searches for SIP devices on a given network Copyright (C) 2007 Sandro Gauci This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ from helper import __author__, __version__ __prog__ = "svmap" import socket import select import random from struct import pack,unpack class DrinkOrSip: def __init__(self,scaniter,selecttime=0.005,compact=False, bindingip='', fromname='sipvicious',fromaddr='sip:100@', extension=None, sessionpath=None,socktimeout=3,externalip=None,localport=5060): import logging,anydbm import os.path from helper import packetcounter from fphelper import sipfingerprint self.sipfingerprint = sipfingerprint self.log = logging.getLogger('DrinkOrSip') self.bindingip = bindingip self.sessionpath = sessionpath self.dbsyncs = False if self.sessionpath is not None: self.resultip = anydbm.open(os.path.join(self.sessionpath,'resultip'),'c') self.resultua = anydbm.open(os.path.join(self.sessionpath,'resultua'),'c') self.resultfp = anydbm.open(os.path.join(self.sessionpath,'resultfp'),'c') try: self.resultip.sync() self.dbsyncs = True self.log.info("Db does sync") except AttributeError: self.log.info("Db does not sync") pass else: self.resultip = dict() self.resultua = dict() self.resultfp = dict() # we do UDP self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # socket timeout - this is particularly useful when quitting .. to eat # up some final packets self.sock.settimeout(socktimeout) # enable sending to broadcast addresses self.sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) # read handles self.rlist = [self.sock] # write handles self.wlist = list() # error handles self.xlist = list() self.scaniter = scaniter self.selecttime = selecttime self.localport = localport if externalip is None: self.log.debug("external ip was not set") if (self.bindingip != '') and (len(self.bindingip) > 0): self.log.debug("but bindingip was set! we'll set it to the binding ip") self.externalip = self.bindingip else: try: self.log.info("trying to get self ip .. might take a while") self.externalip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) except socket.error: self.externalip = '' else: self.log.debug("external ip was set") self.externalip = externalip self.log.debug("External ip: %s:%s" % (self.externalip,localport) ) self.compact = compact self.log.debug("Compact mode: %s" % self.compact) self.fromname = fromname self.fromaddr = fromaddr self.log.debug("From: %s <%s>" % (self.fromname,self.fromaddr)) self.nomoretoscan = False self.originallocalport = self.localport self.nextip = None self.extension = extension self.fpworks = True if self.sessionpath is not None: self.packetcount = packetcounter(50) def getResponse(self,buff,srcaddr): from helper import fingerPrintPacket,getTag srcip,srcport = srcaddr uaname = 'unknown' if buff.startswith('OPTIONS ') \ or buff.startswith('INVITE ') \ or buff.startswith('REGISTER '): if self.externalip == srcip: self.log.debug("We received our own packet from %s:%s" % srcaddr) else: self.log.info("Looks like we received a SIP request from %s:%s"% srcaddr) self.log.debug(repr(buff)) return self.log.debug("running fingerPrintPacket()") res = fingerPrintPacket(buff) if res is not None: if res.has_key('name'): uaname = res['name'][0] else: uaname = 'unknown' self.log.debug(`buff`) if self.fpworks: try: fp = self.sipfingerprint(buff) except: self.log.error("fingerprinting gave errors - will be disabled") self.fpworks = False if not self.fpworks: fp = None if fp is None: if self.fpworks: fpname = 'unknown' else: fpname = 'disabled' else: fpname = ' / '.join(fp) self.log.debug('Fingerprint: %s' % fpname) self.log.debug("Uaname: %s" % uaname) #print buff originaldst = getTag(buff) try: dstip = socket.inet_ntoa(pack('!L',int(originaldst[:8],16))) dstport = int(originaldst[8:12],16) except (ValueError,TypeError,socket.error): self.log.debug("original destination could not be decoded: %s" % (originaldst)) dstip,dstport = 'unknown','unknown' resultstr = '%s:%s\t->\t%s:%s\t->\t%s\t->\t%s' % (dstip,dstport,srcip,srcport,uaname,fpname) self.log.info( resultstr ) self.resultip['%s:%s' % (srcip,srcport)] = '%s:%s' % (dstip,dstport) self.resultua['%s:%s' % (srcip,srcport)] = uaname self.resultfp['%s:%s' % (srcip,srcport)] = fpname if self.sessionpath is not None and self.dbsyncs: self.resultip.sync() self.resultua.sync() self.resultfp.sync() else: self.log.info('Packet from %s:%s did not contain a SIP msg'%srcaddr) self.log.debug('Packet: %s' % `buff`) def start(self): from helper import makeRequest, createTag from helper import mysendto import socket # bind to 5060 - the reason is to maximize compatability with # devices that disregard the source port and send replies back # to port 5060 self.log.debug("binding to %s:%s" % (self.bindingip,self.localport)) while 1: if self.localport > 65535: self.log.critical("Could not bind to any port") return try: self.sock.bind((self.bindingip,self.localport)) break except socket.error: self.log.debug("could not bind to %s" % self.localport) self.localport += 1 if self.originallocalport != self.localport: self.log.warn("could not bind to %s:%s - some process might already be listening on this port. Listening on port %s instead" % (self.bindingip,self.originallocalport, self.localport)) self.log.info("Make use of the -P option to specify a port to bind to yourself") while 1: r, w, e = select.select( self.rlist, self.wlist, self.xlist, self.selecttime ) if r: # we got stuff to read off the socket try: buff,srcaddr = self.sock.recvfrom(8192) self.log.debug('got data from %s:%s' % srcaddr) self.log.debug('data: %s' % `buff`) except socket.error: continue self.getResponse(buff,srcaddr) else: # no stuff to read .. its our turn to send back something if self.nomoretoscan: try: # having the final sip self.log.debug("Making sure that no packets get lost") self.log.debug("Come to daddy") while 1: buff,srcaddr = self.sock.recvfrom(8192) self.getResponse(buff,srcaddr) except socket.error: break try: nextscan = self.scaniter.next() except StopIteration: self.log.debug('no more hosts to scan') self.nomoretoscan = True continue dstip,dstport,method = nextscan self.nextip = dstip dsthost = (dstip,dstport) branchunique = '%s' % random.getrandbits(32) localtag = createTag('%s%s' % (''.join(map(lambda x: '%02x' % int(x), dsthost[0].split('.'))),'%04x' % dsthost[1])) cseq = 1 fromaddr = '"%s"<%s>' % (self.fromname,self.fromaddr) toaddr = fromaddr callid = '%s' % random.getrandbits(80) contact = None if method != 'REGISTER': contact = 'sip:%s@%s:%s' % (self.extension,self.externalip,self.localport) data = makeRequest( method, fromaddr, toaddr, dsthost[0], dsthost[1], callid, self.externalip, branchunique, compact=self.compact, localtag=localtag, contact=contact, accept='application/sdp', localport=self.localport, extension=self.extension ) try: self.log.debug("sending packet to %s:%s" % dsthost) self.log.debug("packet: %s" % `data`) mysendto(self.sock,data,dsthost) #self.sock.sendto(data,dsthost) if self.sessionpath is not None: if self.packetcount.next(): try: f=open(os.path.join(self.sessionpath,'lastip.pkl'),'w') pickle.dump(self.nextip,f) f.close() self.log.debug('logged last ip %s' % self.nextip) except IOError: self.log.warn('could not log the last ip scanned') except socket.error,err: self.log.error( "socket error while sending to %s:%s -> %s" % (dsthost[0],dsthost[1],err)) pass if __name__ == '__main__': from optparse import OptionParser from datetime import datetime import anydbm import os from helper import standardoptions, standardscanneroptions, calcloglevel from sys import exit import logging import pickle usage = "usage: %prog [options] host1 host2 hostrange\r\n" usage += "examples:\r\n" usage += "%prog \\\r\n" usage += "> sipvicious.org/22 \\\r\n" usage += "> 1.1.2-20.* 4.1.*.*\r\n" usage += "%prog -s session1 --randomize\r\n" usage += "%prog --resume session1 -v\r\n" usage += "%prog -p5060-5062 -m INVITE\r\n" parser = OptionParser(usage, version="%prog v"+str(__version__)+__GPL__) parser = standardoptions(parser) parser = standardscanneroptions(parser) parser.add_option("--randomscan", dest="randomscan", action="store_true", default=False, help="Scan random IP addresses") parser.add_option("-i", "--input", dest="input", help="Scan IPs which were found in a previous scan. Pass the session name as the argument", metavar="scan1") parser.add_option("-m", "--method", dest="method", help="Specify the request method - by default this is OPTIONS.", default='OPTIONS' ) parser.add_option("-e", "--extension", dest="extension", default='100', help="Specify an extension - by default this is not set") parser.add_option("--randomize", dest="randomize", action="store_true", default=False, help="Randomize scanning instead of scanning consecutive ip addresses") parser.add_option("--srv", dest="srvscan", action="store_true", default=False, help="Scan the SRV records for SIP on the destination domain name." \ "The targets have to be domain names - example.org domain1.com") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() from helper import getRange, scanfromfile, scanlist, scanrandom, getranges,\ ip4range, resumeFromIP, scanfromdb, dbexists, getTargetFromSRV exportpath = None if options.resume is not None: exportpath = os.path.join('.sipvicious',__prog__,options.resume) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(exportpath,'closed')): logging.error("Cannot resume a session that is complete") exit(1) if not os.path.exists(exportpath): logging.critical('A session with the name %s was not found'% options.resume) exit(1) optionssrc = os.path.join(exportpath,'options.pkl') previousresume = options.resume previousverbose = options.verbose options,args = pickle.load(open(optionssrc,'r')) options.resume = previousresume options.verbose = previousverbose elif options.save is not None: exportpath = os.path.join('.sipvicious',__prog__,options.save) logging.basicConfig(level=calcloglevel(options)) logging.debug('started logging') scanrandomstore = None if options.input is not None: db = os.path.join('.sipvicious',__prog__,options.input,'resultua') if dbexists(db): scaniter = scanfromdb(db,options.method.split(',')) else: logging.error("the session name does not exist. Please use svreport to list existing scans") exit(1) elif options.randomscan: logging.debug('making use of random scan') logging.debug('parsing range of ports: %s' % options.port) portrange = getRange(options.port) internetranges =[[16777216,167772159], [184549376,234881023], [251658240,2130706431], [2147549184L,2851995647L], [2852061184L,2886729727L], [2886795264L,3221159935L], [3221226240L,3227017983L], [3227018240L,3232235519L], [3232301056L,3323068415L], [3323199488L,3758096127L] ] scanrandomstore = '.sipviciousrandomtmp' resumescan = False if options.save is not None: scanrandomstore = os.path.join(exportpath,'random') resumescan = True scaniter = scanrandom( internetranges, portrange, options.method.split(','), randomstore=scanrandomstore, resume=resumescan ) else: if len(args) < 1: parser.error('Provide at least one target') exit(1) logging.debug('parsing range of ports: %s' % options.port) portrange = getRange(options.port) if options.randomize: scanrandomstore = '.sipviciousrandomtmp' resumescan = False if options.save is not None: scanrandomstore = os.path.join(exportpath,'random') resumescan = True scaniter = scanrandom(map(getranges,args),portrange,options.method.split(','),randomstore=scanrandomstore,resume=resumescan) elif options.srvscan: logging.debug("making use of SRV records") scaniter = getTargetFromSRV(args,options.method.split(',')) else: if options.resume is not None: lastipsrc = os.path.join(exportpath,'lastip.pkl') try: f=open(lastipsrc,'r') previousip = pickle.load(f) f.close() except IOError: logging.critical('Could not read from %s' % lastipsrc) exit(1) logging.debug('Previous args: %s' % args) args = resumeFromIP(previousip,args) logging.debug('New args: %s' % args) logging.info('Resuming from %s' % previousip) # normal consecutive scan try: iprange = ip4range(*args) except ValueError,err: logging.error(err) exit(1) scaniter = scanlist(iprange,portrange,options.method.split(',')) if options.save is not None: if options.resume is None: exportpath = os.path.join('.sipvicious',__prog__,options.save) if os.path.exists(exportpath): logging.warn('we found a previous scan with the same name. Please choose a new session name') exit(1) logging.debug('creating an export location %s' % exportpath) try: os.makedirs(exportpath,mode=0700) except OSError: logging.critical('could not create the export location %s' % exportpath) exit(1) optionsdst = os.path.join(exportpath,'options.pkl') logging.debug('saving options to %s' % optionsdst) pickle.dump([options,args],open(optionsdst,'w')) try: options.extension except AttributeError: options.extension = None sipvicious = DrinkOrSip( scaniter, selecttime=options.selecttime, compact=options.enablecompact, localport=options.localport, externalip=options.externalip, bindingip=options.bindingip, sessionpath=exportpath, extension=options.extension ) start_time = datetime.now() logging.info( "start your engines" ) try: sipvicious.start() if exportpath is not None: open(os.path.join(exportpath,'closed'),'w').close() except KeyboardInterrupt: logging.warn( 'caught your control^c - quiting' ) pass except Exception, err: import traceback from helper import reportBugToAuthor if options.reportBack: logging.critical( "Got unhandled exception : sending report to author" ) reportBugToAuthor(traceback.format_exc()) else: logging.critical( "Unhandled exception - please run same command with the -R option to send me an automated report") pass logging.exception( "Exception" ) if options.save is not None and sipvicious.nextip is not None and options.randomize is False and options.randomscan is False: lastipdst = os.path.join(exportpath,'lastip.pkl') logging.debug('saving state to %s' % lastipdst) try: f = open(lastipdst,'w') pickle.dump(sipvicious.nextip,f) f.close() except OSError: logging.warn('Could not save state to %s' % lastipdst) elif options.save is None: if scanrandomstore is not None: #if options.randomize or options.randomscan: try: logging.debug('removing %s' % scanrandomstore) os.unlink(scanrandomstore) except OSError: logging.warn('could not remove %s' % scanrandomstore) pass # display results if not options.quiet: lenres = len(sipvicious.resultua) if lenres > 0: logging.info("we have %s devices" % lenres) if (lenres < 400 and options.save is not None) or options.save is None: from pptable import indent,wrap_onspace width = 60 labels = ('SIP Device','User Agent','Fingerprint') rows = list() for k in sipvicious.resultua.keys(): rows.append((k,sipvicious.resultua[k],sipvicious.resultfp[k])) print indent([labels]+rows,hasHeader=True, prefix='| ', postfix=' |',wrapfunc=lambda x: wrap_onspace(x,width)) else: logging.warn("too many to print - use svreport for this") else: logging.warn("found nothing") end_time = datetime.now() total_time = end_time - start_time logging.info("Total time: %s" % total_time)