#!/usr/bin/env python # svwar.py - SIPvicious extension line scanner __GPL__ = """ Sipvicious extension line scanner scans SIP PaBXs for valid extension lines Copyright (C) 2007 Sandro Gauci This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ from helper import __author__, __version__ __prog__ = 'svwar' import socket import select import random import logging class TakeASip: def __init__(self,host='localhost',bindingip='',externalip=None,localport=5060,port=5060, method='REGISTER',guessmode=1,guessargs=None,selecttime=0.005, sessionpath=None,compact=False,socktimeout=3,initialcheck=True, ): from helper import dictionaryattack, numericbrute, packetcounter import logging self.log = logging.getLogger('TakeASip') self.sessionpath = sessionpath self.dbsyncs = False if self.sessionpath is not None: self.resultauth = anydbm.open(os.path.join(self.sessionpath,'resultauth'),'c') try: self.resultauth.sync() self.dbsyncs = True self.log.info("Db does sync") except AttributeError: self.log.info("Db does not sync") pass else: self.resultauth = dict() self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.sock.settimeout(socktimeout) self.bindingip = bindingip self.localport = localport self.originallocalport = localport self.rlist = [self.sock] self.wlist = list() self.xlist = list() self.challenges = list() self.realm = None self.dsthost,self.dstport = host,int(port) self.guessmode = guessmode self.guessargs = guessargs if self.guessmode == 1: self.usernamegen = numericbrute(*self.guessargs) elif guessmode == 2: self.usernamegen = dictionaryattack(self.guessargs) self.selecttime = selecttime self.compact=compact self.nomore=False self.BADUSER=None self.method = method.upper() if self.sessionpath is not None: self.packetcount = packetcounter(50) self.initialcheck = initialcheck if externalip is None: self.log.debug("external ip was not set") if (self.bindingip != '') and (len(self.bindingip) > 0): self.log.debug("but bindingip was set! we'll set it to the binding ip") self.externalip = self.bindingip else: try: self.log.info("trying to get self ip .. might take a while") self.externalip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) except socket.error: self.externalip = '' else: self.log.debug("external ip was set") self.externalip = externalip # SIP response codes, also mapped to ISDN Q.931 disconnect causes. PROXYAUTHREQ = 'SIP/2.0 407 ' AUTHREQ = 'SIP/2.0 401 ' OKEY = 'SIP/2.0 200 ' NOTFOUND = 'SIP/2.0 404 ' INVALIDPASS = 'SIP/2.0 403 ' TRYING = 'SIP/2.0 100 ' RINGING = 'SIP/2.0 180 ' NOTALLOWED = 'SIP/2.0 405 ' UNAVAILABLE = 'SIP/2.0 480 ' DECLINED = 'SIP/2.0 603 ' # Mapped to ISDN Q.931 codes - 88 (Incompatible destination), 95 (Invalid message), 111 (Protocol error) # If we get something like this, then most probably the remote device SIP stack has troubles with # understanding / parsing our messages (a.k.a. interopability problems). BADREQUEST = 'SIP/2.0 400 ' # Mapped to ISDN Q.931 codes - 34 (No circuit available), 38 (Network out of order), 41 (Temporary failure), # 42 (Switching equipment congestion), 47 (Resource unavailable) # Should be handled in the very same way as SIP response code 404 - the prefix is not correct and we should # try with the next one. SERVICEUN = 'SIP/2.0 503 ' def createRequest(self,m,username,auth=None,cid=None,cseq=1): from base64 import b64encode from helper import makeRequest from helper import createTag if cid is None: cid='%s' % str(random.getrandbits(32)) branchunique = '%s' % random.getrandbits(32) localtag=createTag(username) contact = 'sip:%s@%s' % (username,self.dsthost) request = makeRequest( m, '"%s"' % (username,username,self.dsthost), '"%s"' % (username,username,self.dsthost), self.dsthost, self.dstport, cid, self.externalip, branchunique, cseq, auth, localtag, self.compact, contact=contact, localport=self.localport, extension=username ) return request def getResponse(self): from helper import getNonce,getCredentials,getRealm,getCID,getTag from base64 import b64decode from helper import parseHeader from helper import mysendto import re # we got stuff to read off the socket from socket import error as socketerror buff,srcaddr = self.sock.recvfrom(8192) try: extension = getTag(buff) except TypeError: self.log.error('could not decode to tag') extension = None if extension is None: self.nomore = True return try: firstline = buff.splitlines()[0] except (ValueError,IndexError,AttributeError): self.log.error("could not get the 1st line") return # send an ack to any responses which match _tmp = parseHeader(buff) if _tmp['code'] >= 200: self.log.debug('will try to send an ACK response') if _tmp['code'] >= 300: # handle differently pass if not _tmp.has_key('headers'): self.log.debug('no headers?') return if not _tmp['headers'].has_key('from'): self.log.debug('no from?') return if not _tmp['headers'].has_key('cseq'): self.log.debug('no cseq') return if not _tmp['headers'].has_key('call-id'): self.log.debug('no caller id') return username = _tmp['headers']['from'][0].split('"')[1] cseq = _tmp['headers']['cseq'][0] cid = _tmp['headers']['call-id'][0] ackreq = self.createRequest('ACK', username=username, cid=cid, cseq=cseq, ) self.log.debug('here is your ack request: %s' % ackreq) mysendto(self.sock,ackreq,(self.dsthost,self.dstport)) #self.sock.sendto(ackreq,(self.dsthost,self.dstport)) if firstline != self.BADUSER: if buff.startswith(self.PROXYAUTHREQ) \ or buff.startswith(self.INVALIDPASS) \ or buff.startswith(self.AUTHREQ): if self.realm is None: self.realm = getRealm(buff) self.log.info("extension '%s' exists - requires authentication" % extension) self.resultauth[extension] = 'reqauth' if self.sessionpath is not None and self.dbsyncs: self.resultauth.sync() elif buff.startswith(self.TRYING): pass elif buff.startswith(self.RINGING): pass elif buff.startswith(self.OKEY): self.log.info("extension '%s' exists - authentication not required" % extension) self.resultauth[extension] = 'noauth' if self.sessionpath is not None and self.dbsyncs: self.resultauth.sync() else: self.log.warn("extension '%s' probably exists but the response is unexpected" % extension) self.log.debug("response: %s" % firstline) self.resultauth[extension] = 'weird' if self.sessionpath is not None and self.dbsyncs: self.resultauth.sync() elif buff.startswith(self.NOTFOUND): self.log.debug("User '%s' not found" % extension) # Prefix not found, lets go to the next one. Should we add a warning here??? elif buff.startswith(self.SERVICEUN): pass elif buff.startswith(self.TRYING): pass elif buff.startswith(self.RINGING): pass elif buff.startswith(self.OKEY): pass elif buff.startswith(self.DECLINED): pass elif buff.startswith(self.NOTALLOWED): self.log.warn("method not allowed") self.nomore = True return elif buff.startswith(self.BADREQUEST): self.log.error("Protocol / interopability error! The remote side most probably has problems with parsing your SIP messages!") self.nomore = True return else: self.log.warn("We got an unknown response") self.log.error("Response: %s" % `buff`) self.log.debug("1st line: %s" % `firstline`) self.log.debug("Bad user: %s" % `self.BADUSER`) self.nomore = True def start(self): import socket, pickle from helper import mysendto if self.bindingip == '': bindingip = 'any' else: bindingip = self.bindingip self.log.debug("binding to %s:%s" % (bindingip,self.localport)) while 1: if self.localport > 65535: self.log.critical("Could not bind to any port") return try: self.sock.bind((self.bindingip,self.localport)) break except socket.error: self.log.debug("could not bind to %s" % self.localport) self.localport += 1 if self.originallocalport != self.localport: self.log.warn("could not bind to %s:%s - some process might already be listening on this port. Listening on port %s instead" % (self.bindingip,self.originallocalport, self.localport)) self.log.info("Make use of the -P option to specify a port to bind to yourself") # perform a test 1st .. we want to see if we get a 404 # some other error for unknown users self.nextuser = random.getrandbits(32) data = self.createRequest(self.method,self.nextuser) try: mysendto(self.sock,data,(self.dsthost,self.dstport)) #self.sock.sendto(data,(self.dsthost,self.dstport)) except socket.error,err: self.log.error("socket error: %s" % err) return # first we identify the assumed reply for an unknown extension gotbadresponse=False try: while 1: try: buff,srcaddr = self.sock.recvfrom(8192) except socket.error,err: self.log.error("socket error: %s" % err) return if buff.startswith(self.TRYING) \ or buff.startswith(self.RINGING) \ or buff.startswith(self.UNAVAILABLE): gotbadresponse=True elif (buff.startswith(self.PROXYAUTHREQ) \ or buff.startswith(self.INVALIDPASS) \ or buff.startswith(self.AUTHREQ)) \ and self.initialcheck: self.log.error("SIP server replied with an authentication request for an unknown extension. Set --force to force a scan.") return else: self.BADUSER = buff.splitlines()[0] self.log.debug("Bad user = %s" % self.BADUSER) gotbadresponse=False break except socket.timeout: if gotbadresponse: self.log.error("The response we got was not good: %s" % `buff`) else: self.log.error("No server response - are you sure that this PBX is listening? run svmap against it to find out") return except (AttributeError,ValueError,IndexError): self.log.error("bad response .. bailing out") return except socket.error,err: self.log.error("socket error: %s" % err) return if self.BADUSER.startswith(self.AUTHREQ): self.log.warn("Bad user = %s - svwar will probably not work!" % self.AUTHREQ) # let the fun commence self.log.info('Ok SIP device found') while 1: if self.nomore: while 1: try: self.getResponse() except socket.timeout: return r, w, e = select.select( self.rlist, self.wlist, self.xlist, self.selecttime ) if r: # we got stuff to read off the socket self.getResponse() else: # no stuff to read .. its our turn to send back something try: self.nextuser = self.usernamegen.next() except StopIteration: self.nomore = True continue except TypeError: self.nomore = True self.log.exception('Bad format string') data = self.createRequest(self.method,self.nextuser) try: self.log.debug("sending request for %s" % self.nextuser) mysendto(self.sock,data,(self.dsthost,self.dstport)) #self.sock.sendto(data,(self.dsthost,self.dstport)) if self.sessionpath is not None: if self.packetcount.next(): try: if self.guessmode == 1: pickle.dump(self.nextuser,open(os.path.join(exportpath,'lastextension.pkl'),'w')) self.log.debug('logged last extension %s' % self.nextuser) elif self.guessmode == 2: pickle.dump(self.guessargs.tell(),open(os.path.join(exportpath,'lastextension.pkl'),'w')) self.log.debug('logged last position %s' % self.guessargs.tell()) except IOError: self.log.warn('could not log the last extension scanned') except socket.error,err: self.log.error("socket error: %s" % err) break if __name__ == '__main__': from optparse import OptionParser from datetime import datetime import anydbm import os from sys import exit import logging import pickle from helper import resumeFrom, calcloglevel from helper import standardoptions, standardscanneroptions from helper import getRange usage = "usage: %prog [options] target\r\n" usage += "examples:\r\n" usage += "%prog -e100-999\r\n" usage += "%prog -d dictionary.txt\r\n" parser = OptionParser(usage,version="%prog v"+str(__version__)+__GPL__) parser = standardoptions(parser) parser = standardscanneroptions(parser) parser.add_option("-d", "--dictionary", dest="dictionary", type="string", help="specify a dictionary file with possible extension names", metavar="DICTIONARY") parser.add_option("-m", "--method", dest="method", type="string", help="specify a request method. The default is REGISTER. Other possible methods are OPTIONS and INVITE", default="REGISTER", metavar="OPTIONS") parser.add_option("-e", "--extensions", dest="range", default='100-999', help="specify an extension or extension range\r\nexample: -e 100-999,1000-1500,9999", metavar="RANGE") parser.add_option("-z", "--zeropadding", dest="zeropadding", type="int", help="""the number of zeros used to padd the username. the options "-e 1-9999 -z 4" would give 0001 0002 0003 ... 9999""", default=0, metavar="PADDING") parser.add_option('--force', dest="force", action="store_true", default=False, help="Force scan, ignoring initial sanity checks.") parser.add_option('--template', '-T', action="store", dest="template", help="""A format string which allows us to specify a template for the extensions example svwar.py -e 1-999 --template="123%#04i999" would scan between 1230001999 to 1230999999" """) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() exportpath = None logging.basicConfig(level=calcloglevel(options)) logging.debug('started logging') if options.force: initialcheck = False else: initialcheck = True if options.resume is not None: exportpath = os.path.join('.sipvicious',__prog__,options.resume) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(exportpath,'closed')): logging.error("Cannot resume a session that is complete") exit(1) if not os.path.exists(exportpath): logging.critical('A session with the name %s was not found'% options.resume) exit(1) optionssrc = os.path.join(exportpath,'options.pkl') previousresume = options.resume previousverbose = options.verbose options,args = pickle.load(open(optionssrc,'r')) options.resume = previousresume options.verbose = previousverbose elif options.save is not None: exportpath = os.path.join('.sipvicious',__prog__,options.save) if len(args) != 1: parser.error("provide one hostname") else: host=args[0] if options.dictionary is not None: guessmode=2 try: dictionary = open(options.dictionary,'r') except IOError: logging.error( "could not open %s" % options.dictionary ) exit(1) if options.resume is not None: lastextensionsrc = os.path.join(exportpath,'lastextension.pkl') previousposition = pickle.load(open(lastextensionsrc,'r')) dictionary.seek(previousposition) guessargs = dictionary else: guessmode = 1 if options.resume is not None: lastextensionsrc = os.path.join(exportpath,'lastextension.pkl') try: previousextension = pickle.load(open(lastextensionsrc,'r')) except IOError: logging.critical('Could not read from %s' % lastipsrc) exit(1) logging.debug('Previous range: %s' % options.range) options.range = resumeFrom(previousextension,options.range) logging.debug('New range: %s' % options.range) logging.info('Resuming from %s' % previousextension) extensionstotry = getRange(options.range) guessargs = (extensionstotry,options.zeropadding,options.template) if options.save is not None: if options.resume is None: exportpath = os.path.join('.sipvicious',__prog__,options.save) if os.path.exists(exportpath): logging.warn('we found a previous scan with the same name. Please choose a new session name') exit(1) logging.debug('creating an export location %s' % exportpath) try: os.makedirs(exportpath,mode=0700) except OSError: logging.critical('could not create the export location %s' % exportpath) exit(1) optionsdst = os.path.join(exportpath,'options.pkl') logging.debug('saving options to %s' % optionsdst) pickle.dump([options,args],open(optionsdst,'w')) sipvicious = TakeASip( host, port=options.port, selecttime=options.selecttime, method=options.method, compact=options.enablecompact, guessmode=guessmode, guessargs=guessargs, sessionpath=exportpath, initialcheck=initialcheck, externalip=options.externalip, ) start_time = datetime.now() #logging.info("scan started at %s" % str(start_time)) logging.info( "start your engines" ) try: sipvicious.start() if exportpath is not None: open(os.path.join(exportpath,'closed'),'w').close() except KeyboardInterrupt: logging.warn('caught your control^c - quiting') except Exception, err: import traceback from helper import reportBugToAuthor if options.reportBack: logging.critical( "Got unhandled exception : sending report to author" ) reportBugToAuthor(traceback.format_exc()) else: logging.critical( "Unhandled exception - please run same command with the -R option to send me an automated report") pass logging.exception( "Exception" ) if options.save is not None and sipvicious.nextuser is not None: lastextensiondst = os.path.join(exportpath,'lastextension.pkl') logging.debug('saving state to %s' % lastextensiondst) try: if guessmode == 1: pickle.dump(sipvicious.nextuser,open(os.path.join(exportpath,'lastextension.pkl'),'w')) logging.debug('logged last extension %s' % sipvicious.nextuser) elif guessmode == 2: pickle.dump(sipvicious.guessargs.tell(),open(os.path.join(exportpath,'lastextension.pkl'),'w')) logging.debug('logged last position %s' % sipvicious.guessargs.tell()) except IOError: logging.warn('could not log the last extension scanned') # display results if not options.quiet: lenres = len(sipvicious.resultauth) if lenres > 0: logging.info("we have %s extensions" % lenres) if (lenres < 400 and options.save is not None) or options.save is None: from pptable import indent,wrap_onspace width = 60 labels = ('Extension','Authentication') rows = list() for k in sipvicious.resultauth.keys(): rows.append((k,sipvicious.resultauth[k])) print indent([labels]+rows,hasHeader=True, prefix='| ', postfix=' |',wrapfunc=lambda x: wrap_onspace(x,width)) else: logging.warn("too many to print - use svreport for this") else: logging.warn("found nothing") end_time = datetime.now() total_time = end_time - start_time logging.info("Total time: %s" % total_time)