The ever-expanding global networks today are demanding stronger access control methods to protect from unauthorized access. Multifactor authentication mechanisms and other PKI solutions are becoming increasing essential and popular in providing stronger and more secure access control solutions.
Cisco Secure ACS software supports the two-factor authentication mechanism using OTP technology, thereby providing stronger security to safeguard the network infrastructure from unauthorized access.
The chapter illustrated the identification and authentication (I&A) process and explained the various attributes entailed in the authentication mechanism.
The chapter provided a comprehensive overview of the two-factor authentication mechanism and details of OTP technology and how it works, including details of smart cards and tokens.
The chapter also provided an overview of Cisco Secure ACS server support for two-factor authentication mechanisms and how to implement the various types of OTP technologies in ACS.
The chapter concluded with a basic example of configuring Cisco Secure ACS for a RADIUS-enabled token server, with sample screenshots from ACS.