Modern Binary

|=----------------------=[ Modern Binary Exploitation ]=----------------------=|
|=------------------------=[ CSCI 4968 - Spring '15 ]=------------------------=|
|=------------------------------=[ by RPISEC ]=-------------------------------=|
|=---------------------------=[ ]=----------------------------=|

|=-----------------=[ Course materials available on GitHub ]=-----------------=|

| Date  | Class Notes                                                          |
| 01/27 | --[ Syllabus and Review                                              |
|       | -----------------------------------                                  |
|       | A quick overview of the syllabus, course, and what students can      |
|       | expect to learn. Some course terminology is covered along with a     |
|       | brief refresher of the background material required for the course.  |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Lecture Slides: PDF                                                  |
|       | Course Syllabus: Syllabus                                            |
|       | RPISEC IRC: getting on IRC                                           |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | A more complete course rundown along with contact information can be |
|       | found in the syllabus. Please be sure to at least read through it    |
|       | once to understand the mechanics of the course.                      |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Finally, class office hours will be held at RPISEC's hack nights!    |
|       | WHERE: Sage 3101                                                     |
|       | WHEN: Wednesdays, 7-10pm                                             |
| 01/30 | --[ Tools and Basic Reverse Engineering                              |
|       | -----------------------------------                                  |
|       | We covered some of the most basic tools and their usage in reverse   |
|       | engineering. We covered mostly static tools today, and will go more  |
|       | in depth with dynamic tools as used in the typical reverse           |
|       | engineering workflow next class.                                     |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Lecture Slides: PDF                                                  |
|       | Intro Crackmes:                                       |
| 02/03 | --[ Extended Reverse Engineering                                     |
|       | -----------------------------------                                  |
|       | This class revolved around using IDA for static analysis in parallel |
|       | with assembly level debugging in gdb & edb. We took a look at the    |
|       | crackmes from last class with this reversing workflow, along with    |
|       | the RPI & CMU bomb crackmes.                                         |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Lecture Slides: PDF                                                  |
|       | Bomb Crackmes:                                             |
| 02/06 | --[ Reverse Engineering Lab                                          |
|       | -----------------------------------                                  |
|       | Our first lab focuses on basic reverse engineering. While we won't   |
|       | be doing any heavy reverse engineering in this class, being able to  |
|       | debug at the assembly level is a necessary skill in exploit          |
|       | development.                                                         |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Labs will typically consists of three graded challenges of           |
|       | increasing difficulty. You are expected to complete the C problem    |
|       | (the easiest one) by the end of each lab period or you will take a   |
|       | grade penalty as specified in the syllabus. The rest are typically   |
|       | due by the start of class exactly one week later.                    |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Due: 2/13/2015 1:59PM EST                                            |
|       | Lab:                                                        |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Your solutions to the lab must be submitted individually to the      |
|       | email mbespring2015 [at]                                   |
| 02/10 | --[ Introduction to Memory Corruption                                |
|       | -----------------------------------                                  |
|       | Memory corruption is typically at the heart of binary exploitation   |
|       | and is fundamental to the course. This lecture focused on classical  |
|       | stack smashing and demonstrating the possible effects of meaningful  |
|       | corruption.                                                          |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Lecture Slides: PDF                                                  |
|       | VM:                            |
|       | Other Materials: lectures/5/                                         |
|       | Suggested Reading: Hacking: The Art of Exploitation                  |
|       |                        chapters 0x320, skim 0x330-0x342              |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Be sure to visit office hours if you have any questions, want to     |
|       | review, or want help with the reversing lab.                         |
| 02/13 | --[ Memory Corruption Lab                                            |
|       | -----------------------------------                                  |
|       | The Warzone is an in-house wargame that we've introduced as a self   |
|       | contained learning environment for this course. Most of the          |
|       | exercises and labs will take place on this server for the remainder  |
|       | of the course.                                                       |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | SSH: 22                                              |
|       | Username: lab2C                                                      |
|       | Password: [DISTRIBUTED IN CLASS]                                     |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Due: Friday 1:59pm, February 20th                                    |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | levels are in /levels/lab2/ - Start with /levels/lab2/lab2C          |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Solve the challenge, get a shell, cat /home/lab2B/.pass              |
|       | Then SSH into the Warzone with the account lab2B with that password. |
|       | Repeat for lab2B, then lab2A, then lab2end                           |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | To submit, send the passwords, a description of your exploit, and    |
|       | copy of your script or payload to mbespring2015+lab2 [at]  |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Reminder: the bonus flag does not count toward your grade            |
| 02/20 | --[ Shellcoding                                                      |
|       | -----------------------------------                                  |
|       | Today's class introduced the concept shellcode and how it is used in |
|       | classical exploitation when injecting arbitrary code into exploited  |
|       | processes. We'll be moving into more modern uses of shellcode as we  |
|       | get deeper into the course.                                          |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | We also cover some simple techniques to write your own shellcode, as |
|       | well as some tools we use to make shellcoding a more pain free       |
|       | process.                                                             |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Lecture Slides: PDF                                                  |
| 02/24 | --[ Shellcoding Lab                                                  |
|       | -----------------------------------                                  |
|       | Lab today will focus on your ability to use shellcode in             |
|       | exploitation, and your ability to write custom shellcode tailored to |
|       | the constraints of a given scenario.                                 |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | SSH: 22                                              |
|       | Username: lab3C                                                      |
|       | Password: [DISTRIBUTED IN CLASS]                                     |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Due: Tuesday 1:59pm, March 3rd                                       |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Submit your final command/payload for each level and a short         |
|       | description to mbespring2015+lab3 [at]                     |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Lab Slides: PDF                                                      |
| 02/27 | --[ Format Strings                                                   |
|       | -----------------------------------                                  |
|       | Format string based vulnerabilities are less common nowadays, but    |
|       | they are an important bug class that can be tricky to exploit.       |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | This lecture covers uncontrolled format string vulnerabilities and   |
|       | how they can be abused to leak information or take control of a      |
|       | vulnerable application.                                              |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | We will be having a format string based lab next week.               |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Lecture Slides: PDF                                                  |
| 03/03 | --[ Format String Lab                                                |
|       | -----------------------------------                                  |
|       | SSH: 22                                              |
|       | Username: lab4C                                                      |
|       | Password: [DISTRIBUTED IN CLASS]                                     |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Due: Tuesday 1:59pm, March 10th                                      |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Submit your final command/payload for each level and a short         |
|       | description to mbespring2015+lab4 [at]                     |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Lab Slides: PDF                                                      |
| 03/10 | --[ DEP and ROP                                                      |
|       | -----------------------------------                                  |
|       | Data Execution Prevention is one of the pillars of modern exploit    |
|       | mitigation technologies. Understanding how DEP works and how it can  |
|       | be bypassed is important in exploiting real world targets.           |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | This lecture covers DEP and how it can be bypassed through Return    |
|       | Oriented Programming. We talk about some of the tools, workflow, and |
|       | constraints of writing ROP.                                          |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Lecture Slides: PDF                                                  |
| 03/13 | --[ ROP Lab                                                          |
|       | -----------------------------------                                  |
|       | SSH: 22                                              |
|       | Username: lab5C                                                      |
|       | Password: [DISTRIBUTED IN CLASS]                                     |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Due: Friday 1:59pm, March 20th                                       |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Submit your final command/payload for each level and a short         |
|       | description to mbespring2015+lab5 [at]                     |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Lab Slides: PDF                                                      |
| 03/17 | --[ Secure Systems and Game Console Exploitation                     |
|       | -----------------------------------                                  |
|       | As we already have a lab assigned and project one due directly after |
|       | spring break, we don't want to dive into the next subject until we   |
|       | get back.                                                            |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | To mix things up, we'll be taking a peek behind the curtain at some  |
|       | of the bugs that brought down game consoles of our generation.       |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Game consoles are among the most secure off the shelf products       |
|       | consumers can buy, so it's interesting to look at the techincal      |
|       | aspects of the exploits and bugs that cracked them open.             |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Lecture Slides: PDF                                                  |
| 03/20 | --[ Project One Lab                                                  |
|       | -----------------------------------                                  |
|       | Being the Friday of spring break, we will be hosting a lab period    |
|       | for project one. If anyone wants help or has questions, they're      |
|       | encouraged to ask for any final help before we move into break.      |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | We have also released a grading rubric for the first project in case |
|       | you would like some guidance on what to turn in.                     |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Project One Rubric: PDF                                              |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Due: Tuesday 1:59pm, March 31st                                      |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | You must submit your writeup as either a link to a blog post, or as  |
|       | a PDF equivalent. Here is a sample CTF Writeup that we would expect  |
|       | your project writeup to resemble.                                    |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Submit your final writeup links and/or work to                       |
|       | mbespring2015+project1 [at]                                |
| 03/31 | --[ Address Space Layout Randomization                               |
|       | -----------------------------------                                  |
|       | ASLR is the second big pillar in modern exploit mitigation           |
|       | technologies. It's designed to mitigate exploits that rely on        |
|       | hardcoded code/stack/heap addresses by randomizing the layout of     |
|       | memory for every execution.                                          |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | This lecture covers ASLR and how it can be bypassed through info     |
|       | leaks, partial overwrites, bruteforcing, and utilizing your crash    |
|       | state.                                                               |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Lecture Slides: PDF                                                  |
| 04/03 | --[ ASLR Lab                                                         |
|       | -----------------------------------                                  |
|       | The labs are harder this week with the bugs being less trivial to    |
|       | spot in source and more tricky to exploit. The challenges will also  |
|       | have more scenario and context to make them feel a bit more real.    |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | To mix things up even more, lab6B is a remote exploitation           |
|       | challenge. You can expect more remote exploitation challenges as we  |
|       | move into the final few lab sets in the course.                      |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | SSH: 22                                              |
|       | Username: lab6C                                                      |
|       | Password: [DISTRIBUTED IN CLASS]                                     |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Because of the delay with getting lab6B up, we have extended the due |
|       | time till MIDNIGHT Friday rather than by class.                      |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Due: Friday 11:59pm, April 10th                                      |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Submit your final command/payload for each level and a short         |
|       | description to mbespring2015+lab6 [at]                     |
| 04/07 | --[ Heap Exploitation                                                |
|       | -----------------------------------                                  |
|       | Many exploits found in the wild today likely touch on the heap in    |
|       | some form. As stack based memory corruption has grown harder to      |
|       | utilize, the bug hunt has continued into the heap space and brought  |
|       | rise to new classes of vulnerabilities and techniques.               |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | This lecture covers how the heap can be abused in exploitation       |
|       | through heap based overflows, use after frees, heap spraying, and a  |
|       | brief mention of allocator metadata corruption.                      |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Lecture Slides: PDF                                                  |
| 04/10 | --[ Heap Exploitation Lab                                            |
|       | -----------------------------------                                  |
|       | There are only two lab challenges this week. Lab 7A is a bit tricky  |
|       | and will be a remote challenge.                                      |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | SSH: 22                                              |
|       | Username: lab7C                                                      |
|       | Password: [DISTRIBUTED IN CLASS]                                     |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Due: Friday 1:59pm, April 17th                                       |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Submit your final command/payload for each level and a short         |
|       | description to mbespring2015+lab7 [at]                     |
| 04/14 | --[ Misc Concepts & Stack Canaries                                   |
|       | -----------------------------------                                  |
|       | Smaller points and concepts that we meant to cover in the week       |
|       | before spring break.                                                 |
|       | This includes a basic breakdown of common integers issues,           |
|       | interesting things with file descriptors, and details surrounding    |
|       | stack canaries.                                                      |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Lecture Slides: PDF                                                  |
| 04/17 | --[ Misc & Canaries Lab                                              |
|       | -----------------------------------                                  |
|       | Three lab challenges focusing on misc concepts and canaries. Lab 8A  |
|       | is a remote challenge.                                               |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | SSH: 22                                              |
|       | Username: lab8C                                                      |
|       | Password: [DISTRIBUTED IN CLASS]                                     |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Due: Friday 1:59pm, April 24th                                       |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Submit your final command/payload for each level and a short         |
|       | description to mbespring2015+lab8 [at]                     |
| 04/21 | --[ C++ Concepts and Differences                                     |
|       | -----------------------------------                                  |
|       | C++ adds a number of conviences that C lacks. Some of these          |
|       | additions help mitigate common exploitation avenues that we are used |
|       | to such as string mishandling. It's harder to mess up things when    |
|       | you have a nice std::string instead of char *'s being thrown around. |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | But with C++ adding more high level structures, it also opens new    |
|       | attack surfaces to the application, e.g. classes+vtables.            |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Lecture Slides: PDF                                                  |
| 04/24 | --[ C++ Concepts Lab                                                 |
|       | -----------------------------------                                  |
|       | This week there's only two lab challenges and they will focus on     |
|       | exploiting C++ based binaries. Both challenges will be remote        |
|       | services!                                                            |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | SSH: 22                                              |
|       | Username: lab9C                                                      |
|       | Password: [DISTRIBUTED IN CLASS]                                     |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Due: Friday 1:59pm, May 1st                                          |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Submit your final command/payload for each level and a short         |
|       | description to mbespring2015+lab9 [at]                     |
| 04/28 | --[ Kernel Exploitation                                              |
|       | -----------------------------------                                  |
|       | Kernel Exploitation is the process of attacking the operating system |
|       | itself. Vulnerabilities in the Kernel can result in full takeover of |
|       | a system and are among the most powerful bugs we can find.           |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | This lecture is an introduction to the world of kernel exploitation. |
|       | It covers basic kernel exploitation techniques such as NULL          |
|       | dereferences and jump-to-userland, as well as kernel land            |
|       | mitigations such as mmap_min_addr and SMEP/SMAP.                     |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Lecture Slides: PDF                                                  |
| 05/01 | --[ Kernel Exploitation Lab                                          |
|       | -----------------------------------                                  |
|       | We've reached the system core, but can you get root? There are two   |
|       | lab challenges this week.                                            |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | This week we've brought a separate server online to spin up personal |
|       | QEMU images for you to work in and break. Unlike the Warzone, this   |
|       | server will only be accessible from campus so you will need to VPN   |
|       | in if you're trying to work from off campus.                         |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | SSH: 22                                       |
|       | Username: lab10C                                                     |
|       | Password: [DISTRIBUTED IN CLASS]                                     |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Due: Friday 1:59pm, May 8th                                          |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Submit your final command/payload for each level and a short         |
|       | description to mbespring2015+lab10 [at]                    |
| 05/04 | --[ Final Project Lab                                                |
|       | -----------------------------------                                  |
|       | Class today will be a dedicated lab session to get help on the Final |
|       | Project. We'll be releasing a few hints and tips to help for those   |
|       | that attend. It's wise to ask any questions or ask for help if       |
|       | you're stuck.                                                        |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Checkpoint #2 is due by Friday 11:59pm, May 8th                      |
|       | The entire project is due by Friday 1:59pm, May 15th                 |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | We sent the rubric out a week or two ago via email, but here it is   |
|       | for anyone that missed it.                                           |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Final Project Rubric: PDF                                            |
| 05/08 | --[ Exploitation on 64bit, ARM, Windows                              |
|       | -----------------------------------                                  |
|       | This course has focused exclusively on owning 32bit linux binaries,  |
|       | but how does exploitation differ on AMD64? What about on ARM? or     |
|       | even on a different OS like Windows?                                 |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | This lecture explores and contrasts some of the differences found on |
|       | the other popular architectures and operating systems we see around  |
|       | us today.                                                            |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Lecture Slides: PDF                                                  |
| 05/12 | --[ Automation & The Future of Exploitation                          |
|       | -----------------------------------                                  |
|       | You've learned how leverage bugs to pwn binaries and bypass many of  |
|       | the modern mitigation technologies seen today. But how can we do     |
|       | these things faster, and where is the field going?                   |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | This lecture talks a bit about fuzzing as well as a few more         |
|       | interesting and advanced tools in vulnerability research. It ends    |
|       | the course with a brief look into the future of binary exploitation  |
|       | and what to expect of the field in the near future.                  |
|       |                                                                      |
|       | Lecture Slides: PDF                                                  |